Mass Driver

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Mass Driver
Privateer - Ship Modification Bay - Mass Driver.PNG

A Mass Driver is a type of gun used on spacecraft. Mass Drivers are available for sale to privateers at ship dealers.

Version Velocity Refire Delay Energy
Range Duration Abuse Cost Resale
Privateer Playguide Manual 1100 kps 0.6 seconds 6 GJ 2.6 cm 1,500 credits 1,000 credits
Privateer 1100 kps 0.6 seconds 6 GJ 2.6 cm 3.6 seconds 380 1,500 credits 1,000 credits
Privateer Playtesters' Guide 1100 kps 0.6 seconds 6 GJ 2.6 cm 1,500 credits 1,000 credits


Lasers may be installed on the gun slots of the stock Tarsus, Orion, Galaxy and Centurion. The Tarsus flown by Mack Christiensen and inherited by Greyson Burrows mounted a laser cannon in one of its forward gun slots.

Bounty Hunters

Church of Man

Empire of Kilrah


Terran Confederation




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