Originally posted by Wulf
Let's face it fellas, any plot involving aliens trying to take over is a clone of Verne's War of the Worlds (or close to it...was there a story before that with the alien plot thing?).
I don't think so. It's like saying any mystery is a copy of the Sherlock Holmes novels. Can you compare Holmes with Spade? Trouble is my Buisness with Along Came a Spider?Originally posted by Wulf
Let's face it fellas, any plot involving aliens trying to take over is a clone of Verne's War of the Worlds (or close to it...was there a story before that with the alien plot thing?).
Originally posted by junior
But Vector Prime (the first NJO novel, and the only one I've read) didn't really have any of that stuff, either. The closest you get to Jedi infighting is Jaicen browbeating Anakin about the Force (ditto on the philosophical brooding), and the political angle only seems to be around to say that people think that certain Jedi are getting too big for their britches.
Its just a rather dull novel, imho, and I don't see a lot to recommend it. R. A. Salvatore's claim to fame is a certain dark elf found in a series of books that I've never read, and if the rest of his writing is similar, they'll remain unread.
Originally posted by Concordia_FP
Vector Prime was just the opening book, introducing the characters and the conflicts of the time. The Jedi infighting doesn't begin until the later books. Spoiler: Coruscant is taken over, and the Lusankya is also destroyed.
Originally posted by Knthrak
But funny enough... i just downloaded like 10 Star Wars audio books in mp3 format. Kinda cool if u get bored of reading the books. U can listen to soundfxs while someone reads u the story
With a big bang!Originally posted by Concordia_FP
...and the Lusankya is also destroyed.
As in too long or too short? I hope you meant the latter...Originally posted by beergod
...DelRey's ridiculous pagecounts
Originally posted by LeHah
Pfffft. Get the Fully Dramatized Star Wars Radio Dramas and hear the true voice of Darth Vader.