Monkhouse - Mission A

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Monkhouse - Mission A
MM - PRIV - Murphy A.png
Date 2669
Type Cargo Mission
Jumps 0 (Palan)
Payment 5,000 credits
Objectives LOOK UP
Cargo LOOK UP (1)

Alien Artifact (1)

Designation S4MD
Previous Lynn Murphy - Mission C
Next Taryn Cross - Mission A
Saved Game S4MD.SAV

Monkhouse - Mission A is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to Dr. Monkhouse at the bar on Palan in the Palan System after completing Lynn Murphy - Mission C.

Mission Description

Transport Dr. Monkhouse to Basra refinery.

After landing on Basra, meet Dr. Monkhouse in the bar for his analysis of the artifact.

Pays 5000 credits.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Palan System
Nav 1 2 Miltia Talon confident friendly
4 Bounty Hunter Demon bou_4c wave one
4 Bounty Hunter Demon bou_4c wave two


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Lynn Murphy

I heard you waxed the patrol. Not too bad, Ace.
That's the closest thing to a complement you've ever given me.
Getting sentimental in your golden years, Murphy?  
If I came on to you in my golden years it wouldn't be sentiment...'d be senility. Now listen up.
Our attacks on Bronte's reinforcements have finally weakened the blockade.
They're running low on fuel, food, patience, you name it.
It's time to make the big push and break the blockade.
If you'll throw in, I can provide a force of two militia Talons for your wing.
We'll pay you 15,000 credits when you return here.
You in?
Accept Refuse
I can't speak for everyone, but...I like kicking a guy when he's down.  
Then you'll start right away, before more reinforcements jump in-system.
This'll be a tough one.
The blockade is holding at Nav 4 of Palan system in orbit around Palan.
If you make it through, pick up your friend and return here for your pay.
You worried about my pay...or that I might leave without saying goodbye?  
Believe me, if you had left without saying hello I'd be delighted.
You're one tough broad, Murphy.  
Why $NM...that's the nicest thing you've ever said to ME.
This is a really bad idea, Murphy. Bronte's net isn't as frayed as it seems.
This is a suicide run. I want out.  
This is the best chance we'll get...we can't hold off the reinforcements forever...
...but do whatever you want. No skin off my nose.


Talk to Lynn Murphy

I don't know what your angle is, mister...
...but if we don't punch through that blockade now, we never will.
Yeah...I have been kind of dragging my heels.  
You should be dragged BY your heels, $CS.
Look, if you want to pick up this friend of yours, now is the time.
The blockade ships orbiting Palan at Nav 4 won't be getting any weaker.
We've got to hit them now, before more reinforcements arrive.
Two militia Talons are standing by to accompany you on the assault.
Don't come back here until the mission is finished and you want your pay.
I've wasted too much time with you as it is.


Talk to Lynn Murphy

What's your problem, $CS? You're about as decisive as a politico.
Just trying to check out all my options, Murphy.  
Hey, you want to get down to Palan and hook up with your friend... have no option but to fly this mission.
We're going to try and break the blockade with you or without you...
...but this is your best chance to get to Palan...and make 15,000 credits to boot.
So...are you going to hook up with the two Talons we managed to dig up...
...head for Nav 4 and kick some butt...
...or kiss your friend, and your fee, good-bye?
Accept Refuse
I can't speak for everyone, but...I like kicking a guy when he's down.  
Then you'll start right away, before more reinforcements jump in-system.
If you make it through, pick up your friend and return here for your pay.
You worried about my pay...or that I might leave without saying goodbye?  
Believe me, if you had left without saying hello I'd be delighted.
You're one tough broad, Murphy.  
Why $NM...that's the nicest thing you've ever said to ME.
Actually I just came to kiss YOU goodbye, Murphy.
I'm gonna make this run on my own.  
Oh, $NM, you are a dreamer.
You'll never make it to Palan on your own.
Now beat it, before I have to throw you out'a here myself.

Completed Before Monkhouse - Mission A

Talk to Lynn Murphy

Just like I promised, I've come back for my pay...
...and anything else you'd like to give me.  
I never considered a swift kick in the butt an incentive, but have it your way.
Cute. Give me my money before I get all mushy on you.  
Here it is. Did you find your friend?
Not yet. I'll pick him up on the next run.  
There won't be a next run, ace. Not flying for us, anyway.
The blockade's broken, and hard as it may be for you to believe...
...we don't need you anymore.
Well, thanks for breaking it to me gently, sweetheart. You're an angel.  
News is news. What do you want, tears?
Fact is, the job's done. If you want your friend, go to Palan and pick him up.
No skin off my nose, either way...

Completed After Monkhouse - Mission A

Talk to Lynn Murphy

Just like I promised, I've come back for my pay...
...and anything else you'd like to give me.  
I never considered a swift kick in the butt an incentive, but have it your way.
Cute. Give me my money before I get all mushy on you.  
Here it is. Did you find your friend?
Uh-huh. He's waiting at the next table.  
Then goodbye, $NM. And take care of yourself.


Talk to Lynn Murphy

What's the matter, Murphy? You look more sour than usual.  
You want it straight? Well here it is.
I don't think much of your flying. You're sloppy.
You fail to realize mission objectives. We can't afford to waste time with you.
You're washed up here. Collect your things and pull out.
But we have the same goal. I have to get down to Palan.  
Then you'll have to do it alone. Good-bye.

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary Your work has weakened the blockade. Murphy will provide wingmen to assist you. Once you land at Palan, you can pick up Monkhouse in the bar.
Payment 15,000 credits.
Requirements You and your wingmen must destroy all hostiles.
Opponents You and two friendly militia Talons encounter a wave of three Demons (confident aces). The next wave comprises two more Demons (confident aces), and then them is a final wave of two Demons (fanatical aces).
  • During this mission you can attack all of the fighters in the blockade by using the afterburner technique, but the easiest way is to just land at the planet and pick up the next mission from Dr. Monkhouse. — "Havoc"

WC:CIC Game Guide


You are now ready to make the final break through the blockade. Destroy the remaining blockade forces and you will be able to meet Dr. Monkhouse.


Destroy the remaining blockade ships at Nav 4, then land on Palan and meet Dr. Monkhouse in the bar.

Scripted Encounters

Bounty hunters at Nav 4


  • Palan's blockade now consists of just 7 Demons. Since you've faced forces of a similar size before, this should be no problem.
  • You may also face a force of pirates or Retros in the asteroid field between Basra and Palan.
  • When all Bounty Hunters are destroyed, land on Palan and head to the bar to talk to Dr. Monkhouse.

User Comments

Submitted by : Junta ()

Mission : Palan3

Comments : It says: "You may also face a force of pirates or retros in the asteroid field between Basra and Palan." Now what the f... is this? Just go via Nav 1. And actually, you don't have to knock down the blockade, just land on Palan and talk

Submitted by : Iceman (

Mission : Palan 3

Comments : disregard everything Junta said. you do have to take down the blockade, flying straight to Palan before talkin to Murphy will result in Monkhouse telling you he'll wait til the blockades down. also in Palan 2, theres 4 demons then 4 centurions.

Submitted by : Junto ()

Mission :

Comments : Ohhhh snap, Junta, you lose. Now I totally won't take anything you say seriously anymore. Once you were my wing commander hero god master and now I just think you are teh lame. Daaaaaaaaaaang

Submitted by : Junta (

Mission : Murphy 3

Comments : What the h... are you talking about, Iceman? When you're supposed to wipe out the blockade in the THIRD Lunn Murphy mission, all you have to to is go via nav 1, and then land on Palan. You don't have to fight. Afterwards, bring Monkhouse to Basra.

Submitted by : jt (

Date : Sun Jan 20 02:17:32 2013

Mission : To Iceman Murphy Missions

Comments : Junta is right, Iceman. Yes, you can't get Monkhouse off world without talking to Murphy first, but there's no need in taking out the blockade to get him past them AFTER talking to Murphy.