You are Cordially Invited... (August 10, 2011)

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To the Wing Commander Combat Information Center's 13th birthday celebration! TONIGHT at 7:00 PM Eastern US (4:00 pm Pacific and 11:00 pm GMT) in #Wingnut!

  • Newly released behind-the-screens material from every Wing Commander game!
  • More CIC updates in a single day than ever before!
  • Trivia - from the "Ariel System" to "Zak Skintight"!
  • A live report from Austin, Texas-birthplace of Wing Commander!
  • Prizes! Prizes! Prizes!
  • The Truth will be revealed!
  • Cake?
So point your IRC client to, channel #WingNut! If you need help with IRC check our #Wingnut section, or just use our Java Client.

Original update published on August 10, 2011
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Won't be able to make it tonight unfortunately due to the lateness of the hour and work tomorrow. Good luck chap!
me too, tried to user the java chat but it errored out. i was reading the updates, great things and a very happy birthday.

quick question, cant wait to read the novel, will it work on an ipad..i downloaded Starman's verion for "everything else" epub...and extracted the files...thanks and again, Happy Birthday works fine this morning for me.

I wonder if it was messed up because so many other people were using it?
Thank you so much for all the reference materials, it should keep me busy for the next decade or so! :)
It wasn't a capacity issue. People who couldn't get on last night probably still can't. You probably need to upgrade your java and/or adjust your browser/firewall settings before it will work.

Pilgrim Truth works great on the iPad. I haven't tried the ePub yet myself, but the mobi works great in the iPad Kindle app.
Thanks, it worked!! i started reading it onthe ipad...very cool. i also can keep up at work with the link...cant wait for this weekend to really dig in.
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