Beta 8 Bugs

Unregistered said:
Oh, right, and about word wrap, yes, I did mean wrapping in the middle of the word. Just a personal pet peeve of mine. I would imagine this would have been done already if it were trivial to find how many characters will fit on a line, or for non-fixed width fonts how wide a string of text is; I don't know how VS does its text boxes.

I guess you're probably right if you think this doesn't bother many people. Like you said, it was kind of a laundry list. I was literally just alt+tabbing over from the game for half the list whenever I noticed something.

hehe well it doesn't hurt to be reminded once in a while. It's nice to have people go over things with a fine toothed comb, I still find problems myself, so who knows what someone else will find. If you were alt-tabbing over to write stuff, that would explain why it took you a while to write that post ;)
These cargo hold...
heh that looks like what's actually in there at the moment. oops. Note that the Centurion may have slightly more than 50, since upgrades now use cargo room, unlike in the original. Or perhaps it will have just 50, offering further incentive to upgrade to a galaxy for trading.. the 150 will certainly be changed though lol
The Centurion is a Heavy Fighter: the cargo bay it's an optional for these kind of ships. If you prefer the cargo runs you should buy a Galaxy! ::)
Ah, hell!!!
I have tried and tried, but my turrets (the turrets of my Broadword Mil. Spec., but also the turret of my Galaxy, Centurion, Orion) doesn't shoot at the kilrathi.
Ctrl+t, alt+t... Not a single shot!!!
Please, is there anyone with a turreted ship that can confirm or deny this?
Maybe the turrets doesn't shoot at the kilrathi because the kilrathi are not my enemy (that is: they greet me when they see me...), maybe. Maybe?

Ok, I have the Broadsword (Mil. Spec. or not, is the same): in the equipment shop the text of some gadgets is red, for some others is white.
As usual.
I cannot buy the gadget "red", ok, but I cannot buy even the "white"!!!
And this is strange...
Besides: the equipment of my Broadsword Mil. Spec. is present (while in-flight I see the shields and their status, my radar shows coloured dots, I have the armor...), but, while I am in the equipment shop, there are no entry in the listed equipment of my ship except for the frontal weapons and the missiles...

Houston, we have a problem...
can you send your savegame and serialized_xml/savegamename folder (zipped) to privater atsign
that's an e-mail address @=atsign
privater is with 1 e

ilricca said:
As soon as possible.

("privater is with 1 e"?!?!?! What?!)
He is making sure you send mail to privater @t gmail dot com not privateer @t gmail dot com.

Privateer is normally spelled with 2 'e's, but the email address has only one. privater has only one 'e'.. simple.
I've got a turret on the back of my Centurion, and I've began paying attention to see if it's shooting at Kilrathi. So far, I have not been able to confirm that my turret is firing on the Cat fighters.

If the turret is firing, should be be able to hear it firing? Also, is there any way to place an indicator that lets us know when the turret is actually firing (like just a little indicator that lights up as the turret fires)?

I'll try to check this out some more, but it as far as I can tell my turret is not firing at Kilrathi. I'm going to try to confirm that it is firing at other factions. I'll get back to you on it.
I have a hard time believing it works for all the devs and none of the users.

1) Fly up to some hostile ships
2) press 'h' to target one
3) press alt-t to get your turret to target it
4) press ctrl-t twice

Do step 4 in f5 view so you can watch your turrets start to move.
I have to press ctrl-t twice the first time, who knows why.

You will hear it when your turrets fire.

If they don't fire at kilrathi, this would be because you are friendly with them. Turret ai is a bit bugged at the moment though. The color of the turret target indicator never changes.. If you target a friendly, your indicator is green. Piss him off, it turns red. Turret indicator stays green.

In other words, your turret friendly/foe decisions are made based on the faction relation. They don't notice when one individual ship changes his relation with you and becomes hostile.. if that ships faction is friendly, the turret treats the ship as friendly, even when he isn't. This needs to be fixed.

Turrets most definitely do work though.
My turrets shoot at the Pirates without problems, but the Pirates are my enemy, and I am an enemy of the pirates...
Okay, I agree it sounds uncanny that it would work for the devs and not the users. I'll try out what you suggest, and see what happens (because I certainly know the Cats don't like me... must be those Dralthi I keep dusting off for them).

I'll let you know what happens.
Uhm, I'm getting a bit of an odd bug. I have 104k credits. I take a mission worth 14k credits. I come back, check my account, and I have only 107k credits!

Does it charge you for taking out pirates?
that is weird...there is a docking fee...but not much more than that

next time have your manifest screen up when you pass a mission (that has your net worth)

what mission was it? maybe it's a bug with the particular mission
Crash near end of game

Okay, this may have already been brought up by someone else on the forums, but I didn't see it (didn't look too hard...). The problem is, i get the mission from the admiral to lure the drone to the blockade point. I fly to the jump point to Nitir (i think that's the one), press j, and boom! The game crashes.
Is this a bug? or is the game not finished? is my computer screwed up or stupid? Am i just stupid? please help!

Just to make it clear...the modules/ folder is in your c:\program files\vegastrike\privateer folder-- or whever you put it. might have to look inside a data folder... or you can just do a find files for
The patch worked for me, I just beat it. The drone at the end wasn't quite what I'd expected, though. I don't think I ever breached its shields, yet it took hull damage anyway. Is that supposed to happen? It also never fired at me, it just sat there spinning uselessly until it died. The same thing happened at the DeltaPrime system: I went into the base, got the gun, and blasted the drone without taking any damage or even any return fire.

Oh, and none of the Confed ships at the end participated in the mission. The fighters just hung around in the asteroids, and the paradigm actually ran away.

A second quick note, what's the deal with the Rikel/Eden jump? If it's there, my radar can't find it, but my mission computer insists that I should be able to get to Valhalla via Rikel/Eden. The only way of completing Valhalla missions that I see is to take the detour of Junction/J900/Telar/Valhalla, and I have to navigate my own way there since my mission computer insists I should be headed to Rikel. What's going on here?
**this post is spoilerish if you have never played Privateer or the remake**

QUOTE=ScAvenger001]The patch worked for me, I just beat it. The drone at the end wasn't quite what I'd expected, though. I don't think I ever breached its shields, yet it took hull damage anyway. Is that supposed to happen? It also never fired at me, it just sat there spinning uselessly until it died. The same thing happened at the DeltaPrime system: I went into the base, got the gun, and blasted the drone without taking any damage or even any return fire.

Oh, and none of the Confed ships at the end participated in the mission. The fighters just hung around in the asteroids, and the paradigm actually ran away.[/quote] The last mission has been overhauled since beta 8. New models for the steltek ships for one. The drone will fire back now, I have a hard time beating it (still adjusting difficulty). Confed ships do "help" now, though this involves either hitting you or being hit by you and occasionally getting pissed off lol. Would be better if they ran away really.

Damaging the hull without breaching the shields is normal. This was the easiest way to make it so only the boosted steltek gun could damage it. The shields are impossibly thick, but the boosted Steltek gun can go through them. However, in beta 8 there was no difference between the Steltek gun and the boosted Steltek gun, which is why you could destroy the Drone right away. Currently, you have to wait to get it boosted before you can do any damage to the drone.

A second quick note, what's the deal with the Rikel/Eden jump? If it's there, my radar can't find it, but my mission computer insists that I should be able to get to Valhalla via Rikel/Eden. The only way of completing Valhalla missions that I see is to take the detour of Junction/J900/Telar/Valhalla, and I have to navigate my own way there since my mission computer insists I should be headed to Rikel. What's going on here?
What system connects to where is kept track of in 2 places. The .system for each system lists the jumps in a system (where they lead to and where in the system they are). On a larger scale, universe.xml (or was it milky way.xml? away from my computer ;) ) lists all systems and the links between them. it could be the xml has a rikel/eden jump listed, which would lead your mission computer to believe it a viable route, even if no such jumps exist in the corresponding .system files (since that jump isn't supposed to be known until later). Thanks for letting us know about that!