You prefered simulator ship?

True, the only advantage the Sabre got is the ability to pour death from it's rear turret, and that doesn't really go well into the Vision engine, it would seem.
Ijuin said:
The Lasers on the Rapier have a range almost twice as long (4000 or so) as the Mass Drivers on the Sabre (about 2000). Thus, the Rapier can hit with all of its guns out to full range, while the Sabre can only hit with its Particle cannons at long range and must get in closer to use all of its guns.
Not sure what you're talking about... in WC1 and 2 the Mass Drivers had a range of 3000, sure. But from what I've seen so far, in Standoff they have the longest range of all guns (maybe except Lasers). Yet, it is still harder to hit with Mass Drivers+Particle then with Lasers+Particle, because Lasers and Particles are both fast and nearly equally so, while Mass Drivers are a good deal slower.
Dyret said:
True, the only advantage the Sabre got is the ability to pour death from it's rear turret, and that doesn't really go well into the Vision engine, it would seem.
The Sabre has (in WC2 at least - didn't watch out for it in Standoff so far) the same speed and maneuverability as the Morningstar. What it trades in is the Mass Drivers instead of a third Particle (which would be better targeting-wise), 2 more IR's instead of the Mace, and a turret instead of thicker shields. Ironically, what I like the most on it (the turret) is here lined up against what gives me the most trouble (its - compared to the Morningstar - thinner shields) :/ . I really can't remember having that much trouble with the shields of the Sabre in WC2/WCAc ...

And I have to agree, right now I still have problems using the turret :( . But from what I can tell from Yesterdays' session, I'm improving with them - at least a bit...
What exactly did you find problematic in the Vision engine? I find it unnerving to have no markers for the turrets' maximum turnangle, and to have no feedback on how the turret is currently rotated relative to the ship (in WC2, the turrets didn't rotate at all, they only turned) ...
I enjoy the Epee the most thus far but I enjoy anything with speed with the exception being the Arrow. She's a little too fast for my liking.
MavS said:
Not sure what you're talking about... in WC1 and 2 the Mass Drivers had a range of 3000, sure. But from what I've seen so far, in Standoff they have the longest range of all guns (maybe except Lasers). Yet, it is still harder to hit with Mass Drivers+Particle then with Lasers+Particle, because Lasers and Particles are both fast and nearly equally so, while Mass Drivers are a good deal slower...

That's odd. When I fly the Stiletto, the ITTS diamond only activates when I'm barely more than 2000 m away from a target, and if I try to shoot from farther away than that, it doesn't hit. Can we get a statement from the guys who actually set the gun ranges in Standoff?
Hey, I'm new here. This mod's such an oustanding trip down memory lane.

Anyway - my fave sim ship so far, as it seems with so many people, is the Rapier - mostly because it's an excellent but not over-the-top fighter, with no ITTS. It's all you, so a flight in the Rapier tells you exactly how good your aim really is. I forget if you can 'disable' ITTS by simply forgoing target lock.
Here's a rough gun chart for Standoff. The values are based on WC2's values, with the exception of the refire rate (which did not exist in WC2).

		Damage	Speed	Range	Energy	Refire
Laser Cannon	2.5 cm	1600	3000	14	0.25 sec
Neutron Gun	4 cm	1400	2000	28	0.35 sec
Mass Driver	3 cm	1200	2500	18	0.3 sec	
Particle Gun	5.3 cm	2200	3000	18	0.5 sec

And yeah, the mass driver is very unimpressive with these stats. Don't blame us, though, blame WC2.