Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Recon Camera# 876 

Name Recon Camera
About Recon Cameras are vital for recording intelligence data on potential targets. They are soundless and everything records to solid memory with automatic backups in a redundant system. They feature electronic lenses along with a single optical zoom lens capable of the magnification of an electron telescope as backup.

Related records:
Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 5 2003


God of the Run  
Mission Comput  
Plunkett Heavy  
Roosevelt Sull  
Tactical Micro  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C  

Stingray Inter