Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Varni# 1550 

Name Varni
About The Varni are a reptilian race that evolved very slowly to sentience. The old Varni Republic was crushed by the more aggressive, and stronger, Kilrathi Empire. Those few Varni that survived were kept as slaves, or were fated to never see their homes again. The short campaign against the Varni was lead by the man who would later become the final Kilrathi Emperor. The only setback for the Kilrathi in the campaign occured when the Varni were able to organize themselves and concentrate their fighters on a single Kilrathi Cruiser. This unprecidented attack nearly managed to destroy the capital ship, before the Varni Wing Commander was killed. When this occurred, the Varni fighters became disorganized, and were easily destroyed.

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Record edited by TC
Last modified Aug 14 2004


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