Wing Commander re-imagined...

Ooh, I like how the wing-blades are doubled like that, and also the sawtooth-like radiator fins on the inside of the gun barrels.
Some innaccuracies with the canopy that make it looks odd compared to the original drawing by dczanik, but that looks pretty darn cool. :cool:
Don't know why Dczanik hasn't posted these here yet but these images are just beautiful. A re-imagined Rapier and Rapier-G, my favorite fighters from the whole series.



Standoff helped justify my belief in the design but seeing these really scratched that itch.

Incredible work!
The Rapier has such a nice shape. I guess I'll never get tired of seeing new designs based on that shape. So many different possibilities, and all of them look cool. :)
This is what I always imagined the Rapier looking like in WC1 based on the sprite, wow!

Next, you should do the (much cooler-looking) Broadsword from the WC2 manual silhouettes. It looks drastically different from the in-game sprite, way more swept and raptorial.