Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


KIS Torg# 1130 

Name KIS Torg
Class Snakeir class Carrier
Note Snakeir class Carrier
Faction Kilrathi Empire
About The KIS Torg was a carrier in the Kilrathi Home Fleet. It was one of three carriers that were sent back from the route to Vukar Tag to defend the home system from strike force Valkyrie.

It was not the flagship of the fleet.

Related records: Dave Torg, Elaine (Writer)
Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 10 2003


Air filtration  
Ana Maria Albe  
Translight Sca  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C  

Stingray Inter