A few recent trends


maybe it's just me, but I've noticed at least one trend being set in Space Flight Sims.

It seems that ever since WC SO, games have such as this have started delivering their stories "in-game", instead of letting you WATCH the story progress

e.g. WC SO, Tachyon: The Fringe, StarLancer, and I'm assuming this trend will continue in FreeLancer.

Personally, I like having a story OUTSIDE of the cockpit, like MOST Wing Commander games, do you guys have any opinions on this trend?
At first, game progression in the cockpit was a HUGE deal to me. Now, I'd rather go back to Cutscenes and stuff...
I liked the cinematics and stories *in-game*... but the cutscenes and other things are much better.
Cutscenes can also be a nice break, occasionally, when just being in the cockpit forever gets boring or tedious, at least in my opinion.
I think a combination of the two is important. I like cutscenes and stuff, but I also like alittle bit of in-game stuff too. Makes for a more intresting game.
I like the cutscenes a lot. They give a game that feel that makes you want to play it. Some in-flight stuff is okay, but i don't feel that an entire story should be told through the confines of a cockpit.
Yes, the cutscenes really brought you into the plot. I always have problems when I play a game in genereal to identify myself with it. WC was the first game (except 1 or 2 others whom also use cutscenes) I really liked, because I felt as part of the story. And I always liked real cutscenes better than computer-animated ones.
It is so: If in any other game a Carrier with animated people is blown up, I have no problem with it. I only have to try again. But the Midway or any other Carrier 'full of real persons' I really gave my best to save it. It's funny.
To comparision: If it was a story without cutscenes (for me the plot), then it really didn't matter for me what happened at all. So I really don't enjoy the inflight-design so much that I must only have it. If it brought a new WC,okay, but except that...
that's one REALLY bad point to games like Tachyon, it doesn't draw you in, the only shot you get of even YOUR character is only on a personel scan and when the game's loading, all else is just Bruce Cambell talking...
I like a combination of the 2, such as having a majority of the plot through cutscenes and having a few plot twists in-game...
Mission specific communications are nice, like Hawk and Maniac cheering when you fly that diversionary strike on a Nephilim convoy in WCP. But inflight comms which portray the storyline, really long inflight comms which can't be skipped get really irritating, especially in SO. Makes repeating missions very frustrating.
That's right. And you often have problems with concentrating on the comms while you have, lets say some nephilims on your &%$.
Originally posted by Soma
I like a combination of the 2, such as having a majority of the plot through cutscenes and having a few plot twists in-game...

For example the decision of going with vagabond and not firing on Eisen in WC4. A rather important decision chosen in the cockpit.
I liked taking cutscenes into the flight. So you could really concentrate on what's happening and you could skip them when repeating a mission.
*Plenty* of important descisions are made in the cockpit... whether or not to win a mission is especially notable. <G>
At least you can turn it off. In your system or at the boxes.
There you get comm silence. I often did, if I had to repeat a mission.
Comm Silence- I even often wish in reality. :D
Originally posted by Wedge009
Mission specific communications are nice, like Hawk and Maniac cheering when you fly that diversionary strike on a Nephilim convoy in WCP. But inflight comms which portray the storyline, really long inflight comms which can't be skipped get really irritating, especially in SO. Makes repeating missions very frustrating.

I fully agree. Those unskippable in-flight cutscenes (e.g. in Starlancer or SOPS) are very annoying if you have to replay a mission often.
But to get some in-flight story, like what is happening to another wing at the moment in a different engagement is great fun.