Taryn Cross - Mission C

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Taryn Cross - Mission C
MM - PRIV - Taryn Cross C.png
Date 2669
Type Scout Mission
Jumps 6 (Rygannon, Delta, Beta, Gamma, Beta, Delta, Rygannon)
Payment 10,000 credits
Objectives Go to Gamma, Nav 1

Go to Gamma, Nav 2

Go to Gamma, Nav 3

Go to Gamma, Nav 4

Cargo Alien Artifact (1)
Designation S5MC
Previous Taryn Cross - Mission B
Next Taryn Cross - Mission D
Saved Game S5MC.SAV

Taryn Cross - Mission C is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to Taryn Cross at the bar on Rygannon in the Rygannon system after completing Taryn Cross - Mission B.

Mission Description

Pass through Beta system and jump into the uncharted Gamma system. Fly the loop pattern in your nav computer, hitting each nav point in sequence.

Pays 10000 credits.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Gamma System
Nav 1 3 Kilrathi Dralthi fanatical novices
Nav 2 3 Kilrathi Dralthi fanatical novices wave one
2 Kilrathi Gothri fanatical aces wave two
2 Kilrathi Dralthi fanatical aces wave two
Nav 3 3 Kilrathi Gothri fanatical aces wave one
1 Kilrathi Gothri fanatical ace wave two
1 Kilrathi Kamekh confident novice wave two


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Taryn Cross

Finished your mapping loop, $CS?
Yeah, the information's on my flight disc. And I found Garrovick.
You didn't tell me he was a raving lunatic, Taryn.
Garrovick isn't crazy, he's one of our best pilots!
Thank God you brought him back!
Uh, well...actually, I didn't.
Garrovick was out of his mind, Taryn. He fired on me for no reason.  
Whatever attacked his ship must've been so frightening it drove him mad.  
That's what bothers me. I can't believe the pirates did all this.
Which means there's a new player in the sector.
One tough enough to end the game. So where do we go from here?
Keep exploring. What else can we do? I have maps to prepare.
I'll pay you 10,000 credits to make another mapping run...
Accept Refuse
Ah, why not? Some say life is hell and death an escape...  
...others say heaven awaits us in the world beyond...  
...but either way, I need a new pair of shoes.
Then listen. You'll leave Rygannon, pass through Beta system...
...and use the jump point there to reach the uncharted Gamma system.
Fly the loop pattern in your nav comp by hitting each nav point in sequence...
...complete the mapping spiral through Gamma and hurry back here to collect your pay.
What, with Death Incarnate sucking around out there? No way.
I'm disappointed...but I can't say I blame you. Good luck, $CS. And good-bye.


Talk to Taryn Cross

Back already, eh? Did you turn your flight disc over to Cartography?
To tell the truth, I haven't left yet.
Look, I know it's dangerous out there, but if you can't take the heat...
Hey, no sweat. I'm not afraid. Things come up, you know?
All I know is, the ES brass are breathing down my neck.
They're interested in the sector, and they're pressuring me to finish up.
Listen, pilot through the Beta system and use the jump point there...
...which should take you to the uncharted Gamma system.
Fly the loop pattern in your nav comp by hitting each nav point in sequence...
...complete the mapping spiral through Gamma and hurry back here to collect your 10,000.


Talk to Taryn Cross

Thinking twice before bailing out? Smart boy.
This is easy money if ever there was such a thing.
All you need to do is pilot through the Beta system and use the jump point there...
...which should take you to the uncharted Gamma system.
Fly the loop pattern in your nav comp by hitting each nav point in sequence...
...complete the mapping spiral through Gamma and hurry back here to collect your 10,000 credits.
Sounds easy enough...
...so why are unmentionable portions of my body spontaneously puckering?
Don't let the disappearances bother you. Just focus on the mission at hand, okay?
Accept Refuse
Ah, why not? Some say life is hell and death an escape...
...others say heaven awaits us in the world beyond...
...but either way, I need a new pair of shoes.
Not until I find out what's out there.
I still can't say I blame you, $NM. Good luck.


Talk to Taryn Cross

Look, you don't have to tell me. I know I screwed up.
Yeah, you did. It hurts me to say this, because I like you...
...but I'm afraid you're fired.
We need results, $CS. And I don't want to sit around this god-forsaken sector forever.
Hey, I'll try harder, I'll work faster...
Sorry, $NM...you had your chance and you blew it.
I wish you luck. Good-bye.

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary Taryn decides to keep exploring despite the presence of whatever it was that drove Garrovick to madness. Discovering Kilrathi out here only reinforces your impression that the Confederation and Kilrathi are both on to something - something you hope to find first.
Payment 10,000 credits.
Requirements Hit all nav points and return to Rygannon.
Opponents The Kilrathi have surveyed Gamma before you, and are not happy to see you. There are three Dralthi at Nay I in Gamma; three Dralthi at Nan 2 in Gamma, with a second wave of two Gothri and a third wave of them more Dralthi; and three Gothri at Nan 4, followed by a Kamekh (confident novice) escorted by another Gothri. The Gothri pilots are all fanatical aces and the Dralthi pilots are all fanatical pros.
  • On the way to this mission, you will encounter a lot of random pirates and Kilrathi. Until you get to the new system, do not rake needless damage or waste your ammo. You should talk your way out of the random encounters by using the communication options and choosing the appropriate response. - "Eagle"
  • Once in the system, you will be immediately attacked. I took care of them by missiles and taming a lot of different directions. Try firing a set of missiles at each to keep them from attacking at the same time. The first nav you will want to go to is Nav 4: if you're in the asteroid field, just afterburner out the direction you came and bait them out. take the escorts out, then the Kamekh from behind. At the other nav, you will want to use the afterburner technique and take them out one by one. – "Havoc"

WC:CIC Game Guide


Inside Delta there is a jump point to a new system designated Beta. Again you need to travel there, and patrol the area. Cross asks you to look out for a pilot named Captain Garrovick she sent there before who never returned.


Travel to Gamma system and patrol 4 Nav points then return to Rygannon.

Scripted Encounters

Kilrathi in Gamma


  • At Nav 2, you'll find an initial force of 4 Dralthi, followed by 3 Gothri, and then another 3 Dralthi. This is on top of random pirate and Kilrathi forces at other Nav points.