I've played the entirety of Standoff on the Hero level. Love it love it LOVE IT. Thank you, guys, once again, for an outstanding game.
I took only two goes at taking down the Hakaga strike group. I refuse to fly a Crossbow...sorry, but it came along quite quickly that when you're in the soup, no speed means no life. Anyway, the first time, I was so worried about getting fighters off of my tail in the Sabre that making torp runs on the capships was quite a bit out of the question. By the time I got around to taking a run on one of the Hakaga's engines, as most of her escort ships had been taken out already, I found myself being torched by gun turrets, and had to break off of my run. Ran headlong into more fighters...boom. Done. Died. He's Dead, Jim. However, on the second run, I took the Rapier and just concentrated on taking out as many fighters as I could. (Toasting Drakhai was FUN, btw...haven't done that in years!) I think I ended up making about 30-odd kills, and the rest of the bombers took care of things themselves. Before I knew it, one Snakeir was gone, then the other. The fighters were swept, and all that was left to do was to pick apart the Hakaga's turrets. It was GoodnightIrene after that.
You guys are SoAndSo's, though...having heavy fighters hang around the Firekka's launch bay so we could be blasted almost outright from Bradshaw's "revenge run"...that's wrong. Tactically sound from the Kilrathi standpoint...but wrong!
Oh, and WC isn't the only franchise with ships named after the "wrong side", either. Star Trek has plenty of examples. The Enterprise's sister ship, Yamato is one example that immediately comes to mind. The now out of print TNG Officer's Manual has a class of ships that has several named after all four Japanese carriers that were sunk during the Battle of Midway as well.