X-Men 3 Trailer

I wonder who Kelsey Grammer plays. I'm still trying to view to trailer. It says I should get Quicktime 7 but the upgrade only works on XP or Windows 2000. I'm currently using Windows ME. Fascinating, huh?
Kelsey "Fraiser" Grammer is in this movie??
I did not notice that!?
the trailer went very quickly for me I lost focus on that
Damn after looking at those pics, I cuold not recognise Grammer at all!?!?!

The picture of the guy playing Angel is suppose to be a good or bad? and who is that guy with him is that Magneto???
Eder said:
You guys need to visit Penny Arcade more often.

PA is an awful, stupid, trite internet comic. More so than other internet comics. In fact, it probably started and perpetuated the trend of awful, stupid, trite internet comics.
LeHah said:
PA is an awful, stupid, trite internet comic. More so than other internet comics. In fact, it probably started and perpetuated the trend of awful, stupid, trite internet comics.
don't let all the penis mutilation jokes put you off, it's actually really really deep stuff. It's too bad that the barrier to entry is so high, but that's the price one pays for literature.
I may not be buying what you're selling, PeteyG, but I'd like my money back
I think I was being transcendentally sarcastic. So sarcastic that I was almost agreeing with you.
I find PA quite amusing.

Comics are probably the last place I'd look for anything beyond a little entertainment... and Internet Comics are certainly the last place I'd look for anything more profound than some laughs from a few childish jokes. :p
Eder said:
Comics are probably the last place I'd look for anything beyond a little entertainment... and Internet Comics are certainly the last place I'd look for anything more profound than some laughs from a few childish jokes. :p

While I'm all for some classic EC pulp comics, I disagree with you completely. Comics can have great, intelligent moments in them - though they may be hard to find, considering the schlock put out these days.

I find the "flavor of the month" video game and pop culture topical writing of PA to be in the worst possible taste. It's like a series of elephant jokes that get worse day by day.
I'm going to go a little pop culture myself, and quote a fairly popular cartoon with the kids these days:
"I love it when you use topical humor, just like Murphy Brown."

"Blah blah blah blah blah John Sinunu." [laughs]
"Blah blah blah blah blah Tipper Gore." [laughs]
I find the Penny Arcade comic pretty funny on occasion. The style is nice and clean, too.

I just can't stand the culture.

Their much lauded news posts have the most grating writing style in the universe -- like reading a thesaurus-laden Freshman comp essay that's somehow also incredibly self assured.

I'm also really sick of the charity thing. I'm glad they're saving the children and all, but it's somewhat meaningless when you trot it out as some kind of grand excuse every time the video game community decides to troll something. "Oh yeah? Well, we're *helping the children*!" every time they pick a fight with someone is just really, really shallow.
LeHah said:
While I'm all for some classic EC pulp comics, I disagree with you completely. Comics can have great, intelligent moments in them - though they may be hard to find, considering the schlock put out these days.
Eh, yes, I understand that comics can have whatever people want to put in them. I just don't think they're required to - I don't expect all good comics to have great intelligent moments in them, much like I don't expect all fun games to have a plot, or all good books to make readers profoundly re-think their understanding of life.

Bandit LOAF said:
Their much lauded news posts have the most grating writing style in the universe -- like reading a thesaurus-laden Freshman comp essay that's somehow also incredibly self assured.
Yeah, I gave up on understanding what the news posts say long ago.