Wing Commander Collectible Trading Card Game Manual
Wing Commander Collectible Trading Card Game Manual | |
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Creator | Mag Force 7, Inc. |
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Filesize | 3690880 kB |
Date | August 15, 1995 |
Pages | 47 |
Wing Commander Collectible Trading Card Game Manual is an instruction manual which explains how to play the Wing Commander Collectible Trading Card Game. The manual was printed as a small, card-sized booklet included with every starter deck sold.
Your fighters are attacked the moment you clear the navigation point. A pair of deadly-looking Dralthi IV swoop from their hiding place among the asteroids. Their huge, flattened side-hulls make the Kilrathi fighters look like gigantic bats. The deadly array of missiles strapped along their undersides glistened in the starlight.
The commlink sputters, and the feline face of the Kilrathi ace, Stalker, crackles into view on the screen.
"Now is your time to die, monkeys," the alien hisses. His lead Dralthi spits death at your Thunderbolt.
"Attack my target," you bark into the commlink.
Your wingman comes back with an encouraging, "Rock 'n Roll, Colonel!" and swoops up beneath the Kilrathi Ace.
You throw your fighter into a sharp turn, bringing the catlike alien's afterburners dead in your sites.
The battles is as fast as it is furious. The Kilrathi falls, flaming, among the asteroids. Your craft is damaged, but still operational. In the distance, you see the imposing bulk of the Kilrathi carrier, the Sivar's Glory.
Arming your torpedo, you begin your attack run...
You have at your command the fighters, pilots and crew of a space-going carrier. You are engaged in deadly space combat with an enemy carrier and its complement of space fighters. Playing either the Kilrathi or Terran side, you marshal your forces of fighters and talented pilots to defeat your opponent.
You win the game by either:
- destroying your opponent's carrier. This is accomplished by scoring two hits directly into the ship, by either torpedoes or bombing runs.
- reducing the carrier and its fighters to the point where the enem can no longer carry on the battle, forcing the enemy to retreat. This is accomplished by reducing your opponent's Power Points to 0.
Power Points: Both players start with 30 Power Points. These represent the resources of your carrier. When these points are reduced to 0, this means that your forces have been so depleted that you must retreat from Combat. Keep track of the points on the Power Point pad. Plaers gain 2 points every turn during their Draw Phase. These points are added to the total.
When cards are put into play, the player's Power Point total is reduced by the cards' mustering cost (noted under the card's title by small fighters and medals). All cards except Maneuver and Battle Damage cards have mustering cost, though that cost may be zero.
When fighters, weapons, pilots and certain Nav Point modifiers are lost in combat, the Power Point total will be further reduced.
Mustering Cost: The mustering cost is the cost required to play a card. When the card is brought into play, the power Point total is reduced by the number of fighters indicated in the mustering cost.
Medal Points: These represent the heroic qqualities of pilots and crew. If any medals are required to bring a card into play, then sufficient crew, pilots, or other medal-producing cards must be "tapped" or turned sideways to indicate that they have been used for that turn in order to play the card.
A pilot's Medal Points may be used:
- To bring out other cards with Medal Point requirements in their cost. The Medal Points of a pilot in the Ready Area may be used to bring into play cards that require Medals in the mustering cost. The pilot must be "tapped" to do so. A pilot who is "tapped" cannot fly during that turn.
- In combat to increase any of the values of the fighter to which the pilot is attached (Example: add 1 Medal Point to an attack factor of 1 to attack for 2. Add 2 Medal Points to a 0 defense to defend for 2, etc.). Usin the Medal Points to increase a fighter's values does not require the pilot to be tapped.
If a pilot that provides a Medal Point is assigned to a fighter and launched, then the Medal Point may be used to increase the abilities of the fighter. However, when the pilot it flying, Medal Points may not be used for mustering.
A player who needs a Medal Point for mustering and has no crew or pilot available to tap for a Medal Point may purchase Medal Points by spending five Power Points for each Medal Point. Purchased Medal Points may be used only for mustering. They may not be used to increase the values of a fighter.
Maneuver Cost: The cost of Maneuver and Battle Damage Cards is shown by the number of arrows below the title of the card. This cost is indicative of the difficulty factor of the maneuver or the severity of the Battle Damage. A player must have a fighter whose Maneuver Value either matches or exceeds (modified by pilots and weapons) the number of arrows in order to play the Maneuver and/or Battle Damage card during combat.
The Maneuver Cost also represents the number of Maneuver and/or Battle Damage Cards that may be played by a particular fighter within one complete combat sequence. A fighter with a Maneuver Value of 3 can only play 3 Maneuver or Battle Damage cards in the combat sequence.
Top - Card type: a type of fighter, a pilot's name, a particular Maneuver, or a description of Battle Damage.
Top below Card Name - The mustering cost of the card, the difficulty rating of a Maneuver or Battle Damage card.
Center below Art - The name of squadron, its squadron icon and motto, name of pilot, maneuver, any special abilities of the card.
Bottom Left - Attack and Support Values. The Attack Value is the amount of damage that a fighter can inflict on the ighter directly across.
The Support Value is the amount of damage that the fighter can lend to attack the enemy fighter not directly across from it, but in the same Nav Point, A fighter may use its Attack or Support values during combat, but not both.
Bottom Right - Maneuver and efense Values. The Defense Value is the amount of damage that the fighter takes before being destroyed. If the Defense Valueis lower than or equal to the enemy's Attack Valu,e the fighter is destroyed.
Bottom Center - Numbers and symbols shown represent special abilities, such as medals or weapons modifiers (torpedoes, for example.)
The playing surface is laid out as shown. Place the five Nav Points as indicated between the two rival carriers. Each carrier acts as a Nav Point as well. A carrier can only be attacked by enemy fighters at the Carrier Nav Points. Neither carrier moves during the course of the game.
The lines between the Nav Points indicate how fighters my move during the Movement Phase. Fighters may only move one Nav point at a time.
Place the card deck to one side of the carrier. A discard pile will be created next to that deck as cards are lost or discarded. On the other side of the carrier is the Ready Area where fighters, pilots and weapon systems are help and assembled prior to launch.
--------- --------- ------------ |Kilrathi| |Kilrathi| | Kilrathi | |Discard | |Draw | | Ready | |Pile | |Pile | | Area | ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ |Kilrathi| |Carrier | | | _----------_ /| /|\ |\ / | \ / | \ / | \ \/_ | _\/ ---------- | ---------- | Nav | | | Nav | | Point | | | Point | | | | | | ---------- _ | _--------- |\ | /| \ | / \ | / \ | / _\| \|/ |/_ ---------- | Nav | | Point | | | _----------_ /| /|\ |\ / | \ / | \ / | \ \/_ | _\/ ---------- | ---------- | Nav | | | Nav | | Point | | | Point | | | | | | ---------- _ | _ --------- |\ | /| \ | / \ | / \ | / _\| \|/ |/_ ---------- | Terran | | Carrier| | | -------- ---------- -------- --------- |Terran| |Terran| |Terran | |Ready | | Draw | |Discard| |Area | | Pile | | Pile | -------- -------- ---------
- One player plays with the Terran deck. The other player plays with the Kilrathi deck. The players place the two carriers (either those provided on the back of the Starter Deck box or the varrier cards) and five Nav Points according to the diagram. Carrier and Nav Point cards do not go into the players' decks.
- Both Terran and Kilrathi players start with 30 Power Points.
- Each player begins the game with four Mustering points. These allow the player to bring out at no cost a selection of fighters, weapons and/or pilots. Total value must not exceed foure. Example : Four Darkets at 1 point each. One Darker and a Pilot whose cost is 3 Points. These may be put immediately into the Ready Area. These cards may be only Fighters, Weapons, or Pilots. If a card has a Medal Point in the cost, it may not be brought out at this time. If a player does not choose to use all of the four points, the points can be exchanged for Power Points. Example: If the Kilrathi Player were to bring two Darket fighters into the Ready Area (each costing 1 point) and nothing else, then the player gains two Power Points. For beginning players, it is suggested that you simply take four Power Points instead of choosing cards, until you are more familiar with the different cards in your deck. Thus both players would begin the game with 34 power points.
- Each player shuffles and draws 7 cards. A player may have no more than 9 cards in the hand at the end of his or her turn. If a player holds more than 9 cards at the end of the turn, the player must discard to get down to 9 Both players receive 2 additional Power Points each per turn during their respective Draw Phases. These points are called Reinforcements and reflect support and supplies from Earth or Kilrah. Certain cards may increase or decreatse the number of Reinforcement Points during the game.
Wing Commander is plaed in a series of turns. Turns are divided into Phases. The Kilrathi Player completes all Phases of a turn, then the Terran player takes a turn. In the computer game, Wing Commander III, Heart of the Tiger, the Kilrathi are the agressors, therefore, in the card game, the Kilrathi player always goes first. Play proceeds in the following Phases:
Add two Reinforcement Points to your Power Point total. Draw 2 cards. "Untap" (turn upright, ready for use) any "tapped" cards.
During the Mustering Phase, you may play cards from your hand, paying the appropriate Mustering Cost. Subtract the Mustering Cost of playing these cards from your total Power Points. In addition to power Points, Medal Points may be required to bring powerful fighters, pilots, crew and weapons into play. If a pilot or crew that provicdes a Medal Point is mustered to the Ready Area, that Medal Point may be used immediately.
Example: an Arrow has a Mustering Cost of 2. To play that card from your hand into the Ready Area, you must reduce your Power Points by 2. To play a Stealth Technology Weapon card to the Ready Area requires 4 Power Points nad 1 Medal Point. Your total Power Points is reduced by 4 and a Pilot or other card providing a medal is "tapped."
Place pilots, weapon systems, and fighters into the Ready Area. Place Nav Point modifier cards on the appropriate Nav Points. They can be played on any Nav Point except the carrier.
Only one Nav Point Modifier may be played on a single Nav Point at any one time. If that Nav Point Modifier is destroyed, another may be played in its place.
Pilot award cards are given to particular pilots in the Ready Area. They cannot be awarded to pilots who are flying.
Crew cards are played into the Ready Area. Crew cards are similar to Pilot cards, except they are never assigned to fighters or leave the carrier. They are played into the Ready Area.
Maneuver cards and Battle Damage cards are not played at this time. They are played only during Combat. Luck cards, unless otherwise noted o the card itself, may be played at any time.
During your Scramble Phase you assemble your fighters, pilots and weapons systems and place them in the Ready Area. During the Scramble Phase, you may add Special pilots and/or weapons to increase a fighter's abilities.
Special pilots and/or weapons may be added to fighters only when they are in the Ready Area. (For example, you may not add a pilot to a fightercurrently patrolling a Nav point.) You may use only those pilots, fighters and weapons that are already in the Ready Area and are not being used for other purposes. (A "tapped" pilots may not fly this turn.) This collection is called a Flight.
A Flight consists of: 1) a single Fighter, 2) a Fighter and a Weapon, 3) a Fighter and a Pilot, or 4) a fighter, Pilot and Weapon. A fighter may fly without a Pilot card or without a Weapon card attached. Such a Fighter is considered to have an average pilot and a default weapon loading. Cards that affect a Pilot or Weapon card have no afect on a Flight that lacks either of these.
For example, you cannot capture a Pilot from a Flight that consists of only a Fighter and a Weapon card. You can use a "Guns Jammed" Battle Damage card against a fighter without a Weapon card since this card affects the Fighter, not a specific Weapon.
Once assembled, Fighters are considered ready for launch. You are ready for the next Phase, Movement.
During this Phase, you may move those Flights you have assembled in the Ready Area and the Flights already at the Nav Points.
Flights are moved:
a) from the Carrier Nav Point to one of the connected Nav Points or back to the Ready Area.
b) from the Ready Area to the Carrier Nav Point.
c) from one of the central Nav Points to the Carrier Nav Point, the Enemy Carrier Nav Point, adjacent Nav Points, or back to the Ready Area. A Flight may only move one Nav Point per turn and may not jump over a Nav Point. The Nav Points must be connected.
If a player starts this phase with fighters at a Nav Point with an enemy Capital Ship Nav Modifier, and the opponent does not have any fighters oresent, then that Capital Ship Nav Point Modifier is considered destroyed and discarded. The owning player loses the Power Points described on the card.
Flights that return to the Ready Area can be separated back into their component parts of Pilots, Weapons and Fighters. This allows you to shift pilots and weapons to different fighters.
Only two friendly Flights may be at any single Nav Point at the end of this Phase, A player may occupy any of the Nav Points, including the enemy Carrier Nav Point. Once moved, the Flight may not be moved again within the save turn.
Enemy fighters do not affect movement into or out of a Nav Point. A flight - either retreating or pressing on ahead - may leave a Nav Point even if there is an enemy Flight present. The two flights may also switch places at a Nav Point during this Phase.
Once movement is completed, Flights will not move again in the turn, with one important exception. Immediately following Combat, an attacking Flight that has survived combat may choose to return to its friendly Ready Area.
During the Combat Phase you attack your opponent's fighters and carrier. Attacks against carriers have special rules, which are covered in the next section. Most attaks will be against other fighters.
You may declare attacks in any order, but all attacks at one Nav Point must be completed before moving on to the next. You are not required to attack. You may attack at one Nav Point and choose not to attack at another. If no attacks are declared, skip the Combar Phase nd proceed to the Switch Players Phase.
The Combat Phase runs as follows:
- ATTACK IS DECLARED: Attacker declares an attack at a Nav Point.
- DEFENSIVE POSITIONING: The defender may choose to switch the Flights' positions at that Nav Point - swwapping positions to obtain the best attacks - or leave fighters arranged as they are. If the defender has only one Flight at a Nav Point, then the Flight may stay aligned with one Flight opposite or switch to the other Flight. If both attacker and defender have only one Flight at a Nav Point, then they are aligned. The defender may not move the fighters again (unless a Maneuver card permits it) and may not move fighters to another Nav Point.
- MANEUVER & BATTLE DAMAGE: Attacker and defender may play Maneuver and Battle Damage cards, one at a time. Defender goes fighst, playing a Maneuver card or passing. Attacker plays a Maneuver card or passes. Defender then plays either a Maneuver card or Battle Damage card. Attacker does the same, until both sides pass. A player is not required to play Maneuver or Battle Damage cards and may pass at any time. A pass by one player does not prevent the opposing player from continuing to play Maneuver or Battle Damage cards during the combat. When both sides pass, no further Battle Damage or Maneuver cards may be played. Battle Damage cards may only be played by the flights that have the requisite Maneuver Ratings and are played on the flight opposite. A Battle Damage card may only be played by a fighter after one or more Maneuver cards have been played byy that fighter. No Flight may play two or more of the same Maneuver or Battle Damage cards in the same battle.
- ASSIGN MEDAL POINTS: Medal Points increase any of the values of the fighter to which the piot is attached. Medal Points may be used at any time in Combat up to this phase. If either player still has unused Medal Points left, they may be used now. The defender plays any Medal Points first, followed by the attacker. Each Medal Point may be used to assign a "+1" to any of the Flight's values.
- COMBAT RESOLUTION: Combat is resolved simultaneously. A flight uses either its Attack value (with modifiers) to attack the enemy Flight directly across from it or uses its Support Value (with modifiers) to add to the Attack Value of the other friendly Flight at the Nav Point. Attacker and Defender determine which of their own Flights will attack and which (if any) will support. Compare the totaled applicable Attack Value (including any Support Values) versus the target's Defense Value. If the final Attack Value equals or exceeds the enemy's Defense Value, the enemy Flight is destroyed.
- AFTERMATH: After Combat is resolved, the attacker has the option of returning the surviving Flights to the Ready Area. This decision is made before moving to the next Nav Point combat. The defender is not permitted to move Flights at this time. Destroyed fighters, pilots and weapons are sent to the discard pile. Maneuver, Battle Damage and Luck cards played in this combat are discarded as well. When losses are taken in combat, the player's Power Points are reduced to reflect that loss. Subtract 1 Power Point for every card in each Flight that is destroyed. (1 fighter with 1 pilot and 1 weapon = 3 Power Points.) In addition, all cards with medals reduce Power Points equal to every medal symbol that appears on the card, both above and below the picture. (Losing an Excalibur costs 1 Power Point for the card, plus 1 Power Point for the medal shown in the Cost.) If any player's Power Points are reduced to 0 at the end of the Combat Phase, the game is over and the player with Power Points remaining is the winner. If both Players are reduced to 0, the game is considered a draw.
If you have more than nine cards in the hand at this phase, then you must discard to nine cards.
The new attacking player starts a new turn and begins the Turn Sequence from the beginning.
Jeff flies one of his Arrows to a Nav Point occupied by two of Kate's Darkets. Jeff has an Arrow with an attack factor of 2. Maniac is the Pilot. He increases the attack factor by 1, giving it an attack of 3, but reduces the defense by 2, giving the Arrow a defense of 1. Kate has a Darket with an attack factor of 1 and a defense of 3. She has a weapon on the Darket which increases the attack factor by 1, giving the Darket an attack 2. The other Darket is the same. As it stands, Jeff would shoot down one of Kate's Darkets and Jeff's Arrow would go down.
Jeff has Maneuver cards in his hand that he hopes will alow him to survive and shoot down the Darket. He declares an attack.
Kate, as defending player, decides not to switch the Darkets facing the lone Arrow, as the Darkets are both functionally identical. She plays the first Maneuver card - a "Shake" Maneuver, whichincreases her engaged Darket's defense factor by 1. Her Darket now defends for 4 against the Arrow's attack of 3. The Darket still attacks for 2 to the Arrow's defense of 1.
It is now Jeff's turn to play a Maneuver card. He plays "Kickstop", which boosts his defense by +2, brinigng his defense to 3 against the Darket's attack of 2. He has successfully fought off Kate's attack.
Kate next performs a "Tight Loop" which increases her attack by 1. The Darket now attacks for 3 against the Arrow's defense of 3.
Jeff plays a Battle Damage card "Tail Shot Off" on Kate's Darket. The damage reduces the Darket's defense by -2. The Darket now defends for only 2, against the Arrow's attack of 3.
Kate is out of maneuver cards. She passes. Jeff chooses to play one last Maneuver card- "Break and Attack" which forces Kat's second Darket not to support the attack. It is time to resolve Combat.
The Darket attacks for 3 against the Arrow's defense of 3. The Arrow appears doomed. However, Maniac has a Medal Point, which means that he has one point which can be used to boost any of the fighter's values by +1. Jeff uses the Medal Point to boost the Arrow's defense to 4. The Darket shoots and misses. The Arrow is safe. Had Kate been allowed to use the Support Value of the Second Darket, the Arrow would have died.
The Darket has been reduced to 2 defense. The Arrow attacks for 3. The Darket blows up in a ball of flame. Jeff's attack has been successful.
Kate loses 2 Power Points - 1 for the Darket and 1 for the weapon card. She reduces her score by 2 points. Jeff flies his Arrow back to the Ready Area. Kate's second Darket remains at the Nav Point.
It is now Kate's turn.
Secret Order cards are placed in the deck. When drawn, they may be held in the hand and/or played face-down underneath the Carrier Nav Point. Each player may only have one Secret Order card in play at any one time.
If you are able to complete the requirements of the Secret Orders during play, you may immediately reveal the Secret Order card to your opponent and gain the benefit as described on the card. The revelation of the Secret Order Card may not be interrupted by a Luck card. Oncerevealed, the player may place another Secret Order card under the Carrier Nav Point. This may be done immediately if the player has one in the hand.
A player may choose not to attempt to complete the requirements of the Secret Order. Play progresses normally, and the card does not effect the game in any way. Each player may have only one Secret Orders in play at any one time.
One wayto win the game is to attack and destroy an opponent's carrier. Combat between fighters and capital ships is similar to fighter combat and occurs during the Combat Phase.
You may only attack an enemy carrier if there are no enemy fighters at that Nav Point at the start of the Combat Phase. Elimination or removal of those fighters during the Phase does not make the carrier vulnetable during that Phase. Next turn, if no fighters have moved in to defend it, the carrier may be attacked.
Carriers may be attacked only by Fights that have Bombing Values, or Flights that have the Torpedo Weapon card. Bombing Value is used instead of Attack Value when attacking a carrier.
Support Value is not used in attacking capital ships and carriers. One or two fighters may attack a carrier.
Carriers cannot use Maneuver cards or Battle Damage cards. The attacking Flight may use Maneuver cards but not Battle Damage cards. Carriers may not initiate an attack, nor can they aid an attack when friendly fighters are present.
Attacking bombing damage is calculated by adding all of the Bombing Values of the Flights. This total is compared to the carrier's Defensive Value. If the Bombing Value of that Flight is equal to or greater than the Defense Value, a hit is scored. If the total is double the Defense Value of the carrier, then two hits are scored.
Carriers are armed and have Attack Values. Damage is inflicted against the Flights attacking the Carrier for the amount listed. Damage may be dealth either to one of the Flights or split between the Flights as the carrier owner chooses.
You may use Medal Points to increase your Bombing Value in an attack, but not to grant a bombing ability to a Flight that would otherwise lack that ability.
Carriers require two hits before being destroyed. The first hit damages the carrier (turn the card sideways or tap it to show this). The second eliminates the carrier. If a carrier suffers two hits in a single attack, it is destroyed. If a single attack inflicts twice as much damage as the carrier's Defensive Value, it counts as two hits and the carrier is destroyed.
You cannot use Medal Points to defend a Carrier, even though there may be individuals in the Ready Area who have Medal Points available.
If you destroy the enemy carrier the game is over! You win.
Certain Luck cards allow you to capture an enemy pilot. The captured Pilot card is placed face down in your Ready Area. The card is returned to the original owner at the end of the game. A captured pilot cannot be used in your service. Each turn, you may do one of the following to a captured pilot:
- A captured pilot may be "left in the brig." Nothing is done. You may be waiting for a better opportunity to do something with the captured pilot in a later turn. The pilot card is left in the Ready Area of the capturing player.
- A captured pilot may be interrogated. By spending 1 Power Point, you may look either at the opponent's current hang, or the next three cards in the draw pile, but not both. You may not change the order of the cards in the enemy's draw pile. You may do this once per turn, for as many turns as you want. You must pay 1 Power Point each turn to perform this action.
- Captured pilots may be discarded, representing either internment in a Prisoner or War camp or executed. This causes the opponent to lose 1 Power Point, plus 1 for every Medal shown on the pilot card. This can be done at any time, but may not interrupt any other action. If the carrier that the pilot is on is destroyed, the captured pilot's player does not lose any Power Points.
- Captured pilots may be exchanged. If the Terran player has captured a Kilrathi pilot, and the Kilrathi player has captured a Terran pilot, the players may simply exchane the pilots, returning them to their Ready Areas.
Certain Luck cards also allow you to cause an enemy pilot to turn traitor. That pilot immediately comes over to your Ready Area and is treated thereafter as a pilot for your side. The traitor pilot may fly missions for you and use Medal Points or special abilities. Any Pilot Awards given to the traitor by its original owner are lost, though you may grant the pilot new awards. The traitor pilot is affected by cards that would normally affect your side, despite the face that the pilot is from another race. If the pilot is shot down in combat then the player who currently had the pilot would lose Power Points as normal for the loss of a pilot.
A traitor pilot cannot be interrogated.
A traitor pilot card is returned to its original owner at the end of the game.
it is possible to "rescue" a traitor pilot, by capturing the pilot using the Luck card "Capture Pilot". The pilot is returned to the Ready Area. Any Pilot Awards given to the pilot by the enemy are lost, though the player may grant the pilot new awards. This pilot is not considered a "Captured Pilot", but one that was a double-agent who has returned.
A "resuced" traitor pilot may be interrogated.
Crew members cannot be captured or made to turn traitor.
A play deck is made up of the cards you select for that particular game. A play deck does not have to consist of all the cards that you own. A play deck may contain any mix of cards, with the following restrictions:
- A deck must have at least 40 cards.
- All of the cards in the deck must be from the same side. A deck is either a Kilrathi play deck (using only Kilrathi cards) or a Terran play deck (using only Terran cards.)
- No deck may have duplicate Luck cards. only one of any Luck card may appear in a deck.
- For tournament play, a deck may not have more than 100 cards.
- Carrier and Nav Point cards do not go into the play deck and are no counted against the deck's total cards.
The Starter Deck is playable right out of the box. As you develop a style of play, you may add or subtract cards from WING COMMANDER Booster Packs or other Starter Decks. All of the cards from the WING COMMANDER Collectible Trading Card Game are compatible with each other (but remember to use only Kilrathi cards in a Kilrathi play deck and Terran cards in a Terran play deck.)
The following types of cards are available for play: Fighters, weapons, pilots, pilot award cards, luck, maneuver, battle damage, nav point modifiers and secret orders. A summary of each card type appears next.
(By Type)
- Each fighter card represents one spacecraft, belonging to one of many different squadrons. Fighter cards are not unique. You may have an entire deck of "Killer Bee Squadron" fighters.
- All fighters have the following values: Attack Support, Maneuver, and Defense. Fighters may or may not have a Bombing Value.
- Fighters are put into play by pating the Mustering Cost and placed in the Ready Area during the Mustering Phase.
- A fighter may be launched without a Pilot or Weapon card.
- Fighters that are returned to the Ready Area are separated from their attached pilot and weapon cards and may be reconfigured.
- When a fighter is destroyed, it is placed in the discard pile, and Power Points are lost equal to the number of cards in the Flight plus one Power Point for each medal on the card.
- Each Pilot card represents one individual pilot. Pilots are unique, such that only one pilot of the same name may be in play at any one time (even if the two cards are different, yet describe the same pilot). You may have more than one of these in your deck, however. If Colonel Blair "dies", it is considered that he is "rescued" and may be played again. If he is captured, he is considered to be still in play.
- All pilot statistics modift fighter statistics, raising (or lowering) the Attack, Support, Maneuver, and Defense values of the fighter to which they are attached.
- Pilots may have a number modifying the Bombing ability. This aplies only if the fighter they are flying has a Bombing Value.
- Pilots are put into play during the Mustering Phase.
- Only one pilot may be attached to one fighter.
- Some pilots have Medal Points that can be used in the Ready Area to aid in mustering other cards. This taps the pilot. If a pilot uses its Medal Points, then the pilot cannot fly that turn.
- When engaged in combat, a pilot's Medal Points may be used to raise any one Value. Medal Points cannot raise a Value of an attribute that does not exist (such as raising Bombing to 1 on either a Darket or Arrow fighter).
- Pilots who are returned to the Ready Area are separated from their attached Fighters and Weapon cards and may be redeployed.
- When a pilot is destroyed, the card is placed in the discard pile. Power Points are lost as described in the Fighter Section.
- Captured pilots cannot use their abilities, values or medals while captured.
- Due to the effects of certain Luck cards, a pilot may become a traitor. Pilots who turn traitor may use their abilities, values and medal for their new side and are considered members of the enemy. Neither Colonel Blair nor Prince Thrakhath will turn traitor.
- Each Weapon card represents one weapon or weapon system that exists in addition to the standard equipment of the fighters to which they are attached. Weapons are not unique and any number of them may be in play at one time.
- Weapons modifiy or occasionally replace the Attack, Support, Maneuver, Defense, and/or Bombing Values. If Weapons cards modify a value that the fighter does not have (such as the Bombing Value on an Arrow or Darket), then that ability has no effect. Weapons may replace a value that does not otherwise exist.
- Weapons are put into play during the Mustering Phase.
- Unless stated otherwise on the Weapon card, only one weapon may be placed on a fighter at a time. One exception is the Torpedo Mount. This weapon card allows the placing of another weapon card - the Torpedo - on a fighter that would not otherwise be able to carry the Torpedo.
- When a Weapon card is destroyed, the card is placed in the discard pile. Power Points are lost as described in the Fighter Section.
- Each Crew card represents an individual (not a pilot) attached to the carrier. Crew are considered unique, such that only one member of the crew of the same name may be in play at any one time (similar to pilots).
- Crew may have abilities that modify the carrier's abilities or modify play in the game, as detailed on the card.
- Crew are put into play during the Mustering Phase. They will not leave the Ready Area once played.
- Crew are not normally destoryed unless the carrier is destoryed, which ends the game. However, certain Luck cards may remove a Crew card and send it to the discard pile.
- No Power Points are lost for losing crew.
- Each Maneuver card represents a tactic used in combat to gain the upper hand against an opponent. Maneuver cards are not unique.
- Maneuver cards may modify the Attack, Support, Maneuver and/or Defense Values of the Fighter card, or modify battle conditions at that Nav Point according to the information on the card.
- Maneuver cards are played only during the Combat Phase, and only when enemy fighters are engaged.
- Maneuver cards are played on friendly fighters only.
- You are not required to play maneuver cards.
- Maneuver cards have a Maneuver Cost below the word Maneuver on the card. To play the card, the Maneuver Value of the Flight upon which the card is played must be equal to or greater than the Maneuver Cost of the card, at the time the card is played.
- Maneuver cards are discarded at the end of the combat in which they are played.
- No Flight may play two or more of the same Maneuver card in the same battle.
- Some Maneuver cards negate effects of other cards. These cards will negate a Maneuver card played previously or can be used to prevent the playing or that card later in that combat. Maneuver cards that negate other Maneuver cards can be played without the other Maneuver card being present effectively preventing their play.
- Each Battle Damage card represents additional damage inflicted on an opponent. Battle Damage cards are not unique and any number of them can be in a player's deck. They are unique, however, in that onyl one of each type of Battle Damage card may be played by a Flight in any one combat.
- Battle Damage cards modift enemy fighter abilities, reducing the Attack, Support, Maneuver, or Defense Values of the enemy fighter or forcing modifications to a particular battle.
- Battle Damage cards are played only when enemy fighters are engaged. They are played on the Flight opposite the Flight playing the card, unless the card states otherwise.
- You may play a Battle Damage card only after you have played at least one Maneuver card from the same fighter. After that, any number of Battle Damage cards may be played, limited only by the fighter's Maneuver Value.
- Battle Damage cards are played only on enemy fighters. You are not required to play Battle Damage cards.
- Battle Damager have a Maneuver Cost. To play the card, the Maneuver Value of one friendly fighter in the battle must be equal to or greater than the Maneuver Cost of the card.
- Battle Damage cards add to the total number of Maneuver cards that may be played on a particular Flight.
- Once played on a fighter, Battle Damage cards remain with the fighter until that fighter is returned to its Ready Area or destroyed. In both cases, Battle Damage cards are then discarded to their original owner's discard pile.
- No Flight may play two or more of the same Battle Damage card in the same battle.
- Nav Point Modifier cards are played on any of the five non-carrier Nav Points. Modifier cards include natural phenomena, such as asteroids and enemy obstacles such as capital ships and mine fields.
- There can never be more than one Modifier at any one Nav Point at one time. A new Modifier may be placed at a Nam Point only if the previous one has been removed.
- Modifier cards are put into play by paying the Mustering Cost in the Mustering Phase.
- Once played on a Nav Point, Modifier cards may not be moved to another Nav Point. They remain at that Na Point until removed from the game and back to the owner's discard pile.
- Certain Modifiers are noted in the card text as being capital ships. Capital ships are vulnerable to fighter attack.
- Capital ships are unique and only one of each type can be in play at one time.
- Capital ships may be destroyed by enemy fighters if there are no friendly fighters at the Nav Point at the start of the Combat Phase.
- If destroyed, capital ships are discarded. The amount of Power Points lost to the capital ship's owner are noted in the card text. If removed by means other than combat (such as Maneuver or Luck cards), no loss is taken.
- Luck cards represent the effects of karma, bio-rhythms, bureaucracy, human natue, a cat's nine lives, and fate. They may affect any of the other cards, subject to the text on the card.
- Luck cards may be played at any time, by paying the Mustering Cost in Power Points. Some Luck cards have no cost and are noted are such.
- Luck cards are discarded after they are played.
- Luck cards are unique to each deck. No more than one of any Luck card may appear in a player's deck, as luck never repeats itself.
- Pilot Award cards represent commendation, citations and medals given to the Pilots to recognize their abilities.
- Pilot Award cards further modift pilot abilities. Once played on a pilot, Pilot Award cards remain with that Pilot and are not separated from the Pilot card when the pilot returns to the Ready Area.
- Pilot Awards may be played only on Pilots in the Ready Area.
- When a pilot is discarded or destroyed, the Pilot Award card attached to the pilot is destroyed. Power Points arelost as described in the Fighter Section. If Medal Points are required for the award, or provided by the award, player loses Power Points equal to the total number of Medal Points on the card.
- If a pilot is captured or turns traitor, the Pilot Award cards are immediately discarded. There is no Power Point loss for discarding these cards.
- Secret Order cards are placed in the deck. When drawn, they may be held in the hand and/or played face-down underneath the carrier Nav Point. Only one Secret Order card may be in play at any one time.
- If you are able to complete the requirements of the Secret orders during play, you may immediately reveal the Secret order card to your opponent and gain the benefit as described on the card. The revelation of the Secret Order card may not be interrupted by a Luck card. Once revealed, the player may place another Secret Order card under the Carrier Nav Point. This may be done immediately if the player has on in the hand.
- A player my choose not to attempt to complete the requirements of the Secret Order. Play progresses normally, and the card does not effect the game in any way.