18 S

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18 S.png
Production Privateer 2: The Darkening
Type Main Plot
Series Mission C: Hal Taffin
Disc CD1
Run Time 22s
Previous 13_S
Choice A I'm really gonna push this punk!
Choice B That was dumb... give him a break (Credits or Insufficient Credits)
Scenes 115
Locations Taffin Reclamation

18_S is a main plot cutscene from Privateer 2: The Darkening. It is part of Mission C: Hal Taffin. It plays if the player chooses "Offer him an Inventive..." in 13_S. The player must choose whether or not to continue threatening Taffin.

Choice A: I'm really gonna push this punk!       Choice B: That was dumb... give him a break (Credits or Insufficient Credits)


LEV ARRIS: Now listen, Taffin, I don't have time for your paranoid games. Maybe you'll be a little more talkative.

HAL TAFFIN: Touch me and you're dead. Now go. Or stay. Yeah, yeah stay. I'll call the teeps, tell them how you threatened me, how I had to shoot you. Its happened before. They don't ask questions. They like me, the teeps.



25th Anniversary

On May 20, 2020, Privateer 2: The Darkening director Steve Hilliker released The Darkening 25th Anniversary Restoration which featured footage restored from Betacam tapes. The footage has been edited down into a cinema cut but where available it is of much higher quality than the game's files.


A pair of Betacam SP tapes recovered from Digital Anvil have provided high quality versions of much of Privateer 2: The Darkening's Main Plot. These cuts are not final and digital effects are missing.

Origin Museum VHS

A VHS tape digitized by Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum included versions of edits 7 through 74.


A collection of Privateer 2 Storyboards has been provided by Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum. They cover the Main Plot cutscenes.


A The Darkening Script Draft 7 used during the game's shooting has been provided by Erin Roberts.

(If 2:)


Arris moves in on Taffin.

I don't have time for your paranoid
games, Taffin. Maybe you'll be a
little more talkative if I....

Taffin turns. He has a gun, and it's leveled at Arris's
midsection. Arris stops.

Touch me and you're dead. Now go.
Or stay. Yeah, stay and I'll call
the 'teeps, tell them how you
threatened me. How I had to shoot
you. It's happened before...they
don't ask questions. They like me
the 'teeps.


     ARRIS (VO)
      CHOICE 2:
     ARRIS (VO)
Who needs this?? I'm really
going to push this punk!
That was dumb. Give him
a break! Maybe he could
use a little money.

(If 1: GO TO 116)

(IF 2: GO TO 118)