Wing Commander Saga Klavs Ship Pack

Nice. :)

Are you planning making the Kilrathi flyable as well? Some missions from the Kilrathi's pov during the WC1 era would certainly be interesting.

Aginor was working on a Kilrathi Mod for Saga called "Sivar's Hand"

He also made some Kilrathi HUD concepts:

Perhabs it would be a good idea to get in touch with him and maybe ask if he's willing to share some of his assets which may be useful for having flyable WC1 Kilrathi fighters. :)

I didn't have any plans initially. But, if that's something people want I can give it a try. It's easy enough to make the Kilrathi ships flyable. Though the secondary weapons are set to AI only. There might be a way to modify that but I haven't learned how weapons tables work yet.

The rough release plan is as follows:

v2.0 Kilrathi capships in and the big turrets on the Bengal fixed.

v2.5 All fighter models upgraded to higher polys.

v3.0 Custom HUD gauges/icons and POSSIBLY 3D cockpits.

After that I might take a look at the weapon problem. As always any advice or feedback is always appreciated :-)
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I didn't have any plans initially. But, if that's something people want I can give it a try. It's easy enough to make the Kilrathi ships flyable. Though the secondary weapons are set to AI only. There might be a way to modify that but I haven't learned how weapons tables work yet.

The rough release plan is as follows:

v2.0 Kilrathi capships in and the big turrets on the Bengal fixed.

v2.5 All fighter models upgraded to higher polys.

v3.0 Custom HUD gauges/icons and POSSIBLY 3D cockpits.

After that I might take a look at the weapon problem. As always any advice or feedback is always appreciated :)

as long as i see a F-103 excalibur cockpit, i'll be happy
Got the Sivar in with working proton accelerator cannon. I can't get the beam sounds working. Any ideas on how to fix them would be great.

Next I have to add the turrets.

On the bright side I figured out how to override the default weapons table so I fixed the pilum model on the Rapier. I should also be able to make the Kilrathi missiles available on player ships and make them flyable. I will probably work on that for v2.5.
In my quest to get 3D cockpits working I asked for help on the Hard Light forums. To get the cockpits working I have switched the project over to using Wing Commander Saga Open (WCSO). It allows Wing Commander Saga (WCS) to work with newer builds of Free Space Open (FSO). The guys on the forums there have been very helpful in fixing up WCSO to work with minimal problems and have been very good answering my many questions as I learn how to do things in FSO far beyond my original intentions. The bad news is this has taken a lot of time. The good news is that I have managed to get the Free Space Open Cockpit mod to work with WCSO. I am currently updating all the gauges to work with my ships. The Hornet and Scimitar are done. After the Rapier and Raptor are done I will make shield icons for all the ships. After that I will work on the custom 3D cockpits to work with Klavs' models. It will take a bit of time to do all this. I will try to post some WIP screenshots when I have something new.
WCSO was put on the backburner due to lack of interest. Some of the fine folks on the HardLight Forums have been graciously fixing it up for me to use.

I now have found a relatively quick workflow to make decent shield icons for my custom ships. I currently have shield icons made for all the Terran fighters. Once I finish making all the shield icons there are a few bugs I would like to see if I can fix. At that point I will release the next version with WCSO and all the ship and weapon icons updated. I hope to have everything finished by next month (no promises).

After that I will start on 3D cockpits!

I'm having difficulty taking screenshots in fullscreen mode. Once I solve that problem I will hopefully be able to post them to the forum.
WCSO was put on the backburner due to lack of interest. Some of the fine folks on the HardLight Forums have been graciously fixing it up for me to use.

I now have found a relatively quick workflow to make decent shield icons for my custom ships. I currently have shield icons made for all the Terran fighters. Once I finish making all the shield icons there are a few bugs I would like to see if I can fix. At that point I will release the next version with WCSO and all the ship and weapon icons updated. I hope to have everything finished by next month (no promises).

After that I will start on 3D cockpits!

I'm having difficulty taking screenshots in fullscreen mode. Once I solve that problem I will hopefully be able to post them to the forum.

Use Bandicam, i use mostly because its a pain in the ass to find the screenshot folder 4 some games

also since i cant post on hard light, ask them about SweetFX openGL and D3D implementation on FSO
Thanks, I'll give Bandicam a try.

Small update:

I wasn't happy with the way the shield icons were turning out so I had to redo them. The good news is I'm much more satisfied with how they are turning out now. I have caught up with where I was. I have three fighters left to do then all the cap ships. Hopefully I should have a new release out sometime next month.