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==Mission Briefing==
== Mission Briefing ==

===Visit Before Lynn Murphy - Mission D===
===Initial Offer===

'''Talk to Dr. Monkhouse'''
'''Talk to Taryn Cross'''

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Dr. Monkhouse, I presume.
: Excuse me, I'm looking for Taryn Cross.  
: Yes, you do, greatly.
: I wish to be alone.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Sorry, Doc, but I didn't run the blockade just to be treated like a vaccum salesman.
: You've found herSo...you gonna slit my throat, or just rob me?
: I need a favorI understand you're an expert on alien...antiquities.  
: Don't let my clothes fool you.  They're a little rough, but times have been hard...  
: That I am, but my consulting price is currently transportation off this rock.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Say no more, climb into my ship and we're out of here.
: ...which leads me to the point. I'm looking for work...
: ...and you heard that the Exploratory Service takes anyone, is that it?
: Heavens no! Not while the blockade is in effect!
: I shall sit tight until that unfortunate situation is ended.
: Should you wish to facilitate that circumstance, head for Basra.
: From what I understand, the resistance is centered there.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Basra, huh? All right...I'll look into it.  
: That's a misconception, I'm afraid. Our work is hazardous, yes,...
: ...but not all our employees sport scars and pirate hats.
: The job requires brains as well as blasters, Mister...?
: You do that. I'll be right here, waiting.
===Initial Offer===
'''Talk to Dr. Monkhouse'''

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Ah, Dr. MonkhouseI'm glad to see you.
: $NMOr you may have heard me going by $CS.  
: Please believe me, I'm not looking for a handout, just a job.  
: I have all the qualifications you're looking for...  
: I wish I could say the same. I'm not receiving visitors right now, young man.
: ...an eye for detail, a nose for trouble and a butt that's never been kicked.
: I wish to be alone.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Sorry, Doc, but I didn't run the blockade to take no for an answer.  
: Suppose I'll have to check that out for myself...later.
: Listen, I have this alien artifact, and I....
: Okay, $CS.  If you want the job, you're in...on a per mission basis.
: Right now I need someone for a potentially dangerous assignment.
: I'm in charge of charting maps for the sector.
: Don't speak to me about extraterrestrial artifacts!  I'm sick of them!
: The ES has lost a number of ships in the Delta system...
: I nearly got killed here because of my work.  You've heard of the Steltek?
: ...and through jump point Delta, which remains unexplored.
: Well, suffice it to say, I recovered an interesting piece of Steltek manufacture...
: Could be Kilrathi, a singularity or black magic.  No one knows...
: ...a piece which interested certain corrupt corporate interests who shall be nameless.
: ...but I'll pay you 10,000 credits to find out.
: All I need is a libel suit on top of everything else.
| valign="top" | '''Accept'''  
: What's your name? 
| valign="top" | '''Refuse'''
| valign="top" |
: '''CROSS'''
: You'll leave Rygannon, travel to the Delta system and scout it through 4 nav points.
: The navigational info you'll need will be programmed into your nav computer.
: Basically, for charting purposes, you'll be flying a small loop...
: ...and standard nav points which make up the loop have been calculated.
: Simply hit all the nav points, return here safely...  
: ...and we'll download what we need from your flight disc...and pay you, of course.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: $NM.  My handle is $CS.
: Sounds pretty easy.

: '''CROSS'''
: Well listen, $NM. I was kidnapped and brought to Palan by men who wanted my artifact...
: Easy? We've lost three vessels so far.  
: ...and then I was nearly killed in last month's bombing attacks.
: Thank God my kidnappers were buried beneath the rubble of the interrogation compound.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: And what happened to your artifact?
: Yeah, but did those pilots have scars or pirate hats?

: '''CROSS'''
: Never you mind about my artifact. What do you want of me? 
: Neither.  

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: I have an artifact of my own.  I want you to tell me what it is.
: Then get ready to strike ''Here there be dragons'' from your map, Ms. Cross.
: I'd consider it...in exchange for transportation off-world.
: If you'll fly me to Basra refinery base in the Palan system...
: ...I'll help you solve this puzzle. 

: '''CROSS'''
: It'll be a pleasure, Mr. $NM.  Good luck.
| width="50%" valign="top" |
: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Basra refinery base?  It's not exactly vacation centralWhy go there?
: Somehow the idea doesn't grab meGot anything else?

: '''CROSS'''
: It's the nearest base, and I detest space travel in cramped quarters.
: Not at the moment.  
: I'll charter a luxury liner back to civilization later.
: I will pay you 5,000 credits towards your expenses.
: Have we a bargain?
| valign="top" | '''Accept'''
| valign="top" | '''Refuse'''
| valign="top" |
: '''PLAYER'''
: Okay, Doc.  I'll get you off this rock and fly you to Basra.  
: But once we hit Basra, you better prove you were worth the trouble.

: Meet me in the bar on Basra for your payment, and your analysis.
: Most assuredly.  If I can't tell you about your find...no one can.
| width="50%" valign="top" |
: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Sorry, DocI don't like those terms at all.
: Then I'll passThanks anyway.

: '''CROSS'''
: And yet you expect to employ my years of hard earned knowledge for nothing?
: Sorry it didn't work outGood luck, anyway.
: No, young man.  I don't like those terms eitherFarewell.
Line 191: Line 161:

'''Talk to Dr. Monkhouse'''
'''Talk to Taryn Cross'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Just as I suspected...all talk and no action.  You disappoint me, $CS.
: You should have left Rygannon and charted the nav points in Delta system by now.

: '''CROSS'''
: I thought we had a deal, young man.
: I'll get around to it sooner or later.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: We do.  
: Make it sooner.  I may be desperate for someone to fly this, $CS...
: ...but I can't afford to wait forever.

: Well, in that case, I'd advise you to get me off this wretched planet immediately...
: ...and take me without further delay to Basra!
: My patience is wearing thin...and the longer we delay, the more it deteriorates!
: If you want me to help you identify your find, GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW! 

: '''PLAYER'''
'''Talk to Taryn Cross'''
: Yes, sir.   
: Be on my ship in five minutes.

: '''CROSS'''
: I didn't think pirates were known for their waffling.

'''Talk to Dr. Monkhouse'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: We're not, but we never jump into things without thinking them through...if we can.

: '''CROSS'''
: See here, young man.  I won't be trifled with.
: Look, I can't let you take too much longer to decide.
: If you'll transport me off this wretched world and get me to the Basra refinery base...
: I need someone to head out to Delta system and chart it...
: ...I'll pay you 5,000 credits and help you identify your find.
: ...following the preprogrammed nav points which comprise the mapping loop.
: Have we a bargain?
: We've lost three ships attempting to do just that...
: ...and I'll pay 10,000 credits to the man who can bring back the cartographical info we need.
: How about it?  Yes or no?
Line 225: Line 198:
| valign="top" |  
| valign="top" |  
: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Okay, Doc. I'll get you off this rock and fly you to Basra.
: Sounds pretty easy.
: But once we hit Basra, you better prove you were worth the trouble.
: Meet me in the bar on Basra for your payment, and your analysis.
: Most assuredly.  If I can't tell you about your find...no one can.
| width="50%" valign="top" |
: '''PLAYER'''
: I want the information up front, Monkhouse.
: I'm afraid that would leave me with little leverage in this situation, $NM.
: I have made my position clear.
: I will tell you about the artifact the moment I arrive in Basra.
: Come back when you are willing to accept my offer.

===In Flight===
: '''CROSS'''
: Easy? We've lost three vessels so far.
'''Talk to Kilrathi'''
: # Spare me, I'm a civilian!
: # Hope your insurance is extensive, kitty cat. 
: '''KIL1'''
: Apeling! You are entirely in our power! We know Monkhouse is aboard your craft. You will surrender him to us immediately ... ... or be destroyed!"
'''Talk to Dr. Monkhouse'''
: That was truly an exciting ride, $NM.  Here are 5,000 credits as promised.
: Thank you for getting me here in one piece.
: I've examined your artifact. A very interesting piece you have there, young man...
: ...especially since I have one almost exactly like it.
: Ironically, it's the very piece that my kidnappers were interested in. 

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Then...you know what it is?
: Yeah, but did those pilots have scars or pirate hats?

: '''CROSS'''
: Ah yes. You said you knew nothing of the Steltek.
: Neither.  
: $NM, long before man emerged on Earth, the Steltek ruled an empire that spanned the galaxy.
: Even then, they were more technologically advanced than we are now.
: By the time their empire crumbled, they were possessed of wonders beyond our comprehension. 

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Is that so?  Well, if they were so tough, what happened to them?
: Then get ready to strike ''Here there be dragons'' from your map, Ms. Cross.
: No one knows.  Some say they perished in a civil war that lasted millennia...
: ...others believe they simply grew weary of their power, surrendered it...
: ...and even now enjoy a simple, tranquil existence at the heart of the galaxy.

: '''CROSS'''
: It'll be a pleasure, Mr. $NM.  Good luck.
| width="50%" valign="top" |
: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Nice fairy tale, Doc.  But what about the artifact?
: Got anything else?

: '''CROSS'''
: Here's my piece of it. Notice anything odd? 
: Not currently.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: The markings... 
: Then I'll try laterThanks again.
: Hold it up beside yours, $NM.
: '''PLAYER'''
: A mapGod Almighty, it's a treasure map!
: Superficially.  It also contains a complete set of the Steltek alphabet.
: '''PLAYER'''
: Who cares about that?  What are we going to find at the spot indicated, Doc?
: Who knows?  The real question is, where do we go from here? 
: The sector on the map seems to be located on the edge of the frontier.
: Bad luck indeed.  That area is currently uncharted.
: Without the location of the sector's jump points...
: ...exploring the area will be nearly impossible. 

: '''PLAYER'''
: Unless I enlist with the Exploratory Service in Rygannon.
: That way I could map the jump points, and get paid for it at the same time.
: Always the privateer, eh?
: Care you nothing for the possibility of scientific advancement? 
: '''PLAYER'''
: You got it, Doc.  Nothing.  I'm in this for the profit.

'''Talk to Taryn Cross'''
: Very well.  I have no interest in baubles...
: You may keep my fragment, and whatever treasure you find...
: ...so long as I get to publish any scientific finds.  Agreed? 

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: Sounds good to me.
: Look, you don't have to tell me.  I know I screwed up.

: '''CROSS'''
: ExcellentBefore you go, I'll program your computer with the nav information from the map...
: Yeah, you didIt hurts me to say this, because I like you...
: ...as well as the Steltek alphabet.  It may come in handy where you're going.   
: ...but I'm afraid you're fired.
: We need results, $CSAnd I don't want to sit around this god-forsaken sector forever.

: '''PLAYER'''
: '''PLAYER'''
: What, you think X marks the spot to a Steltek colony?
: Hey, I'll try harder, I'll work faster...
: You've been watching too many late night holos, Doc.

: '''CROSS'''
: We shall see.
: Sorry, $NM...you had your chance and you blew it.
: I wish you luck.  Good-bye.

==Privateer Playtester's Guide==
==Privateer Playtester's Guide==

Revision as of 19:52, 4 February 2023

Taryn Cross - Mission A
MM - PRIV - Taryn Cross A.png
Date 2669
Type Scout Mission
Jumps 2 (Rygannon, Delta, Rygannon)
Payment 10,000 credits
Objectives Go to Delta, Nav 1

Go to Delta, Nav 2

Go to Delta, Nav 3

Go to Delta, Nav 4

Cargo Alien Artifact (1)
Designation S5MA
Previous Monkhouse - Mission A
Next Taryn Cross - Mission B
Saved Game S5MA.SAV

Taryn Cross - Mission A is a mission in Wing Commander Privateer. It may be accessed by talking to Dr. Monkhouse at the bar on Palan in the Palan System after completing Monkhouse - Mission A.

Mission Description

Travel to Delta system and map sector by hitting 4 nav points pre- programmed into your ships nav computer.

Pays 10000 credits.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Delta System
Nav 2 4 Pirate Talon pir_5a
Nav 3 4 Pirate Talon pir_5a
4 Pirate Talon pir_5a replacements


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Taryn Cross

Excuse me, I'm looking for Taryn Cross.
You've found her. So...you gonna slit my throat, or just rob me?
Don't let my clothes fool you. They're a little rough, but times have been hard...  
...which leads me to the point. I'm looking for work...
...and you heard that the Exploratory Service takes anyone, is that it?
That's a misconception, I'm afraid. Our work is hazardous, yes,...
...but not all our employees sport scars and pirate hats.
The job requires brains as well as blasters, Mister...?
$NM. Or you may have heard me going by $CS.  
Please believe me, I'm not looking for a handout, just a job.  
I have all the qualifications you're looking for...  
...an eye for detail, a nose for trouble and a butt that's never been kicked.
Suppose I'll have to check that out for myself...later.
Okay, $CS. If you want the job, you're in...on a per mission basis.
Right now I need someone for a potentially dangerous assignment.
I'm in charge of charting maps for the sector.
The ES has lost a number of ships in the Delta system...
...and through jump point Delta, which remains unexplored.
Could be Kilrathi, a singularity or black magic. No one knows...
...but I'll pay you 10,000 credits to find out.
Accept Refuse
You'll leave Rygannon, travel to the Delta system and scout it through 4 nav points.
The navigational info you'll need will be programmed into your nav computer.
Basically, for charting purposes, you'll be flying a small loop...
...and standard nav points which make up the loop have been calculated.
Simply hit all the nav points, return here safely...
...and we'll download what we need from your flight disc...and pay you, of course.
Sounds pretty easy.
Easy? We've lost three vessels so far.
Yeah, but did those pilots have scars or pirate hats?
Then get ready to strike Here there be dragons from your map, Ms. Cross.
It'll be a pleasure, Mr. $NM. Good luck.
Somehow the idea doesn't grab me. Got anything else?
Not at the moment.
Then I'll pass. Thanks anyway.
Sorry it didn't work out. Good luck, anyway.


Talk to Taryn Cross

Just as I suspected...all talk and no action. You disappoint me, $CS.
You should have left Rygannon and charted the nav points in Delta system by now.
I'll get around to it sooner or later.
Make it sooner. I may be desperate for someone to fly this, $CS...
...but I can't afford to wait forever.


Talk to Taryn Cross

I didn't think pirates were known for their waffling.
We're not, but we never jump into things without thinking them through...if we can.
Look, I can't let you take too much longer to decide.
I need someone to head out to Delta system and chart it...
...following the preprogrammed nav points which comprise the mapping loop.
We've lost three ships attempting to do just that...
...and I'll pay 10,000 credits to the man who can bring back the cartographical info we need.
How about it? Yes or no?
Accept Refuse
Sounds pretty easy.
Easy? We've lost three vessels so far.
Yeah, but did those pilots have scars or pirate hats?
Then get ready to strike Here there be dragons from your map, Ms. Cross.
It'll be a pleasure, Mr. $NM. Good luck.
Got anything else?
Not currently.
Then I'll try later. Thanks again.


Talk to Taryn Cross

Look, you don't have to tell me. I know I screwed up.
Yeah, you did. It hurts me to say this, because I like you...
...but I'm afraid you're fired.
We need results, $CS. And I don't want to sit around this god-forsaken sector forever.
Hey, I'll try harder, I'll work faster...
Sorry, $NM...you had your chance and you blew it.
I wish you luck. Good-bye.

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Summary Monkhouse needs to be delivered to Basra in Palan. He'll look at the artifact and give you an analysis in exchange for the trip and pay towards your expenses. He'll meet you in the bar on Basra to discuss the artifact when you get there.
Payment 5,000 credits plus the analysis.
Requirements Get to Basra.
Opponents At Nav 4 in Palan them is a hostile Kilrathi Gothri (a confident ace) who would like you to turn Monkhouse over to the Kilrathi. He is followed by three angry Dralthi (confident aces) and then two more Gothri (confident aces).
  • This mission can be completed by using the above techniques. Just take on each fighter one by one and take them out individually. The easiest method is to run from them to one of the bottom nav points to bypass the asteroid field between Palan and Basra, then head to the Basra refinery far the money and more info. - "Havoc"

The Artifact. The artifact you possess, Monkhouse tells you, is both a treasure map and a Rosetta Stone from the Stelteks. You strike an agreement to join the Exploratory Services in Rygannon and seek out any possible treasure as long as Monkhouse gets to publish all findings. He allows you to keep both parts of the arti-fact and programs all the information into your ship's computer.

WC:CIC Game Guide


Dr. Monkhouse is willing to give you any information he can on your artifact, but first he wants a change of surroundings.


Transport Dr. Monkhouse to Basra refinery.

Scripted Encounters

Kilrathi upon launching from Palan.


  • Upon launching from Palan, you are greeted by your first scripted Kilrathi force. It consists of around 3 Dralthi and 3 Gothri fighters.
  • This can be quite a firefight especially with those Gothris since they are strong and have a rapid firing rear turret. They'll also quite happily ram you. Your only hope is to let the missiles fly. This should distract them long enough for you to take out one of the enemies. Repeat the strategy as best as you can, but it may take several attempts to get right.
  • When you first land on Basra, Lynn Murphy is in the bar. Talk to her to get your final payment of 15,000 credits.
  • When done, Dr. Monkhouse will be in her place. He will give you your 5,000 fee and will examine your artifact. He happens to have a similar artifact, and joined with yours, they make a map and a complete Steltek alphabet. Dr. Monkhouse programs the Steltek alphabet into your computer in case it comes in useful, but the locations marked on the map are currently uncharted. Your only hope is to chart them yourself with the Exploratory Services.

Head to Rygannon and find Taryn Cross in the bar.