Bandit LOAF
Long Live the Confederation!
Super cool news: Christian Klein discovered a piece of Wing Commander ship art previously unrecorded by history! Check out this cool silhouette art from the cover of the Hebrew translation of the Wing Commander II manual!

It's done in the same style as the "World War II" silhouettes in the original manual... but it isn't one of them!

There's a similar piece of mystery WC2 art in the FM Towns port packaging: line art of a Drakhri that's shown in part on the case, disc and back of the box. It has seven missiles instead of four! I need an art person to make a whole version of it.

Discovering liminal art like this is one of my favorite things. A couple of other examples: the Czech cover of Fleet Action, Chinese disk labels for the original Wing Commander, the Korean 1999 movie poster and an early Privateer placeholder to fill out a '92 catalog!

Here's another example of this: the banner GOGcreated for their release of Wing Commander Academy. What the heck even is this?! A stock image of Star Wars-style ships?

I'm totally cool with cases where we're technically just absorbing art from other universes, too. It's Wing Commander now, suckers!

Original update published on March 4, 2024

It's done in the same style as the "World War II" silhouettes in the original manual... but it isn't one of them!

There's a similar piece of mystery WC2 art in the FM Towns port packaging: line art of a Drakhri that's shown in part on the case, disc and back of the box. It has seven missiles instead of four! I need an art person to make a whole version of it.

Discovering liminal art like this is one of my favorite things. A couple of other examples: the Czech cover of Fleet Action, Chinese disk labels for the original Wing Commander, the Korean 1999 movie poster and an early Privateer placeholder to fill out a '92 catalog!

Here's another example of this: the banner GOGcreated for their release of Wing Commander Academy. What the heck even is this?! A stock image of Star Wars-style ships?

I'm totally cool with cases where we're technically just absorbing art from other universes, too. It's Wing Commander now, suckers!

Original update published on March 4, 2024