Informant - Mission B
Informant - Mission B | |
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Date | 2670 |
Type | Rendezvous Mission |
Jumps | 6 (Capella, Crab-12, New Caledonia, 17-AR, Telar, Valhalla, Eden) |
Objectives | Go to Valhalla
Go to Eden, Nav 1 |
Designation | S14MA |
Previous | Admiral Terrell - Mission A |
Next | Informant - Mission C |
Saved Game | S14MA.PRS |
Informant - Mission B is a mission in Privateer Righteous Fire. It may be accessed by talking to the Informant at the bar on Drake in the Capella after completing Admiral Terrell - Mission A.
Mission Description
Bounty offered for the eradication of Jones from Gemini Sector.
Search Valhalla for jump to Eden.
Proceed to Retro base in Eden.
Mission Layout
Location | # | Faction | Ships | Intelligence | Notes |
Death System | |||||
Nav 1 | 2 | Retro | Talon | fanatical aces | |
2 | Retro | Salthi | fanatical aces | ||
Nav 3 | 1 | Retro | Talon | fanatical ace | |
2 | Retro | Salthi | fanatical aces | ||
Pestilence System | |||||
Nav 1 | 2 | Retro | Salthi | fanatical aces | |
Nav 2 | 3 | Retro | Salthi | fanatical aces | |
Nav 3 | 1 | Retro | Salthi | fanatical ace | |
War System | |||||
Nav 2 | 4 | Retro | Salthi | fanatical aces | |
Nav 3 | 3 | Retro | Salthi | fanatical aces | |
Famine System | |||||
Nav 1 | 1 | Pirate | Talon | pir13b | friendly |
Tingerhoff System | |||||
Nav 1 | 1 | Pirate | Talon | pir13b | friendly |
Mission Briefing
Initial Offer
Talk to Admiral Terrell
- Good day, $NM. I trust you remember me?
- Naturally.
- I've been impressed by your recent efforts to help the Confederation.
- Captain Goodin's reports to me have been most positive.
- As I'm sure you have learned, the Retros have gotten out of hand.
- Their recent surge in activity is attributable to one Mordecai Jones.
- Stopping the threat means eliminating Jones.
- Unfortunately, we have very little information about his current location.
- Intelligence analysis indicates that he's operating from the Fariss quadrant.
- But that's all we know.
- Therefore, we're going to begin a thorough search of Fariss.
- We're going to comb each system until we find him.
- So how do I fit in?
- As you know, we've got nearly all our forces mobilized already.
- They're split between the Kilrathi and the Retros.
- We can only spare a handful of ships for the search.
- but a handful is not enough. Using Confederation ships alone,
- the search would take years.
- We need volunteers to beef up our search teams.
- That's how you fit in.
- What are you offering?
- We need you to patrol Death, Pestilence, and War.
- You get 20,000.
- That's an awful lot of space to cover in one flight.
- I know. You should fuel up at Macabee in Nexus before starting.
Accept | Refuse |
Talk to Admiral Terrell
- What are you doing here, $NM? Your mission's not complete.
- I may be reconsidering. What are the details again?
- You are to patrol Death, Pestilence and War.
- I recommend you fuel up at Macabee in Nexus first.
- You must return here afterwards. The pay is 20,000.
Accept | Refuse |
Talk to Admiral Terrell
- Good to see you again, $NM.
- We need you badly. Let me describe my offer again.
- You are to patrol Death, Pestilence and War.
- I recommend you fuel up at Macabee in Nexus first.
- You must return here afterwards. The pay is 20,000.
Accept | Refuse |
In Flight
Talk to Pirate
- # Hope you're not looking for trouble.
- # You're making me nervous.
- Hey hotshot, my employer wants to see you. He's waiting for you at Drake Base, In the Capella system. He can't wait for long...
- # And who's that?
- # Who would employ you.
- I just get paid to deliver the message. I'm much more interested in your cargo. Fat cargo holds Are hard to come by these days. Say, maybe you're carrying something good for me. Eh, sailor boy?
- # Back off, I've got nothing for you!
- # You're going down, pirate!
- Well, we'll meet again. My manners end when you land on Drake in Capella. We'll see if you ever get to Drake in Capella.
- Good work, $NM. Your data is quite complete.
- I'm afraid that there was no evidence of any bases in the systems you patrolled.
- You're not alone. All patrols so far have turned up nothing.
- All except the Epsilon group, which hasn't returned yet.
- They were sent to patrol 17-AR, J-900, Telar, and Valhalla.
- We've lost contact with them. I'm sending additional ships to look for them.
- Anyway, I want to thank you for your help,
- and to inform you that I'll pay you 80,000 if you can somehow get rid of Jones.
- That's all. Goodbye.
WC:CIC Game Guide
You have met the Informant before while working for Monte. Now the Informant wants you to take out Jones. The Informant tells you of Jones' plans, why he wants Jones dead, and the location of a secret Retro base. You are to fly to this base and find out where Jones is.
Fly to Valhalla system and find the secret jump point to Eden system. Jump to Eden and land on Gaea base.
Find out where Jones is, then find and destroy him. When complete, return to Drake base in Capello.
Scripted Encounters
Retros at both Nav points in Eden
- It is a long flight to the base, and to make matters worse you must be sure not to take any damage or use any missiles because you still have the main battle left, not forgetting the trip back to Drake. Where possible, avoid encounters and just afterburn away as fast as you can. Once you reach the Retro base Gaea, beg for forgiveness at the temple. There you will learn how to find Jones.
- Jones is heading towards the moon. Take off, turn towards the moon (changing to the Chase Camera may help you find it) and fly in that direction. Afterburn if you want to make the journey quicker. When you are around 40,000m away from Gaea, Jones will appear.
- Jones will stay away, so take out his his guards first. You'll face 13 of them, all in the Salthis bought from the Kilrathi. After that, on to Jones. He is flying a Centurion which is quite strongly shielded and armored. To make matters worse, he is quite fond of ramming you so make sure to save a few missiles for him. Once you are finished with him, land at Gaea, save, then head back to Drake.
- The Informant thanks you for taking out Jones. At this point, continue on to Perry to report to Admiral Terrell. He'll give you the 20,000 for the mission you flew for him before you got sidetracked. He'll thank you for taking out Jones and say goodbye. Talk to him again for the little Credits chat. Congratulations... you win!
Community Comments
Submitted by : John Nelson (
Mission : Jones Mission
Comments : A hidden jump point is near the asteroids when you fly towards the moon to fight Jones. It makes getting home to Perry a lot easiar. Land on Gaea first, have a gut laugh at the crumbled shrine, then fly back to the moon and hit the jump.
Submitted by : Justice ()
Mission :
Comments : The jump point goes to Rikel. Also, if you went back for the 20,000 before going to Gaea, Terrel offers you a large sum for killing Jones, like 80,000.
Submitted by : Junta (
Mission :
Comments : Hidden jump point? It's not hidden, you're supposed to see it. It is not possible not to discover the jump point, when you are fighting Jones and his army. And nobody in the world could resist using the jump point, so everybody knows it leads to Rikel.
Submitted by : jt (
Date : Sun Jan 20 01:35:41 2013
Mission : Jones--Hidden Jump Points
Comments : I know of only one other 'hidden' jump point besides the one that takes you to and from Rikel. Are there any others? Thanks.
Submitted by : Junta ()
Date : Sat Aug 10 18:59:05 2013
Mission :
Comments : jt: Which one are you talking about? Valhalla?