Major A Payne
Rear Admiral
Perhaps your right and if I do sound defensive then I appologise. However, I won't change my stance on how I think it would look for a project which I'm essentially doing for my self.
Oh and comparing this model to one thats likely to be hundreds of thousands of polys is seems to me to be no better than my "piss poor attitude".
It seems to me theres far to many people not willing to entertain any kind of thought that things can change. What are we?? Stuck in the dark ages it seems.
(quick edit)
Oh and AD. If you ever make any kind of mod yourself bare in mind one thing. Mod makers make their mods for themselves, not for the communities they address images and videos etc.etc. with. Also before you go criticising my "upping the poly count", you might want to consider the game I'm doing this for and look at the mechanics of it.
So tell me then, theoretically speaking, would you rather the originally is used instead??
Oh and comparing this model to one thats likely to be hundreds of thousands of polys is seems to me to be no better than my "piss poor attitude".
It seems to me theres far to many people not willing to entertain any kind of thought that things can change. What are we?? Stuck in the dark ages it seems.
(quick edit)
Oh and AD. If you ever make any kind of mod yourself bare in mind one thing. Mod makers make their mods for themselves, not for the communities they address images and videos etc.etc. with. Also before you go criticising my "upping the poly count", you might want to consider the game I'm doing this for and look at the mechanics of it.
So tell me then, theoretically speaking, would you rather the originally is used instead??