Here's some comments on the classifieds, in order:
* Ed is stirring up trouble on Circe, just like the Confederation in Wing Commander IV!
* The TCS Port Broughton was one of the eight additional Midway-class ships named by Captain Johnny in the Prophecy developer materials. This may or may not be a reference to that - it's also a real place, and could just be a coincidence. Avalon is a sector created for the WCU Map.
* This one is incredibly referential as well as very funny. 'Orange' refers to Freedom Flight's claim that coat is a signifier of breeding/social status among Kilrathi. Kil is the term for a single Kilrathi from False Colors, equivalent to 'man'. WingCat is the term for a Kilrathi wingman from Armada. Liar Mate is the term for a Kilrathi romantic partner from Wing Commander III. Bare-claw hunting is mentioned in the original Wing Commander. The Maxims of Xag are an ancient Kilrathi book of philosophy. The concept of a blood fued comes from Fleet Action. Sivar is the Kilrathi war god. No hairlesses is a joke about (and quantification of) the Wing Commander movie. Som'mers is a clan invented by the Kilrathi Saga manual, which was itself a reference to Wing Commander veteran Anthony Sommers. It wouldn't be a Wing Commander manual without mentioning him somewhere!
* Sivar is the Kilrathi War God introduced in The Secret Missions 2. The priestesses are the women in charge of the Kilrathi cult.
* The idea that leftover Nephilim ships are spreading disease is part of the story to Secret Ops. Masterson *could* be the librarian from Privateer, but that would seem strange.
* A Privateer 2 reference! Isaac System is one of the Tri-Systems and Titan Alloys and Pleasure Borgs are two of the games commodities. Hopper Drives are a precursor to jump drives which don't function around jump points - this all helps to explain exactly how the Tri-System relates to the rest of the Wing Commander universe geographically...
* Murphy is a common Wing Commander name: Lynn Murphy from Privateer, Murphy-class Destroyers from Secret Ops, Murphy Labs from Wing Commander IV... even fan-loved artist Sean Murphy who continues to visit us to this day. The Bistangio System's ruins are a reference to one of Wing Commander 3's newsbriefs.
* Ovizards are from an episode of Wing Commander Academy, and this one is apparently a nod to one of our own updates (as linked above).
* The collecting of Kilrathi ears refers to a scene in End Run where Marines offer to sell Bear cat ears. Apparently they've been collecting husks in the latest war. The Yan are a species briefly mentioned in Action Stations which the Confederation fought some time ago - this actually confirms for the first time that they're aliens rather than some splinter faction...
* Telamon, Black Lance, etc. all refers to Wing Commander IV.
* The Church of Man is the formal name of the 'Retro' religion from Privateer. The idea that anti-technologists have an e-mail network is amusing.
* This one is obscure (aside from its obvious point of giving the Border Worlds a leader) - Gov. Hodge was a character created for the Privateer TV series which was never made.
* This one is fantastic because it gives us designations for a bunch of fighters! Many of them seem to be nods to Standoff (yay) or the original series bible.
* McDanielists are the formal name for Pilgrims - this refers to the events of the unpublished novel Pilgrim Truth in which Ivar Chu McDaniel comes back to remove all remaining Pilgrims from the galaxy.
* Dr. Monkhouse is the scientist who discovered the Steltek map in the original Privateer.
* This one is a joke about Steven Petraca, the actor who played Casey (and then refused to come back for Secret Ops). Ascendant is Chris Roberts' production company and Digital Holovid is the company that made the movie about Blair's treason.
* Reference to the Landreich (from various novels), confirming that they're still alive and kicking in the 28th century.
* Murragh is the Kilrathi prince from False Colors, reconstructing Kilrah was one of the goals of (one of) the cancelled Privateer 3 storyline.
* Firekka left the Confederation in Fleet Action and is marked as a separate nation on the WCU Mapp... T'kirsa is the only Firekkan colony shown on that same map.
* The Kraven Mk. IV is a brand new laser weapon in Privateer 2 (roughly 90 years after this), which is sold by Bill Maddox. This is an earlier model apparently being advertised by an anscestor.
* Perry System from Privateer, bugs from Prophecy - generally a reference to a classic Privateer mission scenario.
* The conflict between the Sihkag and the Qarg is introduced in Fleet Action. This also plays into the idea that the Kilrathi are going through a major civil war in the period after Prophecy (per the WCIV novel).
* Confirms the fan-favored F-107 designation for the Lance (Dragon) fighter! 2673 was when WCIV took place, and "2673-model" probably refers to a WCIVPSX ad that used that same wording. 212 squadron was the designation given to Seether's men in the WCIV novel.
* The references in this one are pretty obvious - Vindicator, Border Worlds, etc. WCIV stuff.
* Ha-hah, the Sihkag will pay more than the Qarg will.
* Hari Sector references Fleet Action - it's the 'far side' of the former Kilrathi Empire. Vukar Tag is the planet the Confederation invades in End Run.
* Camelot Industries is the company that was testing the Excalibur in the WC3 novel. The idea that there's a 'Nephilim Infected Zone' of known space is really interesting.
* Another Behemoth?! The WCP Official Guide suggested this at one point, and now it's confirmed (or... it *did* exist, now it's blown up). A tantalizing hint at what the Nephilim War may have inolved. David Terrell is the Admiral from the end of Privateer.
* The Mantu, fan-favorite mysterious aliens from Fleet Action and the ICIS Manual. The TCS Tsiolkovsky was a ship first mentioned in Secret Missions 2 which is then reported as missing in WC2. Vengeance may refer to a Kilrathi pilot from the cartoon (who died therein) and the Aussie clan is the one created by Kirha to serve Hunter...
* A conspiracy theory explaining why Thrakhath *really* couldn't build Strakhas between WC1 and WC2.

Hope was a new sector created for one of the Privateer Online concepts.
* I don't think this one is a reference to anything... although we can have our own dangerous space races in Arena itself.