Sandra Goodin - Mission D

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Sandra Goodin - Mission D
MM - RF - Sandra Goodin D.png
Date 2670
Type Patrol Mission
Jumps 5 (Perry, Tingerhoff, Nexus, Capello, Sherwood, Regallis)
Payment 10,000 credits
Objectives Go to Regallis, Nav 1

Clear navpoint

Go to Regallis, Nav 2

Clear navpoint

Go to Regallis, Nav 3

Clear navpoint

Go to Regallis, Nav 4

Clear navpoint

Designation S10MD
Previous Sandra Goodin - Mission C
Next E. Masterson - Mission A (if you have completed Tayla - Mission D or Lynn Murphy - Mission D)
Saved Game S10MD.PRS

Sandra Goodin - Mission D is a mission in Privateer Righteous Fire. It may be accessed by talking to Sandra Goodin at the bar on Perry Naval Base in the Perry system after completing Sandra Goodin - Mission C.

Mission Description

Patrol the Regallis system for Kilrathi presence.

Pays 10000 credits.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Capella System
Nav 2 2 Kilrathi Dralthi confident pros
Regallis System
Nav 1 3 Retro Talon fanatical pro
Nav 2 3 Retro Salthi unknown
Nav 3 2 Kilrathi Dralthi confident pros
1 Kilrathi Gothri confident pro
Nav 4 3 Retro Talon fanatical pros


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Sandra Goodin

You really stuck it to them.
You've been doing the Confederation a great service.
You know me. I'm all heart.  
I've got one more mission for you. It's the toughest one we've got right now.
We need to continue battling the Kilrathi presence in Confed space.
Fly to the Regallis system.
Patrol all nav points.
Destroy all Kilrathi vessels.
Then return here for 10,000.
Accept Refuse
Sounds straightforward. See you soon.  
No thanks.  
Chickening out, huh? Too bad.


You haven't finished the mission.
What is it again?  
Patrol the Regallis system.
Destroy all Kilrathi vessels.
Then return here for 10,000.
Accept Refuse
No dice.


You're back. Want the mission?
What is it again?  
Patrol the Regallis system.
Destroy all Kilrathi vessels.
Then return here for 10,000.
Accept Refuse
No dice.


Talk to Sandra Goodin

Well, Regallis is free from the furball menace.  
I've been informed. Excellent work.
I don't have any more missions for you, but I do have a tip.
The Confederation has posted a bounty for the death of Governor Menesch.
You may have heard of him. He's done a lot of illegal dealing with the Kilrathi.
If you ever come across him, destroy him.
Come back here when you do, and I'll see you get the 40,000 bounty.
Good deal.

Completed, Repeat

Talk to Sandra Goodin

Hello again, $NM.
As I mentioned before,
I don't have any more missions for you, but I do have a tip.
The Confederation has posted a bounty for the death of Governor Menesch.
You may have heard of him. He's done a lot of illegal dealing with the Kilrathi.
If you ever come across him, destroy him.
Come back here when you do, and I'll see you get the 40,000 bounty.
Good deal.

WC:CIC Game Guide


The final mission and then you're done with Captain Goodin. Once again you are battling the Kilrathi.


Patrol Regallis system and destroy all Kilrathi. Return to Perry when complete.

Scripted Encounters

Random pirate, Retro and Kilrathi encounters in Regallis

"Unknowns" at Nav 2


  • This is similar to the last mission, Retros as well as Kilrathi. You'll need to land at Kronecker Mining base to refuel.
  • So that was your last mission with Goodin, however she also mentions a bounty on Governor Menesch. If you can nail this Menesch guy, you can get some serious money. But again, that comes later.
  • At this point you have a choice, you can either head to Oakham Pirate base (Nav 1) in the Pentonville system to fly some missions for Tayla, or you can fly to Oxford to talk to Masterson, and he'll give you the details for how to meet his contact, Monte. If you want to fly every mission in the game, go for Tayla first.

User Comments

Submitted by : Bonkus Maximus (

Mission : Kamekhs continued

Comments : Just be sure you're in a clear area (no rocks) when you do this. If you do this right, you won't need missiles vs. the 'vettes. In fact, I doubt you need them at all in Privateer. Will check soon w/ RF. Bonk out

Submitted by : Junta (

Mission :

Comments : Of course you don't need missiles in this game. You don't need to buy a new ship at all - it is not difficult playing through the game with only a Tarsus, without any form of cheating.

Submitted by : Junta (

Mission :

Comments : And what the h... is the meaning of using tachs in RF? Fusion cannon is a thousand times better. Destroying a Kamekh with 4 of those is like warm knife through butter.

Submitted by : Bonkus Maximus (

Mission : Tachs vs. Plasma

Comments : Tachs are merely upgraded Mesons...requires some dogfighting ability. In RF, I go for Fusion, as I just don't waste time.

Submitted by : Bonkus Maximus (

Mission : Kamekhs -- once more time

Comments : Besides...what's more fun than toying with your prey using Tachs?

Submitted by : Junta (

Date : Sat May 5 14:48:18 2012

Mission :

Comments : Of course you can use tachs. You can complete the game with lasers, too, if you want it to be more challenging. The point was that someone above here seems to believe that tachs is the best gun/cannon in RF, which is wrong.