Plunkett-Class Cruiser

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Plunkett class cruiser
Type Cruiser
Primary User Terran Confederation
Ships of the Line
Introduction 2670s to 2681
General Characteristics
Length 1,200 meters
Mass 200,000 tonnes
Crew 800
Spacecraft Carried Fighter 15 Shuttle 5
Maximum Yaw 5 dps
Maximum Pitch 5 dps
Maximum Roll 5 dps
Acceleration 55 k/s2
Cruise 240 kps
Maximum 240 kps

Cloaking Device NA
Jump Drive Yes
Source Wing Commander: Secret Ops

The Plunkett class Cruiser was a class of Confederation capital ship that was in service during the Nephilim War. These cruisers were designed to provide significant support for both offensive and defensive actions.

During the events of the Nephilim Incursion into Sol Sector, Murphy class destroyers and Plunkett class cruisers were instrumental in mounting a rapid defense of the sector. The heavy firepower of this cruiser class in combination with its fighter complement were effective but not infallible in engagements with Nephilim destroyers, cruisers, and their fighter complements.

As a result of the assistance of Plunkett class cruisers and Murphy class destroyers, the TCS Cerberus was able to defend multiple systems within Sol Sector and eventually assault the Proxima Wormhole gate.

Design and Construction

Plunkett class cruiser side-on

The Plunkett class cruiser comes equipped with a heavy armament of three Triple-Mount Heavy Particle Cannon turrets and one Triple-Mount Heavy Plasma Cannon turret. These turrets provide the cruiser with both significant anti-capship firepower and the ability to turn nearby space into a field of large plasma and particle balls lethal to most every fighter or bomber of the early Nephilim War. For added defense, this ship of the line is equipped with 21 Dual-Mount Point Defense Heavy Laser and Tachyon turrets for anti-fighter/bomber protection of both itself and the larger fleet.

For added operational capability, the cruiser can maintain a near full squadron of 15 fighters. This added functionality enhances the Plunkett's role as both fleet defender and battleship.

Service History

A Plunkett class cruiser launching fighters and engaging Nephilim forces during the Nephilim Incursion into Sol Sector.

Plunkett class cruisers along with the Murphy class destroyers formed the main line of defense during the Nephilim Incursion into Sol Sector in the year 2681. Multiple engagements involved class cruisers fighting Nephilim capital ships including Hydra class cruisers.

In addition to the efforts of the pilots and crew of the TCS Cerberus, the Ella Starbase and Ella system were defended by Murphy class destroyers and several Plunkett class cruisers including the TCS Tereshkova.

At least one Plunkett class cruiser was destroyed by Nephilim Mantas and a Hydra class cruiser in the Talos system when the TCS Cerberus entered the system.

If Luyten Station is destroyed by Nephilim forces, the TCS Bannockburn is sent into Luyten from Sirius to assist the TCS Cerberus.

If the TCS Cerberus is forced to fall back to Sirius, TCS Adelaide will join it in the assault on the Proxima system.

Known Ships

Possible Construction

  • TCS Haise
  • TCS Mitchell
  • TCS Rukavishnikov
  • TCS Ivanov
  • TCS Popov
  • TCS Farkash
  • TCS Kubasov
  • TCS Aksyonov
  • TCS Pytlivy
  • TCS Raduga
  • TCS Rastoropny
  • TCS Razitelny
  • TCS Razyashchy
  • TCS Razumny
  • TCS Resitelny
  • TCS Retivy
  • TCS Revnostny
  • TCS Rezky
  • TCS Mogami
  • TCS Kumano
  • TCS Mikuma
  • TCS Atago
  • TCS Takao

Unpublished Material



Shortly after her commissioning, the Plunkett and two sister-ships (Cernan, Borman) were involved in a brief skirmish with a group of pirate corvettes. Through the course of the engagement, the Cernan and the Borman were destroyed as the faster and more maneuverable corvettes repeatedly flanked the two cruisers. The Plunkett was eventually able to force the remaining pirate vessels to disengage, and returned to port with heavy damage. Following this encounter, all the remaining ships in the class were scheduled for refit, which involved removing the two missile turrets, strengthening the pylon and mounting the particle cannons.

Specifications Note: The original layout of the Plunkett class cruisers mounted 2 anti-fighter missile turrets in place of the 2 particle cannon turrets on the center pylon.


  • Wing Commander: Prophecy
  • Wing Commander: Secret Ops
  • Star*Soldier Manual
  • WCP SO NewShips.doc - WCP SO Dev Backup
  • Plunkett.doc - source location unknown
