[WIP] Concordia supercruiser

Bob McDob

Better Health Through Less Flavor


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This is the Concordia from the Wing Commander Movie - this is the TCS Phoebe, CS-14 (take that, WCII box!). You'd think that since I want this to eventually go into HW2 I would take more pains to keep the poly count down ... and it is, comparitively, but still a bit much for my tastes.

Image one is a generic beauty shot. The circular thingies are where the guns are going to eventually go.
Image two shows off the modest bridge and superstructure detail.
Image three zooms in on the hangar deck, heavily influenced by those on the Hiigaran carrier and battlecruiser from Homeworld 2.
Image four is a close-up on what's supposed to be the torpedo tubes, though they aren't very easy to distinguish right now.

This is probably my favorite of the four or five supercruiser models I've created over the past week. I might add the big cannon thingy on the bow later ... or I might not, seeing how it would mess up the relative cleanness of the mesh (poly) and because it doesn't seem to exist on the official stats anyway. Final armament will probably be two ions cannons, two pulsar turrets, six kinetic burst cannons and six missile launcher tubes.

I'll add textures soon ... can't make any promises on how they'll look :\ I really need to learn to make decent ones - what programs/tutorials are good?
I must say, the ship designs from the Wing Commander Movie were by far the ugliest designs for space craft I have ever witnessed in my 20 years of existence. The Concordia supercruiser design is no exception. I think that is the ugliest space ship I've ever seen.

Good work on the model. :)
If you want to see the Concordia in action just play a round Conquest: Frontier Wars.

The human DN and the Concordia of the Movie look nearly the same in my opinion.

For this model...looks promesing, keep on working and maybe it could be used as a pre WC1 model.
Cam said:
I must say, the ship designs from the Wing Commander Movie were by far the ugliest designs for space craft I have ever witnessed in my 20 years of existence. The Concordia supercruiser design is no exception. I think that is the ugliest space ship I've ever seen.

I disagree.. Bob's insertion of the Concordia in Freelancer was quite beautiful. Similarly with Standoff's Rapier.
ChrisReid said:
I disagree.. Bob's insertion of the Concordia in Freelancer was quite beautiful.

That wasn't even very detailed (though you couldn't tell so much from that shot - it's painfully obvious when you open up the model, though).

The model is shown in gmax, which is how I make all my models. I usually export to Milkshape to clean up, and then export again to Deep Exploration for rendering and such. If Alias caves and lets Relic use Maya Personal Learning Edition for its mod, I'll probably end up switching to that.
More work. I've added the pseudo-PTC, as well as color-coded the texture areas and made the bow generally less pointy. All that's left is texturing ... and I don't have much experience with that :\ What programs are good for making textures? Or, failing that, where can I steal some good ones?


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Adobe Photoshop is great for texturing, or painting, or generally doing whatever with digital graphics. :)

I still think that ship is an ugly tub. Ewww. Why couldn't you model something cooler like a high poly Vesuvius or something. :D
Cam said:
I must say, the ship designs from the Wing Commander Movie were by far the ugliest designs for space craft I have ever witnessed in my 20 years of existence. The Concordia supercruiser design is no exception. I think that is the ugliest space ship I've ever seen.

Good work on the model. :)


I think if you'd throw this supercruiser into water, it would float. :D

Good modelling though Bob...

BTW, aren't the Kilrathi puppets the most fake creatures you have ever seen in a movie? I guess so :D
Cam said:
I still think that ship is an ugly tub. Ewww. Why couldn't you model something cooler like a high poly Vesuvius or something. :D


... and after about twelve threads like that, you kind of lose your will to ever mention the name "Vesuvius" again :\

Besides, the supercruiser holds a place in my heart as being the first ship I ever (attempted) to model [the first object being a turret for the supercruiser. ) Also, this guy says it's cute. So there :p
Well its a nice try to get something looking quite awfull into something that looks better, butI still don't like the design.
Someone has taken the "Ships in space" a little bit to excact.

@Bob..try to make it a little bit thicker..seams quite sleak to me from the views you have posted.
Also the top deck could need some more or less useless details. For example put the second turret allong with the tower on a podest so that the last turet wouldn't shoot into the other forward facing turrets.

What program do you use?
I like it, though the textures are strtetched and deformed at some places. BTW are you the one (BaronMcDoblin) who showed WIP shots of a Concordia supercruiser at the HLP forums?