3 S

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3 S.png
Production Privateer 2: The Darkening
Type Main Plot
Series Introduction
Disc CD1
Run Time 3m20s
Choice A Sounds illegal... I don't like the sound of it
Choice B Maybe I can get a bargain...
Scenes 73-78
Locations Sinner's Inn

3_S is a live action cutscene from Privateer 2: The Darkening. It is part of the introductory series of cutscenes. It plays the first time the player clicks on Joe Kane at the Sinner's Inn on Hermes. The player is asked to choose whether or not to ask Joe for black market deals. Either choice enables access to the CCN Booth system.

Choice A: Sounds illegal... I don't like the sound of it
Choice B: Maybe I can get a bargain...


JOE THE BARTENDER: You're a hungry man.

LEV ARRIS: Yeah, yeah, I guess I could eat.

JOE THE BARTENDER: You are starving, don't deny it. A barman these days, he has to have a sixth sense about his customers, and I'm nothing if I'm not a barman. Ah, your credit's sweet enough. So, we have stew, we have lizard guts... oh, and we have space bug gumbo!/

LEV ARRIS: I'll have the stew, please.

JOE THE BARTENDER: I could've told you that. And you prefer your beer lukewarm, right?

LEV ARRIS: No, no actually I prefer it... lukewarm. Great.

JOE THE BARTENDER: Don't mind them, they're loud-mouthed viscious cut-throats. But they're decent loud-mouth cut-throats.

LEV ARRIS: So they're a, they're no trouble, eh?

JOE THE BARTENDER: No, nothing that fancy for me. Though some spacers, as soon as they walk in I can smell it on them... so I break their necks just a little to be on the safe side. Not trouble I smell on you?

LEV ARRIS: Uh-huh, I left my trouble outside.

JOE THE BARTENDER: Good, soon as I saw you I said well there's one smack-up vertebrae. You hang around here and I'll see you're around decent food and drink, amd maybe a couple of juicy deals. A respectable guy like you wants to be careful where he's seen. You don't want to hang out in some spit'n sorter's toilet with a liquor license. You need somewhere like this. A place with a little... refinement.

LEV ARRIS: Thanks for the advice, uh...

JOE THE BARTENDER: Well my friends call me Joe. Probably because that's my name!

LEV ARRIS: Lev Arris.

JOE THE BARTENDER: Of course you are. Manners!

LEV ARRIS: Joe. You mentioned some, uh, juicy deals.

JOE THE BARTENDER: Not just juicy. Dripping! Suppliers. Wholesalers. Jobbers. You might say that I run a very... moist establishment.





Privateer 2: The Darkening's cutscenes were dubbed for the French, German and Spanish releases.


Choice A: C'est plutôt illégal, j'aime pas beaucoup ça.
Choice B: Je pourrais trouver une affaire un peu illégale, qui rapporte...


Choice A: Klingt irgendwie illegal, und den Klang mag ich nicht.
Choice B: Vielleicht ist ja ein Geschäft drin...


Choice A: No me gusta como suena
Choice B: Quizás consiga una ganga...

25th Anniversary

On May 20, 2020, Privateer 2: The Darkening director Steve Hilliker released The Darkening 25th Anniversary Restoration which featured footage restored from Betacam tapes. The footage has been edited down into a cinema cut but where available it is of much higher quality than the game's files.


A pair of Betacam SP tapes recovered from Digital Anvil have provided high quality versions of much of Privateer 2: The Darkening's Main Plot. These cuts are not final and digital effects are missing.


The Privateer 2: The Darkening Trailer includes a clip from this scene.

Unreleased Trailer

The Privateer 2 The Darkening Movie Promo Trailer posted to YouTube by DigitalVaultThe includes a clip from this scene.

Mat psychophile

Mat psychophile has posted a video on YouTube identifying where he appeared as an extra in 3_S.


A collection of Privateer 2 Storyboards has been provided by Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum. They cover the Main Plot cutscenes.


A The Darkening Script Draft 7 used during the game's shooting has been provided by Erin Roberts.


An open area with "jetways" and pedestrian tubes running away
from it: a kind of crossroads. The door to Sinner's is
across this area.
The equivalent of a garish/tatty neon sign marks it, the
words "Sinner's Inn" appearing in several alphabets other
than Roman. Arris walks over to the door: it opens for him:
he enters, and it shuts.


Again, telling it's day isn't easy: it's dark in here, only
occasional pinlighting breaking the gloom. The bar area is
the brightest in the place. A CCM booth and an STT booth are
off to one side, looking very beat up. Various shady-looking
characters lurk, skulk or slouch in corners and alcoves,
drinking and talking. A few of them look up at Arris as he
comes in, then away again. The looks are not particularly
friendly. In b.g. of the shot are a raddled-looking bunch of


He walks up to the bar, stops there, uncertain. JOE THE
BARTENDER is there, polishing the bar. He looks up: also
not a particularly friendly expression.

You're a hungry man.
(A little taken aback)
Ah, yeah, I guess I could eat.
(glances under the bar)
Your starving. Don't deny it. A barman
nowadays...he'S got to have sixth sense
about his customers. And I'm nothing if
not a barman. Your credit's sweet enough..
(Looks up)
We got stew, we got lizard guts, we got
space bug gumbo...
I'll have the stew.
I could have told you that. And you
like your beer...lukewarm. Right?
Actually I prefer it...
(Arris notices the stare Joe
is giving him. Arris smiles)
Lukewarm. Right.

Joe turns away.


Joe reappears, gives Arris his bowl of stew and his beer,
then leans on the bar, looking idly over at the barflies.

Don't mind them. They're loudmouthed
vicious cut-throats...but they're
decent loudmouthed cut-throats.
So they're no trouble?
Nothing I can't see coming. Though
some spacers...soon as they walk in
I smell it on them. So I break their
necks, just a little, to be on the
safe side.
(Eyes Arris, smiles)
That's not trouble I smell on you, is it?
Uh, uh. I left all my troubles outside.


Joe nods, looking satisfied.

Good. First time I saw you I thought,
there's one smart vertebrae. You hang
round here and I'll see you right.
Decent food and drink...maybe a coupla
juicy deals.
(Conspiratorial look)
Respectable guy like you gotta think
about where he's seen. You don't
wanna hang in some spit and sawdust
toilet with a liquor licence. You
need somewhere like this, a place with
a little refinement.

(At this moment we should witness some act of violence or
debauchery in the background of the bar)

(Seeing it)
Thanks for the advise, Ser.
My friends call me Joe...
(Pretend confidential)
Probably because that's my name!

He laughs loudly at his own joke as they shake hands:
(Not an Earth-style handshake: each man grips the other's

I'm Lev Arris.
Of course you are.


The barflies continue their singing in b.g. Arris has
finished his stew -- pushes the bowl aside.

Joe, you mentioned some...juicy deals.
Not just juicy. Dripping. Suppliers,
wholesalers, jobbers. You could say
I run a very...moist establishment.
     ARRIS (VO)
      CHOICE 2:
     ARRIS (VO)
Hmm...sounds more than
slightly illegal...don't
like the sound of it.
Maybe I can get a bargain
...something a little