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Engine Upgrade 1
Privateer - Ship Modification Bay - Engine 1.PNG

An Engine Upgrade 1 is a type of generator or series of generators that can be installed on spacecraft on top of their standard engines to increase the power available to guns and shields. They are available for sale to privateers at ship dealers. Gabriel Quentin wrote about engine upgrades in GEMINI SECTOR: AN OVERVIEW, recommending that spacecraft owners have one higher level of engine upgrade than shield.


Version Regen Limit Cost Resale
Privateer 40 GW 50 GJ 10,000 credits 6,500 credits


An Engine Upgrade 1 may be installed on the engine slots of the stock Tarsus, Orion, Galaxy and Centurion.

Individual Users



Wing Commander Privateer Player's Guide

Engine Upgrades

There are five levels of engine upgrade. Each upgrade is a generator or series of generators that powers your guns and shields. It is our recommendation that you have at least one more level of engine upgrade than levels of shield. Power drain is an important concern that is answered with a sufficient level of generator. Also be aware that the ship you are in may not be able to support as many engine upgrades as you would like. Buy your guns and shields with this in mind.

Privateer Playtesters' Guide


Behind the Screens

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