Recent content by capi3101

  1. capi3101

    Unraveling a Mystery: Starship Troopers of the Guardians (July 11, 2024)

    Big fan of deck-builders my ownself (Dominion, Star Realms, that ilk - where improving your deck is built into the gameplay itself). I wonder what a Wing Commander deckbuilder would be like...probably the wrong genre for that sort of thing though. Maybe that one as an LCG? I'll have to fiddle...
  2. capi3101

    Spanish WC RPG Under Construction (July 18, 2024)

    M-Space is yet another TTRPG system with which I'm not familiar. Time to add another one to the wishlist then. I'd like to help out with the mechanics at least, if I can be of service. Been giving some thought of doing a second edition of my own Wing Commander RPG. I've learned a lot about...
  3. capi3101

    Mac's Excal Excels (July 17, 2024)

    Eevee rendering. So the rendering can evolve into Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Flareon and Jolteon then? Not sure I'd want to turn an Excalbur into any of those... (Somebody was going to make that joke eventually. Figured I'd get it over with.)
  4. capi3101

    Wing Commander Arena End of Life FAQ (June 24, 2024)

    I still hold out hope of being able to try out Arena some day. It's the only title in the series that I have never played. And I enjoyed playing Freelancer; I imagine the third person point-of-view wouldn't bother me much. Is emulation a viable option in the slightest?
  5. capi3101

    Wing Commander Arena Discounted to Just 99 Cents in Final Month! (June 19, 2024) can I get this to run on my Xbox One? Can I get it to run on it? Paid the dollar at the marketplace but I don't see where I can download it or anything...
  6. capi3101

    New WC Ship Silhouette Discovered in Hebrew WC2 Translation (March 4, 2024)

    D'oh! That's what I get for posting without my morning coffee...
  7. capi3101

    New WC Ship Silhouette Discovered in Hebrew WC2 Translation (March 4, 2024)

    I still say that the ship on the Hebrew translation cover is a Broadsword with torpedoes and missiles slung underneath it (for the sake of posterity, I'll mention that I voiced my initial opinion over on Discord). Can't help but notice the Broadsword wasn't among the silhouettes you posted up...
  8. capi3101

    High resolution image showing the TCS Midway

    I have that 20 MB image in amongst the reference files I downloaded on the CIC's 13th birthday. It's this one here:
  9. capi3101

    [2020-02] Some novel character portraits

    Mahugath'ha dawalgaga!
  10. capi3101

    CCG Trades?

    I need to go back through my sets again to see what I still need. I imagine my list needs updating too.
  11. capi3101

    Welcome to the MEGAMAID I mean.. Midway.

    I designed a space station for my own science-fiction universe about the time I was a sophomore in high school (late '92/early '93). Started off as a mash of various sci-fi universes (like what my eldest kid is doing right now), including Trek; the outer pylons were inspired by Deep Space Nine...
  12. capi3101

    [2020-02] Some novel character portraits

    Jal'ra ri'dyabha'k ni'jhali ga talan, ukarh?!?! Nai h'inha masi!!