Bugs/Design Issues/Random griping and moaning:
I can't buy weapons or a tractor beam for my turret. I'm not going to put a tractor beam in my only missile bay on my Orion!
Pirates are still hostile while running (at least one of) Tayla's missions.
No way (that I could find) to bring up quadrant maps. This is ok for me, I have them seared permanentenly into my brain, but anyone who hasn't played this game to that degree might be in trouble.
Other stuff that is mentioned elsewhere (Not being able to see damaged systems, repairs costing too much, not able to repair most components, ship configurations not matching the original privateer (and also don't seem to vary by location as they are supposed to- there's a good privateer faq somewhere that describes how the variable ship loadouts and intelligence works), commodities not done, trade UI too heavy, upgrade UI too heavy)
Excessive pauses in bartender speech (I always have had a fairly quick computer for privateer, maybe it was like this on some machines, but it is very annoying)
Tons of missing dialogue (all fixers so far, some bartender speeches) (upcoming?)
No talking heads
(I didn't expect anyone would have gone through the work to do this though)
No ship salesman. That was some of my favorite dialogue... next to Lynn's of course.
I would complain about the AI, but I hardly expect you all to try to clone the original Privateer AI, and I bet if I looked I could find the VS difficulty settings.
Hmm, I guess I'd better play on and see if I can get the secret compartment yet, and if it transfers between ships... well, I played on, and no secret compartment at all *cries*.
Everything always seems to be exactly how you left it when you land and take off. This would be cool, except it removes any possibility of running from an enemy you are slower than to beat them to a base. As soon as you leave, not only are you both still right where you are, you are completely stopped as well. Having to quit the game (or save/reload?) to clear this is not fun.
A lot of stuff is added, in terms of procedural missions and a couple upgrades (like repair system, although it doesn't seem to do anything. I haven't bought a repair droid yet though.)
Word wrap would be really, really, really, really, really, really nice. Please. I beg you.
Fixer text can be hard to read, because it is cut off on the bottom of letters like p and the edges of some other letters as well.
You can shoot down missiles. This would be cool except that your missiles are huge and seem to come out right where your guns fire.
Missiles flight paths are all wobbly.
Missiles don't seem to kill enemies as well as they do in Privateer. Two simulatenous missile hits on the same shield facing will kill a full-power talon, and firing two missiles simulatenously in Privateer nearly always would have this result.
Hull. Why do we have hull? Shouldn't there just be armor? Sure it makes you easier to kill, but talons seem to take way more punishment as well. In Priv, by the time anything got through Tungsten, you would probably be barely able to more or turn anyway.
No display of directional armor damage on enemy ships.
Shield readouts on enemy ships and backwards on some ships, like the talon and Gothri. Forward shields are towards the top of the screen, but the image points downward.
This isn't necessarily a bug, but I haven't seen any Paradigms in the usual systems (Perry, 119CE), and I've flown through them enough that I should have. I wanna see a Paradigm!
Obviously, there's a whole lot of minor things that are either unimportant or would be a pain to do (ranging from missile launchers/torpedo launchers come automatic, rf upgrades available in Privateer, have to hit 'd' to land, making the asteroid fields more like Privateer and less like a carnival ride, the faction relations, losing your mission objective and being unable to locate it or get rid of mission without quitting, being unable to look at current missions, etc.) but I won't go in to that unless some other stuff gets better first.
The communication options with bases are different. Which isn't terrible, but a couple of them were funny.
I don't suppose there's any chance of getting the intro/ending cutscenes in one form or another into the game...? The Privateer scenes (sans talking head) could be done in-engine I would imagine if desired, though not so lucky with the RF intro...
Nice work so far. It might not sound like it, but I really like a lot of what I've seen so far. I wanted to see a Kamekh, so I took a Kamekh-killing mission in my Tarsus. As soon as I got in turret range I ran away (well, killed the escorts and ran), but it was still really cool looking. The ship-to-ship coms are as funny as ever, and I hear a good amount of chatter when stuff is going on.
Shoot, I've been working on this post for an hour now. This is why I'm glad I'm not QA... when my company gets out of crunch I might have to see if there's anything I can do to help out. Privateer is one of my favorite games, and coming from me, that means a lot.