42 S
42_S | |
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Production | Privateer 2: The Darkening |
Type | Main Plot |
Series | Mission R - Rhinehart Redux |
Disc | CD3 |
Run Time | 6m17s |
Previous | HADES_T |
Scenes | 263-273 |
Locations | Prison Pits |
42_S is a main plot cutscene from Privateer 2: The Darkening. It is part of Mission R - Rhinehart Redux. It plays when the player visits CIS Offices on Hades after rescuing David Hassan. This completes the mission.
- Download: 42_S.mp4
RHINEHART: Wait... so you made it through after all? Bravo.
DAVID HASSAN: Bravo? You know how many people have died?
RHINEHART: Oh, who the hell cares?
LEV ARRIS: Who are you?
RHINEHART: Well, I suppose we're all friends around here. My code name is Rhinehart.
DAVID HASSAN: You sure you're not Malakai
RHINEHART: Don't be absurd, Malakai's dead. Do I look dead? Malakai and I we ah, well let us say we used to be Kronos' right hand men..
DAVID HASSAN: Used to be?
LEV ARRIS: So, uhm, where do I fit in all this?
RHINEHART: Please, please, let us proceed in an orderly fashion. Information is a valuable commodity. Before I tell you anything I will require certain assurances. I find myself being sought by both the Kinred and the CIS.
DAVID HASSAN: And you think we're the softer option?
RHINEHART: Positively sponge-like, David. I require a CIS protection plan and new identity on one of the more idyllic outer worlds.
DAVID HASSAN: Mm, that can be arranged.
RHINEHART: I never doubted it
LEV ARRIS: So who am I?
RHINEHART: Do you reember your brother?
LEV ARRIS: My brother?
RHINEHART: Your twin brother. You were born just moments before him, which made you the oldest, going by the proper.
LEV ARRIS: My brother, Sar.
RHINEHART: How he hated the way your mother doted on you. Then when you got sick with the AOS virus and they froze you and it broke her heart, Sar always blamed you for her death.
DAVID HASSAN: This is bullshit it can't be.
LEV ARRIS: Wha-what can't it be what?
RHINEHART: When your father's heart gave out on him you were still in deep freeze, so the mantle of power went to your little brother.
LEV ARRIS: My father?
RHINEHART: Vel Ricaud. You are Vel Ricaud the Second.
DAVID HASSAN: But he died, twenty years ago.
RHINEHART: No, he was put into a cryopod twenty years ago.
DAVID HASSAN: Lev, your, your father was founder of Ricaud Planetary.
RHINEHART: Which became the Kindred. Since taking over, Sar has turned himself into Kronos.
LEV ARRIS: Kronos. That was a board room nickname for my father, the old man.
RHINEHART: Now it's your brother, who was always unstable. The constant use of revive.
LEV ARRIS: What, the the anti aging drug? That stuff's dangerous, isn't it?
RHINEHART: Only as so far as it eventually makes you age faster and as an added bonus turns the mind to jelly. Which is whats happening to little Sar, much to our distress.
DAVID HASSAN: So, things got too messy, even for you? My heart bleeds.
RHINEHART: Yes it does bleed. Its bled profusely since little accident we arranged. Do you ever wish that it was you that died and not your...
DAVID HASSAN: Shit, Rhinehart!
LEV ARRIS: Wait! He's trying to wind you up.
RHINEHART: Succeeding, it seems. To think, if you hadn't been frozen you'ld have been part of our war against the CIS. There wouldn't have been quite such buddy love between you then, eh?
LEV ARRIS: Yeah, whoever I was I've changed.
RHINEHART: People don't change that much. Some are born wolves. Some are sheep. You might be wearing sheep's clothing, but your fangs are showing through.
LEV ARRIS: Yeah, well, uh, maybe, uh, losing my memory was the best thing that could have happened to me. Its, uhm, its given me a chance to choose who I am.
RHINEHART: God, this is becoming dangerously close to being a religious experience. Forget it. As soon as all your memories return you'll be just like you used to be, your father's son.
DAVID HASSAN: Maybe he's right.
RHINEHART: Your old man was a wise one. When he had Jan Mitorr freeze you he also stored all the company access codes with you.
LEV ARRIS: Yeah he did. I'm remembering that now.
RHINEHART: When Sar went off the rails, Malakai and I knew we needed the son and heir back, but Sar found out and had Malakai killed with the Canera.
LEV ARRIS: Those uhm, those guys in the hospital?
RHIENHART: The first two were mine. I didn't tell the idiots to trash the whole place, just to get you out of there.
LEV ARRIS: And the second two were Sar's come to blow me away and when that didn't work he sent Kindred ops to tail me to finish off the job.
RHINEHART: He knows you could replace him.
LEV ARRIS: That's right I will.
RHINEHART: Well you may have a chance to test that resolve, he's coming to take someone out himself.
LEV ARRIS: Who, me?
RHINEHART: His boss, the head of CIS
DAVID HASSAN: Shiela Nabakov. The security conference.
RHINEHART: The very same.
LEV ARRIS: David this is my war too
DAVID HASSAN: What side are you on?
LEV ARRIS: The right side.
RHINEHART: Ser Arris,remember - once a wolf, always a wolf.
Privateer 2: The Darkening's cutscenes were dubbed for the French, German and Spanish releases.
- Download: 42_S.mp4
- Download: 42_S.mp4
- Download: 42_S.mp4
25th Anniversary
On May 20, 2020, Privateer 2: The Darkening director Steve Hilliker released The Darkening 25th Anniversary Restoration which featured footage restored from Betacam tapes. The footage has been edited down into a cinema cut but where available it is of much higher quality than the game's files.
Origin Museum VHS
A VHS tape digitized by Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum included versions of edits 7 through 74.
- Download: 42_S-P2_OM_Tape.mp4
The Making of The Darkening
The Making of the Darkening includes behind-the-scenes footage from this scene.
EQ Magazine Interview
The EQ Magazine interview with Christopher Walken includes footage of 42_S being filmed.
Bad Influence
The Bad Influence The Darkening featurette includes behind-the-scenes footage from this scene.
Film 96
The Film 96 The Darkening featurette includes behind-the-scenes footage from this scene.
- Download: Film_96_Report_-_The_Darkening.mp4
The Privateer 2: The Darkening Trailer includes a clip from this scene.
- Download: P2.mp4
A collection of Privateer 2 Storyboards has been provided by Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum. They cover the Main Plot cutscenes.
A The Darkening Script Draft 7 used during the game's shooting has been provided by Erin Roberts.
The design of the cells is that on Hades. A POLICE OFFICER
leads them over to one pit in particular.
- Access, ser?
Hassan nods.
SC.264 ON THE PITThe officer touches a control, and a forcefield springs into
life in the cell, bisecting it and separating the prisoner
from the area where the visitors will be. The other side is
occupied by RHINEHART, who looks up at them quizzically.
SC.265 ANOTHER ANGLE ON THE PITA "stair" of energy forms itself out of the forcefield,
leading dowm from the edge of the pit to the floor. First
Hassan, then (a little reluctantly) Arris, walk down it. In
the pit, CAMERA PUSHES IN on Arris as he looks at Rhinehart.
This man, too, he plainly recognizes.
SC.266 ON RHINEHARTHe stands up, walks over to just by the forcefield, peers
through it, gets a wry and slightly nasty look on his face.
- So you made it through after all Bravo.
- Bravo? do you know how many people have
- died?
- Oh, who really cares?
Hassan and Arris glare at each other. They've got a real
arrogant sicko here.
SC.267 WIDER —
- Who are you?
- Well, I suppose as we're all friends
- here...my codename is Rhinheart.
- You're sure you're not Malakai?
- Don't be absurd. Malakai is dead.
- Do I look dead? Malakai and I, we...
- let's say we used to be Kronos' right
- hand men.
- Used to be?
- So where do I fit into all this?
Rhineheart lifts his hands, quietening them.
- Please, let us proceed in an orderly fashion.
- Information is a valuable commodity. Before
- I tell you anything I will require certain...
- assurances. I find myself being sought by
- both The Kindred and the CIS...
- And you think we're the softer option?
- Positively sponge-like, David. I'll require
- a CIS protection plan, a new identity on
- one of the more idyllic outworlds.
Hassan hates giving anything to this creature, but after a
few beats he shrugs, and...
- That can be arranged.
- I never doubted it.
- So who am I?
Rhinehart smiles.
- Do you remember your brother?
- My brother?
- Your twin brother. You were born just
- moments before him, which made you the oldest.
- Therein lay the problem.
SC.269 ANOTHER ANGLEArris struggles with memory...
- My brother...Sar?
- How he hated the way mother doted on you. Then
- when you got sick with the AOS virus and
- they froze you...it broke her heart. Sar
- always blamed you for her death.
- (understanding)
- This is bullshit. It can't be this.
- (to Hassan)
- What? What can't it be?
- When your father's heart gave out on him
- you were still in deep freeze so the mantle
- of power went to your little brother.
- My father?
- Vell Ricaud. You are Vell Ricaud the
- second.
- But he died twenty years ago.
- (Looking at Arris)
- No. He was put into a cryopod twenty
- years ago.
- (To Arris)
- Lev. (Beat) Your father was founder of Ricaud
- Planetary.
- Which became...The Kindred. Since
- taking over, Sar has turned himself into
- Kronos...
- (slightly bitter)
- Kronos...it was a boardroom nickname
- for my father. "The old man..."
- Now it's your brother. He was always...
- unstable. But constant use of Re-vive...
- The anti-aging drug...that
- stuff's...dangerous, isn't it?
- Only insofar as it eventually makes
- you age faster and, as an added bonus,
- turnms the mind to jelly. Which is
- what's happened to little Sar...much
- to our distress.
- So things got too messy even for you?
- My heart bleeds..
Arris looks more and more like someone to whom things are
coming back, all in a rush, triggered by Rhinehart's face,
and the course of events.
- (to Hassan)
- Yes, it does bleed. It's bled profusely
- since that little accident we arranged
- for...Do you ever wish it were you that
- died and not...
Hassan PULLS HIS GUN OUT, aims at Rhineheart.
- You murderous little...
Arris stands between them.
- David, he's just trying to wind you up.
- Succeeding, it seems.
- (To Arris)
- But think - if you hadn't been frozen,
- you'd have been a part of our war against the
- CIS. There wouldn't have been quite
- so much buddy-love between you then, huh?
Hassan and Arris glance at each other, this logic sinking in.
- Whoever I was...I've changed.
- People don't change that much. Some
- are born wolves, some are sheep.
- You might be wearing sheep's clothing...
- but your fangs are showing through.
- Maybe losing my memory was the best
- thing that could have happened to me.
- It's given me a chance to choose who
- I am.
- Oh god, this is becoming perilously close
- to a religious experience. Forget it.
- As soon as all your memories return you'll
- be just like you used to be. Your father's
- son.
- Maybe he's right.
Arris looks at Hassan, shocked by this.
- Your old man was a wise one. When
- he had Jan Mitorr freeze you, he
- also stored all the company access
- codes with you...
- (slightly secretive)
- Yes... I'm remembering that now.
He steps back, looking at Arris and Rhineheart, who suddenly
seem in collusion.
- Now that Sar is really off the rails, Malakai
- and I knew we needed the son and heir back,
- but Sar found out. Had Malakai killed in
- the Canera.
- Those guys in the hospital?
- First two were mine. I didn't tell the
- idiots to trash the whole place, just
- to get you out of there...
- So the second two were Sar's...come to
- blow me away. And when that didn't work
- he started having Kindred ops tail me...
- to finish off the job.
- He knows you could replace him.
- That's right. I will.
He realizes what he's said. Rhineheart smiles..
- I mean I could do...But won't. Not
- interested.
- You maybe have a chance to test that resolve.
- He's coming to take someone out
- himself.
- Who? Me?
- (RE Hassan
- His boss. The head of CIS.
SC.273 NEW ANGLEHassan looks stunned. So does Arris.
- Shiela Nabokov! Shit! The
- Security Conference!
- The very same.
Hassan moves to the exit.
- David!
Hassan turns, he and Arris stare at each other.
- This is my war too.
- But which side are you on?
Arris looks back at a smiling Rhineheart, then back at
- The right side.
Hassan nods, though maybe not completely convinced. He
sprints up the stairs...Arris starts to follow, but...
- Ser Arris...
Arris looks back at Rhineheart...
- Remember, once a wolf always a wolf...
- You don't know what you're --
But Rhinmeheart turns his face to us. closing his eyes, his
face suddenly serene. Conversation over...Arris leaps after Hassan...