E. Masterson - Mission B (Wing Commander Privateer)

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This article is about the Wing Commander Privateer mission. For the Privateer Righteous Fire mission, see E. Masterson - Mission B.

E. Masterson - Mission B
MM - PRIV - E Masterson A.png
Date 2669
Type Attack Mission
Jumps 0 (Oxford)
Payment 10,000 credits
Objectives Go to Oxford, Nav 1

Go to Oxford, Nav 2

Go to Oxford, Nav 3

Destroy Rhombus

Cargo Alien Artifact (1)
Designation S3MB
Previous E. Masterson - Mission A
Next E. Masterson - Mission C
Saved Game S3MB.SAV

E. Masterson - Mission B is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to E. Masterson at the library on Oxford in the Oxford after completing E. Masterson - Mission A.

Mission Description

Search Oxford system for the pirate ship Rhombus and destroy it.

Pays 10000 credits.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Oxford System
Nav 3 1 Merchant Drayman Hunter Toth friendly
2 Retro Talon retro1 wave one
3 Retro Talon retro1 wave two


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer


I and the Oxford Graduating Class thank you for delivering Mr. Toth unharmed.
Think of it as a tribute to free speech. What's your second mission?  
Some low-level data pirates have been troubling us.
We would like you to intercept them, and end their activities.
This mission pays 10,000 credits upon completion. Can you do it?
Accept Refuse
Sounds easy enough. Where can I find these hackers?  
They operate a ship that hides somewhere in the Oxford system.
From their vessel they somehow tap into our database remotely. No one knows how.
Information is copied from the Library and then our memory is deleted.
Afterwards, they try to sell our own information back to us!
More often than not, we lose it anyway. It goes to the highest bidder.
We simply cannot afford to outbid the private sector.
Yeah, I can tell how strapped Oxford is for capital...
...ever since you started letting smugglers like me make endowments.
Any other leads? That's not much to go on.  
Only one. The name of the ship is The Black Rhombus.
Return here for your payment and third assignment. Good luck, Mr. $NM.
Forget it. I'm already tired of this deal, Mr. Masterson.  
I see. A pity you'll never discover whatever you came here to learn...
Ah well. Higher education isn't for everyone, Mr. $NM.



Were you able to locate the database pirates?
I haven't gotten around to looking for them just yet...  
What the hell are you waiting for?
They're stealing information from our library and then deleting it from our banks!
If you want access to our files ...those that are intact... you'd better get moving!
Okay, don't blow your stack...  
The pirates are doing a good job of that already!
Now, they're on a ship called The Black Rhombus.
Don't come back for your 10,000 credits until they're taken care of!



Back so soon, $NM?
Data pirates are tapping into the Oxford database...
...stealing information and then deleting it from our files!
They operate out of a vessel called The Black Rhombus...
...currently located somewhere in the Oxford system.
Return here for your fee of 10,000 credits after you've ended their piracy.
Do we have a deal?
Accept Refuse
Excellent. I will have your third assignment ready for you when you return.
Sorry. I've had enough higher education.



So what's next? Evicting bookworms? Repossessing delinquent library cards?  
How about retirement?
What do you mean?  
Our deal is null and void. You failed a task I gave you.
That's not the way to earn access to the Oxford Library, sir.
Look, I need that access. Just give me another chance.  
Impossible, I'm afraid. Now kindly leave...or I'll have security assist you out.

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary The second mission towards paying off your indenture is to destroy some data pirates who are stealing information from Oxford.

10,000 credits and partial completion of your indenture.

Payment 10,000 credits and partial completion of your indenture.
Requirements Destroy the Black Rhombus, the pirates' Galaxy-class ship.
Opponents The Black Rhombus (a Galaxy piloted by a fanatical pro) and three hostile pirate Talons (fanatical pros), followed by a second wave of four pirate Talons (fanatical pros), all at Nay 1; there will be two unrelated hostile pirates at Nay 3 and three friendly Gladii at Nav 2.
  • This mission is filled with enemies. Destroy the Black Rhombus quickly. If you are low on fire power, then return home after destroying it. If you feel like you want to mess with death, then take a chance and fight the other three pirates and the rest of the pirates at the other nav points. — "Deetchman"

WC:CIC Game Guide


Masterson is being troubled by pirate hackers. They are operating somewhere inside Oxford, but no one knows where exactly.


Patrol Oxford system looking for the Black Rhombus. When you find it, destroy it, then return to Oxford.

Scripted Encounters

Black Rhombus somewhere in Oxford


  • The Black Rhombus is defended by up to 7 Talons. The Rhombus itself is a Galaxy class ship.
  • You'll also probably face pirate forces at the other Nav points before reaching the Rhombus, so I hope you stocked up on missiles.

User Comments

Submitted by : Junta (olainormann@hotmail.com)

Mission :

Comments : You don't have to kill all the other pirates, you only need to shoot down Rhombus (in the Galaxy). And the cargo? What the h... do you need that for? It's almost no money.

Submitted by : jt (mrmsje@yahoo.com)

Date : Sun Jan 20 01:45:12 2013

Mission : Masterson

Comments : "What do you need the cargo for?" Hey, a guy's gotta eat. And do you know how much my leather flight jackets go for? Plus that, it's obvious you don't party like I party...booze, broads and trips to Earth don't grow on trees. On top of that, I like collecting pilot slaves. Grab the loot when you can, and leave your kids something to talk about when you kick off.

Submitted by : David C. Teng ()

Mission : Masterson Mission 2

Comments : Destory all the talons first, and terminate Black Rhombus in the galaxy finally. After finishing him, you can collect the cargo ejected from his ship by the tractor beam.