Jeremy Reimer
Just an update... I just learned how to use Lithunwrap, and this is the result: my first UV-unwrapped textured fighter, the ageless Dralthi Mk 1!
no offense but... your textures sucks...
Jeremy Reimer said:Well, since you haven't replied, I've gone and made some changes to the textures. Perhaps they are less "sucks" now?
Well, mainly that it's cartoonish...TC said:What's wrong with the 'cartoonish' style?
Yes, that's a bit better. Now it merely looks a bit like wood parquet flooring.
Also, you might wanna consider putting textures on the edges of the "pancake"wings
Bah; a design flaw of the original game, then...Jeremy Reimer said:There is a texture on the edges-- a smooth grey texture, just like in the original game.
Bah; a design flaw of the original game, then...
I'd love to see that . . . for some reason the cartoonish animation of the new zelda Game Windwaker bothered me, but I think it might look pretty cool if applied to the WC universe.Quarto said:a mod that's as cartoony in style as WC1 or even the cartoon series was... but this is unfortunately out of the question, since there aren't any cel-shaded space-sims to modify.