A Revised Discussion of the Kilrathi Language

Alright, here's one y'all might be interested in - the 57 Kilrathi squadrons from the CCG:

naj'dalininthraks = Atomic Claw
tr'takhari = Battle Brothers
athjis = Blazing Death
draptiljis = Blazing Draptil
kathrakgaga = Blood Most Noble
akarh'ka = Blood Rain
najkak = Blooded Claw
la'akarinka = Bloodmist's Loyal
kh'birha = Crimson Birha
rathakar = Dark Inquisitor
ahnkar = Dark Pride
ath aq korekh = Death From Beyond
jaqath = Death Reaper
hrakisiv naggahath = Deathfang's Warmates
ahn dakhath = Deathstroke's Pride
hra wexa = Enslaver Of Races
hath nagga = Fangs Of Death
sa'ki Sivar = Favored Of Sivar
matakhk'fa = Fearful Symmetry
k'hara najji = Fireclaw's Avenger
ukajji = Fire Eater
laragaeshga = Forever Loyal
krantya = Furfighter
amaza = Ghostwalker
r'inalkahr = Heartbreaker
hrai tarkhan = Hero Of The Hrai
qith'rak'haf = Hidden Dagger
dyal'rakh = Honor Bearer
sivakabaka = Kabaka Warrior
lelk khantahri = Khantahr's Snarl
nargrast'hra'kilrak = Kilrak Demon
laqdai = Lair Master
nagga'i'knavrga = Laser Fangs
chorgaga = Leatherhide
dak knavekarh = Lightning Strike
knav'ya = Lusterfur
nakh lanagkh = Mandibles Of Doom
bakh'ukarh = Monkey Hunter
amstrakar = Night Prowler
alkga sivar = Rage Of Sivar
k'harkuthe = Righteous Vengeance
kilkali sabak = Sabak Liegemen
alkjigak'dyak = Savage Fury
nakh'k'le = Silent Doom
hrairakhk Sivari = Sivar's Honored Hrai
ahnchak = Smiting Pride
k'faga'kn'ga = Space Terror
jakabhu = Star Pouncer
guqith = Steel Death
dya'alkar = Storm Bringer
kulyai = Throat Ripper
alklekarhga = Thunder Anger
lekarhga k'dymga'qith = Unchained Thunder
sivagu = Unrelenting War
alkgagak'zu = Unrepentant Rage
gok'har = Vengeful Pursuit
dakekrg e'shtha = Winterblast

and, to be the best of my ability, the names of the eight Great Clans:

Caxki = "good devil's blood"
Qarg = "strong blood"
Ki'ra = "good people"
Kur'u'tak = "happy to tear the reptile for tasting"
Kiranka = "blood of the pride of the young"
Ragitagha = "for trapping the weak for all"
Sikhag = "trapping the knowledge of the idea"
Sutaghi = "contempt for the weak"

Those came out a bit weird. I write it off as A) me being dumb, B) me being dumb, C) me being dumb and D) if an in-canon explanation is necessary, some Kilrathi cultural thing.
Ship/fighter names are also coming out interesting in spots.
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Esh h'asjaq ja'lesh k'ik'hra, dya kahr quva vuja'Kilrathi, h'as jigakut du kai.
Maks KN'THRAK, eshkarga, h'asalibakai.
Gu'gar h'asnaru'aiy, hafbhu huyinhaf.
Gar'dyanaj maku choaqyo.
Gar'mang h'asda kut'thrakshi maks panoth daks aq ek'nari.
Ek'h'ashafahk ek'ka maks r'cholchur h'as'ha ukmaksahk.
Ra lekarhga k'elthrak h'asnis eshkar!!
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Kir'kha siva
Gathnai kir'kharai ni'ko.
Ni'gathrai ni'najimaksnagi, ku ri'sha'i.
Ni'gathrai ni'pamaksza, ri'rashal.
Ni'gathrai ni'yi'imakselal, amstra ri'sha'i.
Maks ni'gathrai ni'yai, dakekh, desh ni'g'eshis k'rashs.

Leru kal ta kir'kha siva
Ni'bhaki ri'kir'khako,
H'in nai havesh bhaki ri'yai, deshas ri'ko ta ni'hrai.
Eh...what the hell. One more:

"Lavin'in Tre Aq Daig"
Kal Yuharga Sivthrak
dai Kirthrak ko Ledelek'kora lan Brajakh Lanshik nar Tha'Hrork
Kal Ragnithorguk
dai Aiyek ko Ledelshki'a lan Brajakh Lanshik nar Tha'Hrork

♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ek'ha ♫
♫ S'aiyki takh lavindaig h'in'ha ♫
♫ Gatathrak ra rugagalavins ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫

♫ Leki'ha jaq gahui ♫
♫ Va'hra braj, ta ek'dyapa ta uni'av ♫
♫ Vu'ha leki'ha mas nisk eshma ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫

♫ Lavin'in tre ja'lhra, ga k'dyapa ♫
♫ Jaq daig'kutga kilavi ♫
♫ K'dymga'qithk aq brajpathrak ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫

♫ Lavin'in'ha uni kila'vrashjha, Ahki ♫
♫ Lavin'in de jaq ari ♫
♫ Lavin'in'ha tre magataga ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫

♫ Aq Lavin'in'ha tre ba uni ♫
♫ Lavin'in de as'ha, maks gar ♫
♫ H'asav hadrish esh'ga, gar'le ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫

♫ Lavin'in tre ja'lhra, ga k'dyapa ♫
♫ Jaq daig'kutga kilavi ♫
♫ K'dymga'qithk aq brajpathrak ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫
♫ Lavin'in tre aq daig ♫

Taunts next, I swear.
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Alright - here we go:

Husutakav'hra!! = Alien scum!
Rathk'rakh ta har!! = Beg for mercy!
Bugs Bunny vrax gar'nah!! = Bugs Bunny screws his mother!! (more literally, this is Shka'i Nak'tara'elalma'ga vrax gar'nah!!)
Najduxnaj, ri'takhav ta nai!!
= Claw against claw, you are no match for me.
Ukarh'Bhakil dyafa kra?!?! = The Confed ape dares to attack?!
Ortha'inamal'kor!! Ni'ha ri'gaga!! = Crawling worm! I am your better!
Kn'a drishta rai!! = Darkness awaits you!
Gu du ga Terran'hra!! = Death to all humans
Gu, rai huk'rok'ya!! = Die, you furless freak!
Jaqutavi h'ask'ha kigaga ta rai!! = Disintegration would be too good for you.
Da'av ma varga ta nai, ukarh!! = Do not make this too easy for me ape
Rai k'falgu, Terran'hra?! = Do you fear death human?
Chodyapa ni'naji, sha'hra!! = Feel my claws, enemy!
Tu, huk'rok'ya!! = Fight, furless freak!
Terran'hra, ri'vuha du gu!! = Human, your life is at an end
Ni'ol ri'k'fa! = I can smell your fear!
Ni'h'asuk ri'kahr maks aqlanagkhgar, Terran'hra!!! = I shall eat your heart and spit it out, Terran!!
Ni'h'asahk ri'kahr maks aqlanagkhgar, Terran'hra!!! = I shall taste your heart and spit it out, Terran!!
Ni'h'asuk ri'kahr maks hargar, Terran'hra!!! = I shall eat your heart and shit it out, Terran!!
Ni'h'aslan ri'yo'I ni'da!! = I shall mount your bones in my hall
Ni'h'asukthrak ri'dalhar!! = I shall feast upon your entrails.
Ni'h'asukthrak ri'gari!! = I shall feast upon your offspring
Ni'h'aspanoth ri'yuyothrak!! = I shall smash your skull!
Ni'h'asku dukutav!! = I shall tear you apart.
Ni'ol ri'k'fa!! = I smell your fear.
Ni'dauls erg ri'hrak'rakh!! = I tire of your pathetic race!
Ni'h'askut ni'naji ri'chokut'k'vu!! = I will clean my claws on your corpse
Ni'h'asukthrak ri'dalhar!! = I will feast on your entrails
Ni'h'asgurai!! = I will kill you
Ni'h'asgurai, ukarh!! = I will kill you ape
Ni'h'asgurai, Terran'hra!! = I will kills you human
Ni'h'asdaktrathkh ri'ka ni'naji!! = I will lick your blood from my claws
Ni'h'asaiy ri'ka akdak!! = I will see your blood boil
Ni'h'asdyaleki ra ni'uk!! = I will toy with my prey
Ma'hathrak mas ukarh'gath?!?! = Is this the best the apes can offer?
Gueksgar!! = Kill him quickly
Ni'naji kuvarga rai!! = My claws are sharper than yours.
Va Terran'hra h'asvu!! = No humans will survive
Vaga erg k'tothmo, ri'ha?!?! = Not much of a challenge are you
Ni'h'asdyaka eshma!! = Now I shall have blood!
Ek'bhaka eshma Sivarhus!! = Now we claim blood in the name of Sivar.
Ri'h'asgu eshma!! = Now you will die
K'rakh'hrak'rakh!! = Pathetic wretch!
K'haf ri'naji, ork'rakh!! = Show your claws, pathetic creature!
Akgu, su'hra!! = Taste death, fool!
Eshgu, Terran'hra!! = Time to die human
Korak'fa, k'yan'hra!! = Tremble, hairless ones!
Ek'h'as r'a nak'tara!!! = We shall destroy terra
Ek'h'asrath vesh!! = We shall never be conquered!
Ek'h'as d'aiy harav!! = We shall show no mercy.
Gar'leki'aiy Terran'hra dakekrgav kn'gaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! = What fun to watch Terrans implode in spaaaaaaaaaaace.
Ri'ha su'hras kr'Kilrathi!!! = You are foolish to attack the Kilrathi.
Ri'hanai!! = You are mine!
Ri'takhavnai!! = You are no match for me!
Ri'ha k'rg, uk!! = You are powerless, prey!
Ri'h'inav k'toth Drakhai!! = You cannot defeat the drakhai!!
Ri'tu takh kirkilin k'vudujaq!! = You fight like a stillborn kitten
Ri'tu vagara gari'vujaq!! = You fight no better than newborn cubs!
Ri'do takh ukarh mas ri'ha!! = You fly like the ape that you are!!
Jaq ukarhini'k'rakh !!! = You pathetic descendant of monkeys!!
Ri'h'asnishukutav du dakbhu!! = You shall be scattered to the solar winds.
Ri'h'asgu, orut!!! = You will die, foul creature!
Ri'h'asvu'av ma tra, husu'ukarh!!! = You will not survive this battle, ape scum
Ri'h'asvu'av ma tu!! = You will not survive this fight
Ri'ka h'as'ha naru du kna!! = Your blood shall be spilled into the void.
Ri'gu h'as'ha varga!! = Your death will be too easy.
Rai n'hakh ri'kahri h'as'ha leki!! = Your destruction will be a pleasure.
Ri'nakh du rai!! = Your doom is upon you!

It's been pointed out to me that I could probably stand to do the Confederation taunts too; might be some usefulness in that exercise.
I'll either do those or the Codices next.
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I don't know if this will help any but I compiled a lot of Kilrathi stuff a while back ago. Maybe some of it will be helpful. Something like this should be added to our WC wiki page, honestly. I just don't have time for it right now.


There's a few new things in there; I definitely be giving this a more thorough perusal when I get an opportunity. Thanks.
Maybe now that you've translated the Oath of Service, how about translating the Warrior's Oath?

--The Warrior's Oath--
(said by the pledging warrior to his Lord)
Permit me to pledge you my service.
I offer you my claws and my teeth, to rend yor foes.
I offer you my mind and spirit, to do your bidding.
I offer you my eyes and ears, to seek out your foes.
And I offer you my throat, to slash, should ever I be found unworthy.

--The Warrior's Oath Response--
(the Lord's reply, should he accept)
I accept your pledge of service, your claws and teeth, your mind and spirit, your eyes and ears.
May I never require to accept your throat, as long as you serve my hrai.


Sorry 'bout the format, this is a quick copy/paste from, hrr, I think one of the WC-ACES pages with minimal editing. (thought I had a copy saved somewhere but couldn't find it, had to search it up while somewht sleepy)

I'm not even sure if its originally from a WC book or of its from a Man-Kzin Wars book (I seem to recall the first 97% matching almost perfectly, but don't remember the last 3% ("as long as you serve my hrai") part in the book, making me wonder if a WC fan/group adapted it from MKW. I also remember that it was somewhat referred to as "the old official pledge" by the accepting Lord afterwards.

Either way (WC or MKW), there's something about it that I find quite beautiful.
To respond to the newspost about this thread, where Cap was trying to figure out what "animalculous" means, the word "animalcule" is an archaic term for what we today would call microbes (i.e. one-celled creatures). Thus, the Major-General is asserting that he knows the scientific names of many species of microbes. ("I know the scientific names of beings animalculous")

Maybe now that you've translated the Oath of Service, how about translating the Warrior's Oath?

--The Warrior's Oath--
(said by the pledging warrior to his Lord)
Permit me to pledge you my service.
I offer you my claws and my teeth, to rend yor foes.
I offer you my mind and spirit, to do your bidding.
I offer you my eyes and ears, to seek out your foes.
And I offer you my throat, to slash, should ever I be found unworthy.

--The Warrior's Oath Response--
(the Lord's reply, should he accept)
I accept your pledge of service, your claws and teeth, your mind and spirit, your eyes and ears.
May I never require to accept your throat, as long as you serve my hrai.


Sorry 'bout the format, this is a quick copy/paste from, hrr, I think one of the WC-ACES pages with minimal editing. (thought I had a copy saved somewhere but couldn't find it, had to search it up while somewht sleepy)

I'm not even sure if its originally from a WC book or of its from a Man-Kzin Wars book (I seem to recall the first 97% matching almost perfectly, but don't remember the last 3% ("as long as you serve my hrai") part in the book, making me wonder if a WC fan/group adapted it from MKW. I also remember that it was somewhat referred to as "the old official pledge" by the accepting Lord afterwards.

Either way (WC or MKW), there's something about it that I find quite beautiful.

That's the Kir'kha siva post - #23 on this thread (kir'kha = swear / vow, siva = one who does (i.e. makes) war, thus "vow of the warrior"). I have both the Oath and the Response, and it comes from False Colors.

To respond to the newspost about this thread, where Cap was trying to figure out what "animalculous" means, the word "animalcule" is an archaic term for what we today would call microbes (i.e. one-celled creatures). Thus, the Major-General is asserting that he knows the scientific names of many species of microbes. ("I know the scientific names of beings animalculous")


I discovered that when I was doing the translation (#14 on this thread) ; my comment meant to reflect on how difficult it was to come up with a Kilrathi equivalent for it. Ultimately settled on orinin, or "very little creature", the full line involved being Ni'ik husiks orinin = "I know - names-science - creature-diminuative-diminuative". It's a close meaning in any event.
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So a few (not-so-quick) questions then.

As you get to the end of this post, you'll start to see where I'm going with this; cause this all goes back to a few old never-posted fanfic's that I started up and would love to (at least) partially fix up before I even consider possibly posting.

reference quotes from Capi:
Sivar sa'ki = Favored Of Sivar
alkga sivar = Rage Of Sivar
hrairakhk Sivari = Sivar's Honored Hrai
Ek'bhaka eshma Sivarhus!! = Now we claim blood in the name of Sivar.

So "Sivar" is quite litterally "Sivar" (as in "Lord Sivar" and "Lord/God Sivar"). And the addition of the "i" onto Sivar is the equivalent to our "_'s_" (apostriphoe s), showing a property/noun relation?

thus "hrairakhk Sivari" could in a way be like a way to refer to the Emperor of Kilrah? (though I guess to a degree it would be debatable if the Emperor would be "Sivar's Honored Hrai" or "Sivar's Chosen Hrai" in the sense that "Sivar placed/picked a Lord to rule the Kilrathi"

-- naming --

To my understanding, "nar (clan-name)" is "of the clan (clan-name)"
if someone identified himself as "(name) nar Sivar" it would translate as their being of "clan Sivar" ... but not necessarily "of the blood of Sivar" (like a direct descendant. In a sense it would be like being one of the 12 prophets of Christian God/Jesus, but not Jesus).
would it be more proper for it to be "nar Sivari" ? Since I pointed out above, the "i" addition onto "Sivar" is like the english 's rendering the overall name to translate more like "Sivar's Clan" (which to a degree would be a bit more like saying you were an extended relative, a distant cousin, or offspring of a distant cousin or whatever).

Would the "dai" naming render a person closer?

i.e. "dai Sivar" translates "of the Lord Sivar".
Normally I think a full name would end up going something like "(name) dai (name) nar (clan)" because a clan would have many lords/fathers within it.
if you were the son of the clan's main lord, your full name would probably have the clan-name twice. Best example I can think of this would be Prince Thrakhath, who is a known grandson of the Emperor (who is a Kiranka), which would render Thrakhath's long-name to be "Lord Prince Thrakhath dai (p-name) Kiranka nar Kiranka" ---- where "p-name" is his father's first name (which I forget atm. I do remember his father was in charge of the Sivar-class colony-destroyer ship that destroyed Goddard Colony. Thrakhath's dad fled the destruction of the Sivar-class ship and was put-to-death for its loss, and for this cowardly act Prince Thrakhath nearly lost his position as heir-apparent to the throne.)

No, dai meaning house actually comes from the proposed extended naming structure WCX came up with:

so to draw upon old Christian beliefs again as a kind of reference... we'd be using "lak" as a kind of differential.

using "lak" (extended-family/bloodline)

so for instance, if Sivar pulled off a kind of thing similar to Jesus in the Christian bible... you could have two very close but yet very important differences in the long-name. (for simplicity's sake, I'll keep "Jesus" as the son-of-god name, but will use JesusT and JesusK as shortforms for comparing a Terran vs Kilrahi version)

Prince Thrakhath _ Kiranka dai Kiranka lak (Thrakhath's dad's name) nar Kiranka
John _ (John's family's town/area) dai Sivar lak (John's bloodline) nar Sivar
Jesus _ Nazerith dai Sivar lak Sivar nar Sivar
or possibly
Jesus _ Nazerith dai nak'Terra lak Sivar nar Sivar
Jesus _ Kilrah dai Sivar lak Sivar nar Sivar
or possibly
Jesus _ (town) dai nak'Kilrah lak Sivar nar Sivar
Rayier _ Shirai dai (something) lak Sivar nar Sivar
Rayier DarkStar dai (nak'planet) dai Sivar lak Shirai nar Sivar
reference quotes from Capi:
Sivar sa'ki = Favored Of Sivar
alkga sivar = Rage Of Sivar
hrairakhk Sivari = Sivar's Honored Hrai
Ek'bhaka eshma Sivarhus!! = Now we claim blood in the name of Sivar.

First off, I had "Favored of Sivar" backwards; the modifier/possessor is supposed to come after the thing possessed - it's supposed to be sa'ki Sivar. I've edited that post so that it's correct and I've gone back through the squadron names to check for any other inconsistencies; that's the only one I came across.

So "Sivar" is quite litterally "Sivar" (as in "Lord Sivar" and "Lord/God Sivar"). And the addition of the "i" onto Sivar is the equivalent to our "_'s_" (apostriphoe s), showing a property/noun relation?

Sivar's literal translation as I have it is siv/ar = war + primary/first, i.e. "war leader". The letter "i" as a suffix may either be used to indicate possession or plurality, with context determining the exact usage. In this case, Sivari is obviously intended as a possessive, yes.

thus "hrairakhk Sivari" could in a way be like a way to refer to the Emperor of Kilrah? (though I guess to a degree it would be debatable if the Emperor would be "Sivar's Honored Hrai" or "Sivar's Chosen Hrai" in the sense that "Sivar placed/picked a Lord to rule the Kilrathi"

It could be I suppose. There was some ambiguity with the term ragnith = "empire / emperor" back when WCX was working with the language and I'd been working under the premise that the Imperial family used that term as their family name. hrairakhk Sivari might be better used as an epithet for the Imperial Family, or perhaps any other family with close association with them (such as the broader Redclaw family, Khasra, Bakhtosh and all of thems).

-- naming --

<snip />

I haven't finished codifiying a set of rules for names as yet; it's definitely something I need to turn my attention to in the near future (particularly since I've got a plot point in Elegy that is dependent upon usage of the extended naming structure). To this point I've been using WCX's system for the most part; the big challenge has been figuring out where all the other honorifics go and I've tried to avoid building names until I can get them figured out. One exception so far:

Kal Yuharga Sivthrak dai Kirthrak ko Ledelek'kora lan Brajakh Lanshik nar Tha'Hrork = Sir William S. Gilbert
Kal Ragnithorguk dai Aiyek ko Ledelshki'a lan Brajakh Lanshik nar Tha'Hrork = Sir Arthur Sullivan

Here are the honorifics as I've been using them, from least honorific to most:
jaq = to come / to spring from (an indication of legitimacy)
ko = profession / job / work (what one does - e.g. ko Lannis = engineer. A commoner could potentially use the ko honorific if they were in a position of authority)
lan = to put / location / place (used for where one was born - in the shorted form or "war name", it is common for lan to be replaced by nar for the sake of brevity, though this is technically incorrect. Again, a commoner could potentially use this honorific. Can be as localized as one wants - Brajakh Lanshik above is a translation for "London")
dai = house (used for immediate familial relationships, usually the name of oldest living ancestor. Can also be used as the family name)
laq = master (an honorific used specifically for those who are masters of their craft - e.g. laq qith'rak = "blade master")
lak = bloodline (the related term is lakh = ancestors; this is used to denote kinship to a particularly noteworthy ancestor)
nar = clan (shows affiliation with one of the eight Great Clans of Kilrah. nar Tha'Hrork above is a conceit - it means "land of the marked people", with "tatooed people" being one of the possible translations for "Brytons", i.e. "England").

And the order I've been putting them in is like so:

So I'd read Thrakhath's full name as Kal Thrakhath B'Naj dai Joor'rad lan Kilrah lak Ragnith nar Kiranka (Thrakhath nar Kiranka would be his war name, but it could've just as easily been Thrakhath nar Kilrah).
B'Naj is a conceit (my translation for "red claw") as is Joor'rad (some sources list this as the given name of the last Kilrathi Emperor, which I have no reason to accept or dispute either way so I might as well use it).

Accounting for all the literal translations of the names, Jesus I would have as:
Kal Gathkutghaghar Linmakskutghaghar dai Hak'hra laq Dara'irga lan Draklan lak Kutghaghar nar Lindeki (English: Jesus son of Joseph of the house of David, the master carpenter from Nazareth, of God's bloodline of the tribe of Benjamin).
Keeping the English names, it becomes Lord Jesus son of Joseph dai David laq Carpenter lan Nazareth lak YHWH nar Benjamin (which is a weird way of putting it to me, though I suppose no less so than Hunter nar Aussie)
The Codices:

Unknown Codex, (unknown): Rakh h'asaknis du Sivahe, gar'hrai, gar'hraki, gar'hra, maks gar, ta anruni Sivahe h'asik kutgaga'hra vujhak.
First Codex, 2:28:10: Hu'ha vahu takh tr'k'rakh, ja'lg'esh gar'h'in'hal tu shi'k'rakh.
First Codex, 4:22:10: Vasiva hak'fa kohe, takh Vasiva ha amgaq korakhrg.
First Codex, 6:34:14: Erg ga'ranisiva, gar'hapa mas agon tuvarg du k'tothskabak.
First Codex, 10:14:64: Agon k'vurakh, ta gar'korashs erg sa.
First Codex, 10:21:18: Sivafa va'ha r'av k'fa. Gar'hahraki erg gar'k'fa, alibagar, hrasragar, qu vagathgar du rathgar.
First Codex, 12:16:03: Dyapaiy vuzsiva; k'dyapa shagthraksiva.
Second Codex, 3:18:12: Siva'mos ja'lhra isgu tr'a; vasivahe hagu wul ra najihaf.
Second Codex, 4:18:21: Erg k'tothari, armaksthrak'ha ikbhakil k'rathrg, ta gar'ha ras k'rathrg mas siva bhagatakrath du tr'thano.
Third Codex, 3:18:10: Agon k'tothaiy'hra, qu aj ta tr'aiy'hrajhak, ta vu'ha tr'ragaesga.
Third Codex, 7:12:05: Rakh'hahu br'kdyapak, qu vasivahe h'aslan gar'rakh gara gar'korakh.
Third Codex, 18:10:05: K'toth hanis'siva r'avrath ja'lra'i rathrash gara gar'k'fagu.
Fourth Codex, 16:12:21: Rodyapa va k'rakh, desh sivadyapa amgaq aggik'fa.
Fourth Codex, 2:17:06: Sivahe'asoth dux g'maksga k'tothmoli, maks bhaskabakga ta gar'ko.
Fourth Codex, 4:18:31: Skabak ma'aiy dyarashroSiva, qu korakhgatak'ik'ha ma'unihe ma'hara.
Fourth Codex, 18:35:03: Guranaj'i'k'haf gara vur'avrakh.
Fifth Codex Codex, (unknown): Rakh h'asaknis du Siva ja'lhra gar'korakha, ta gar'nar h'asbhaskabak ras gar'ko. Rakh h'asaknis du Siva ja'lhra isgu tr'a, ta gar'hus h'as'ha sa. Rakh h'asaknis du Siva ja'lhra gu gar'sha, ta gar'bhak'toth ta gar'hra.
Fifth Codex, 2:17:38: Hraki'ifa'ha hugath'br'kdyapagaga siva.
Fifth Codex, 10:23:05: Naggamaksnaj, dyapa yi'imakselali maks bakhye, mai'ha sivathrakvi'i, qu gar'ha k'g'hu k'ra krantzamakskarh.
Sixth Codex, 16:33:17: Hu'ha va k'la gara k'la hrakimakshraki.
Seventh Codex, 4:17:09: Sa'lek'kor Karga Tarkhan, mas le hugath rakhmakskorakh. Sa'lek'lor Vorghath Bahka, maks sa k'dyapa'ag.
Seventh Codex, 12:16:07: Arhe'gath gar'siva'i anruni ja'lesh hu'ha k'winhal; Sivahe'gath gar'vu ikmas anruni madi h'ask'toth'ha.
Ninth Codex, 21:05:10: Veshgath ri'shi ig ri'k'tothsa'ki'i, qu ma'al h'indagar jaq k'fa mas gar'amv'ek deshasnisgho.
Tenth Codex, (unknown): Takh gu k'toth h'in'ha.
Tenth Codex, 17:14:33: Kutgaga'hra rathrg mas ga'kil h'asa gar'korakh.
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Most of it was repeated in the Green Lantern and CIC sources; there were a few things (mainly from the Prophecy Press Kit) that were new, and I'll be taking a stab at them in the near future.
I'm not sure where these originated from but I've seen them in more than one place on the 'Net, and figured I could give them a go. Anyways:

Lek'kor Karga Tarkhan
Lek'kor leba erg Khantahrargthrak Xagi, Karga hrai Ki'ra, ja'lhra snak rath brajakh Dr'qtan.
K'toth grik aqesh gar'tugaga gar'brawi.
Siva uni jaqaqDr'qtan maks k'tothmok'hras Karga turakh.
Siva'i'anrasiv Xagi leki'hamaksdaleki kirsiva, qu Karga bhakik.
Jha tr'eshinquso, Karga jaqaiy k'toth, maks Dr'qtan jikthrak takh rodyapa takav'hra ja'lhra h'inkra.
Maks Karga'a'k bha skabakga, ta ras gathkirsiva kramaksgu ta gar'dai, gar'gathdra rakh kirgasiva'i, maks drarakh erg g'faga'ha korakhthrakgaga g'siva h'inko.

Lek'kor Vorghath Bakha
Lek'kor leba erg Vorgath Bakha, aq esh ja'lesh thrak'hrarg dya mangagatha, eshchur eshRag'nith.
Takh gar'nis du bak, gar'is rugalga maks nistragar.
Qu rugalga, ta gar'pav'ek, ekhgagak maks amekh du thavargi.
Vorghath'aiyk hav'ek'ha, takh gar'grik mas gar'h'inbha'or gu g'esh, maks barustra.
Takh aiy'hra jaqma'ga, Vorghath'is gar'hra korekh thavargibak, du lanoths ja'lan rugalga da gar'vu.
Duls erg bak, Vorghath'jak du gar'uk.
Takh gar'a'k, aq othi, rugalga oki'ga kr'kVorghath, gar nagk'kuvargmakspakoth ku'gar, ku gar'choaqyo.
Maks lek'kor'Vorghath'al ork takh lerodyapa ta mai'hra ja'lhra jaq k'dyapa deshas bak.
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Alrighty, Shades. Like I said, there wasn't a lot in your document that wasn't in other sources, but there were a few things, so I'll go through them real quick:

K'Shrik-Non = death den (funeral or burial chamber)
This one's a bit of a stretch but I think it still fits. My best translation is k'/sha/ri/ik+no/an = absence/lack of + enemy/hostile + you/your + knowledge, open + group/pride.
k'shrik could possibly be translated as "know that your enemies are absent", certainly a wish for any warrior that's performed his final duty. The words are a bit out of the order I've been using, but I think it still works.
And non as "den" might work - "(an) open (shelter for) the pride" - it'd be a primitive term, but if a burial happens in a cave, it'd be appropriate.

Rha'rhi = Kilrathi curse word
Take the H's out and you're left with ra'ri = with / than + you / your = "with your...". I bet it means something naughty.

Sukhar May'ya = a drink
Best translation I have there is su/khar + mai/ya = contempt / disdain + shadow, these + fur = "contemptible shadow of these furs". Sounds like a pretty strong drink.

There were a few phrases in there, which I'll need to add to my collection of phrases towards the tail end of the lexicon:

His blood flows well / His blood flows thick
Gar'ka akniski / Gar'ka aknisrg

May your talons be wet, and if fated not to return, may praise be sung in thy name
H'in ri'naj'hafka, maks desh ri'nakh'ha va jaqdu, h'in agon'gathleshki du ni'hus.

My blood warms at the sight of thee
Ni'kakh du r'ikh aiy.

Steel against iron is not a testing
Qith dux qithin'ha va k'tothmo.

Judge not thy enemy by the strength of his arm but rather by the cunning of his brain.
Jaqwinhalav ri'sha ras gar'alrg qu ras gar'palaqag.

No attack plan ever survives first contact with the enemy.
Va kr'ajj vug'esh alibar ra sha'hra.

Victory should not be counted until the blood of the pray is in one's mouth
K'toth hav'mak eshchur xa'ha du lanagkh uni'i.

Always reinforce triumph, learn to back away from defeat.
Eshga ari k'toth, ig nistalan aqtoth.

The Eighth and Ninth Prophecies of Kt'lan are also things I didn't have to this point; I'll put them in a later post.
A few Klingon proverbs. Why not. Similar cultures and all that. Tlhingan Qilrangan'be.

Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man with a knife.
Yai'i h'p'okto'h'ks'okko'kesok h'in'hashu du kn'esh uni ras kilamekh ra qith'rak.

Only a fool fights in a burning house.
Anruni su'hra tu da daiji.

Revenge is a dish that is best served cold.
K'har'ha wukjik mas gathkshgaga.

You cannot loosen a man's tongue with root beer.
Rai h'inav k'dymga'qith trathkhkil ra akgi.

Today is a good day to die.
Aiy'hra'ha eshkigu.
(NOTE: In Kilrathi, this can also be translated as "Today is a good day to kill".)

Esh h'asjaq ja'lesh ek'la h'as'ha k'tothmok.
Ja'lesh kili'ga h'as'ha ahrxidi ras narag'nith konishrax.
Sivathrak, ja'lhra dya kahr quva vuja'Kilrathi, jaq dyakuthe'ha du xi'hra.
Ek'hra h'as'ha kutk ras jiji'al kahrKilrah gar'hra maks kili'ga h'asgathrashro ras kili'in.

Takh ek'kahrjik gaththrak, elekarhga h'as da'ik niskiresh.
Ek'toththrak h'asdya rasgar sha'hrakar ek'nar ja'lhra h'asamstra ukthrak du ek'yo'i maks h'as, takh niskarh k'dyak, haf du yintakhlan'karh kes maks gamas'ha.
Qu h'inis ma'chodyapakalk, kai ha'arg, ta Sivar h'asna dyale'a'uniga ja'lhra h'asdyavuz du ek'hra maks dakutkai ras Zaga, maks pukai takh hra.
A little Galactica this morning...this one really fits the cadence, methinks.


♫ Anruni gar'ul du harg'hudyakil / ♫
♫ Ra ni'rashi tre dyak gar'de. ♫
♫ Ar mas gar'k'dymga'qithaq kalk / ♫
♫ Ra jaq akarh karmaksleki'ha. ♫
♫ Ja'lesh gar'ishak h'in gar'orkhe eshga / ♫
♫ Ma ni'rathk'rakh ta rash dar ni'da'k mas. ♫
♫ Qu rash vaga / ♫
♫ Ni'vu ri'h'inbha / ♫
♫ Dya gar k'ul aiy'hra uni. ♫
♫ Dya gar k'ul aiy'hra uni. ♫