24 S

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24 S.png
Production Privateer 2: The Darkening
Type Main Plot
Series Mission D: Angus Santana
Disc CD1
Run Time 29s
Previous INTER_S
Choice A Taffin ? Well, okay, why not let him think that.
Choice B There's no point in lying to this guy...
Scenes 125
Locations Interplanetary Aid

24_S is a main plot cutscene from Privateer 2: The Darkening. It is part of Mission D: Angus Santana. It is accessed by visiting Interplantery Aid on Anhur after completing Mission C: Hal Taffin. The player must choose whether or not to lie to Taffin.

Choice A: Taffin ? Well, okay, why not let him think that.       Choice B: There's no point in lying to this guy...


ANGUS SANTANA: Don't mind the mess, mess the mind, that's the slogan for today. I don't know what it means, hah, but when did that ever stop progress, eh? How can I help, Ser...

LEV ARRIS: Lev Arris.

ANGUS SANTANA: I can only give you a few minutes I'm afraid, Ser Arris, On the way to a meeting. Three meetings, actually. Simultaneously.

LEV ARRIS: I appreciate that.

ANGUS SANTANA: Where did I put those minutes? You must be with Taffin Reclamation.



25th Anniversary

On May 20, 2020, Privateer 2: The Darkening director Steve Hilliker released The Darkening 25th Anniversary Restoration which featured footage restored from Betacam tapes. The footage has been edited down into a cinema cut but where available it is of much higher quality than the game's files.


A pair of Betacam SP tapes recovered from Digital Anvil have provided high quality versions of much of Privateer 2: The Darkening's Main Plot. These cuts are not final and digital effects are missing.


A collection of Privateer 2 Storyboards has been provided by Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum. They cover the Main Plot cutscenes.


The The Darkening Script Draft 7 used during the game's shooting has been provided by Erin Roberts.


It's as crowded as Taffin's was, but a lot neater. Work
material is stacked up all over the place. When the player
clicks on him, ANGUS SANTANA stands up from behind the desk.
This is a very young looking man, earnest, an innocent-
looking face. Santana is really enthusiastic, boyish and
speedy, with futuristic hipness.

(Re: the untidy office)
Don't mind the mess. Mess the mind.
That's the slogan for today. Don't *
know what it means but when did that *
ever stop progress? How can I help,
Lev Arris.
Excellent. I'm afraid I can only
give you a few minutes, Ser Arris.
On the way to a meeting. Three
meetings actually. Simultaneously.
I appreciate it.

While Santana is digging through desk

(To himself)
Where'd I put those minutes..
(To Arris)
You must be with Taffin Reclamation?
      CHOICE 2:
Taffin... well, okay, why
not let him think that?
There's no point in lying
to this guy.