Sandra Goodin - Mission A (Wing Commander Privateer)

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This article is about the Wing Commander Privateer mission. For the Privateer Righteous Fire mission, see Sandra Goodin - Mission A.

Sandra Goodin - Mission A
MM - PRIV - Sandra Goodin A.png
Date 2669
Type Rendezvous Mission
Jumps variable (Perry)
Objectives LOOK UP
Cargo Alien Artifact (1)
Designation S6MA
Previous Taryn Cross - Mission D
Next Admiral Terrell - Mission A
Saved Game S6MA.SAV

Sandra Goodin - Mission A is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to Sandra Goodin at the bar on any mining base other than Rygannon after completing Taryn Cross - Mission D.

Mission Description

Travel to Perry Naval Base and meet with Admiral Terrel to discuss the mysterious series of disappearing and destroyed ships that have been found in the wake of your movements.


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Taryn Cross

Did you complete the run, $CS?
PLAYER thanks to the Kilrathi.
Kilrathi? What were THEY doing there?
They were flying an inverted V, the usual formation for a broad sector sweep.
But what could they be searching for, out here in the middle of nowhere?
You tell me. Why is the Confed interested in mapping this sector, anyway?
I don't know. The top brass makes those decisions, I only implement them.
If you're suggesting there's some kind of hidden agenda here...
All I'm saying is, if the Confed is out here looking for something... makes sense that the Kilrathi would share their interest.  
Anyway, they're the ones who've been trashing your ships all along.
Makes sense...I guess.
Up for another mapping run? It pays the usual 10,000 credits...
Accept Refuse
This time you'll map a newly-discovered system, designated Delta Prime...
...for it's transpacial proximity to Delta System.
Transpacial, eh? So I'll be doing a little jumping to get there.
Right. You'll need to fly through Gamma to the jump point there...
...jump to Delta Prime and hit the nav point we've programmed into your computer.
Afterwards, report back here for your pay.
If it goes well, this will be your last run in this sector.
Good luck.
If I'd wanted to tangle with Kilrathi, I'd have enlisted. Forget it.
Too bad. Another run, and we'd have finished with this sector...


Talk to Taryn Cross

Damn it, am I expecting too much...
...asking you to complete your mission in a timely manner?
I can see it in your eyes. You haven't flown it yet, have you?
Quit nosing around in my eyes, Taryn.  
I promise, your mission is now on top of my list of things to do.
Yeah? Then get to it! I want to see Delta Prime charted in my lifetime!
Maneuver through Gamma to the jump point located there...
...jump to Delta Prime and hit the nav point we've programmed into your computer.
Just one more mapping run, and we've completed our chart of the sector.
Just fly your programmed course, and return when you're finished.
You don't have to remind me.  
I'm negligent... not stupid...


Talk to Taryn Cross

You've changed your mind?
I'm considering rethinking my decision.
Talk about fear of commitment...
Look. You need to fly through Gamma to the jump point there...
...jump to Delta Prime and hit the nav point we've programmed into your computer.
Afterwards, report back here for your payment of 10,000 credits.
Accept Refuse
If it goes well, this will be your last run in this sector.
Good luck.
I'd better quit while I'm ahead here, Taryn.
Your call, $CS. Someone will come along and finish this job.
So long.


Talk to Taryn Cross

Look, you don't have to tell me. I know I screwed up.
Yeah, you did. It hurts me to say this, because I like you...
...but I'm afraid you're fired.
We need results, $CS. And I don't want to sit around this god-forsaken sector forever.
Hey, I'll try harder, I'll work faster...
Sorry, $ had your chance and you blew it.
I wish you luck. Good-bye.


Talk to Taryn Cross

Well? How did it go?
Pulled it off, naturally. What else did you expect?
No offense intended.
I suppose you want to be paid for pushing back the frontier for all mankind?
Not to be crass...but yeah.
Here it is. Last payday. Don't drink it all at once.
Yeah...well, I guess that wraps up my stint in the ES.  
Taryn, it's been fun.
Too much fun can kill you, $NM.
Yeah...that's why I'm heading out before it becomes a joy. Take care.
You too.

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary The next time you land at a mining base other than Rygannon, you will be approached by Sandra Goodin, an attaché to Admiral Terrell, who runs the Confederation navy in Gemini from his office at Petty Naval Base. She informs you that everywhere you've recently visited, ships have been destroyed. Something extremely dangerous is following you and the military wants to work with you to stop it. Payment None.
Requirements Go to Admiral Terrell's office at Perry Naval Base.
Opponents Three waves of hostile retro Talons (fanatical pros) at whichever of the following places you go through on your way to Perry Naval Base:

Ragnarok — Nay 2

Nitir — Nav 1

Midgard — Nav 1

Newcastle — Nav 5

New Detroit — Nav 7

Surtur — Nav 3

Tingerhoff — Nav 4

There are five ships in the first wave, three in the second and three in the third.

  • Cheat: If you can't seem to make it to a different mining base, then you will want to turn on INVULNERABILITY and fly to one. You will not be able to kill that drone just yet. Once at a mining base, you will encounter a mission from Sandra Goodin to go to Perry Naval Base. Just afterburn there and avoid fighting. You can fight anything you encounter by using the techniques above. - "Havoc"

WC:CIC Game Guide


Goodin wants you to travel to Perry Naval Base to speak with Admiral Terrell. She thinks he may be able to help you lose that big green egg.


Travel to Perry Naval Base and speak to Admiral Terrell.

Scripted Encounters

Retro forces at jump to Perry


  • The Retros are a little annoyed that you have a shiny Steltek gun. They shouldn't be too difficult to handle, however the green egg may be after you too which makes things a bit more tricky. You are probably better off running to the jump point.
  • Once you arrive at Perry, go talk to Admiral Terrell.

User Comments

Submitted by : Wedge009 (

Mission : 1

Comments : It may be useful to turn on invincibility for this mission since there is no payment. That way, you can give those crazy Retros a taste of your new gun without worrying about the drone at your back.

Submitted by : Junta (

Mission :

Comments : Useful to cheat? Yes, it is always useful to cheat But if you do that, you have not completed the game. In Privateer, you can cheat in many ways. Getting level 5 engine in a centurion, for instance, money cheat, OR invulnerability cheat. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Submitted by : jt (

Date : Sun Jan 20 02:39:01 2013

Mission : Wedge/Junta PNB missions

Comments : How do you get level 5 engines on a Centerion (sp?). I'd like to do that. And what other 'cheats' are there? I'm on my 3rd playing of Privateer and enjoy it more each time. Next time I plan to cheat (like only a dirty, rotten, low-down, pos smuggler would). Ou, yeah!

Submitted by : Junta ()

Date : Sat Aug 10 18:53:43 2013

Mission :

Comments : jt: I don't remember the cheat, it was some debug code in DOS, which made it possible to change ship without changing equipment. So just buy level 5 on an Orion, then use the cheat. Can probably be found with google. One could also cheat oneself info 4 Steltek cannons, and so on.