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SINN S.png
Production Privateer 2: The Darkening
Type Transition
Disc All
Run Time 12s
Previous HERMES_L
Next 69_S, 95_S, 96_S, 97_S, 98_S
Scenes 73
Locations Sinner's Inn

SINN_S is a transition cutscene from Privateer 2: The Darkening. It plays every time the player visits the Sinner's Inn on Hermes.vIt is also included in the introduction following HERMES_L and it plays before 69_S and all four romance cutscenes. It is an exterior shot of the Sinner's Inn.




25th Anniversary

On May 20, 2020, Privateer 2: The Darkening director Steve Hilliker released The Darkening 25th Anniversary Restoration which featured footage restored from Betacam tapes. The footage has been edited down into a cinema cut but where available it is of much higher quality than the game's files.


A pair of Betacam SP tapes recovered from Digital Anvil have provided high quality versions of much of Privateer 2: The Darkening's Main Plot. These cuts are not final and digital effects are missing.


A collection of Privateer 2 Storyboards has been provided by Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum. They cover the Main Plot cutscenes.


A Diane Duane's The Darkening Script Draft 7 used during the game's shooting has been provided by Erin Roberts.


An open area with "jetways" and pedestrian tubes running away
from it: a kind of crossroads. The door to Sinner's is
across this area.
The equivalent of a garish/tatty neon sign marks it, the
words "Sinner's Inn" appearing in several alphabets other
than Roman. Arris walks over to the door: it opens for him:
he enters, and it shuts.