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TCS Cerberus# 1191 

Name TCS Cerberus
Class Hades class Quick Strike Cruiser
Note Hades class Quick Strike Cruiser
Christened 2681
Faction Terran Confederation
About The TCS Cerberus was the first Hades class cruiser and was launched in 2681. Cerberus was jointly constructed by the Confederation Military and Bartok Enterprises. It was in development for over ten years. The Cerberus was to work as peace-keeper in systems hardest hit by the Nephilim before the Nephilim invaded again.

Cerberus' name was chosen for the image of relentless strength and eternal vigilance.

Related records: Amber Elbereth, Ana Maria Alberghetti, Babylonia, Bartok Enterprises, Cerberus Shipping, Cheryls Song, Enoch Murkins, Jacob Hildreth, Jean Talvert, Karl Bowen, Kyoto Rose, Lady Luck, Lance Casey, Lita Rayak, Lonesome Wind, Maxwell Garrett, Miranda Day, Santa Anna, Shy Meadows, Star of Xanadu, TCS Tereshkova, Terran Confederation, Terrence O'Hearn, Twilight Purchase, Wanderer
Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 10 2003


Clydesdale Tra  
Dana Blankensh  
Lawrence Ralts  
Lumbari Transp  
Plasteel Armou  
Tanya/Sepree I  
Terran News Ch  

Christopher Bl  
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Concordia Flee  
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Midway Heavy C  

Stingray Inter