Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

Freespace incorporates a Rearm heavily into its mechanics, though one could argue that this is hardly the same mechanic due to the flow of that game.

For a more modern WC Style game, you could simply have the refuelling act as a checkpoint. I do not really see the problem with the damaged ship being saved. Better a damaged ship than a full restart and as long as the full restart is always an option, I would much prefer that version.
The problem is that there is no point in refuelling the player unless the mission is really, really long and demanding.
Alternatively you could treat it as a plot device ala WC2, where you jump to a new destination on a strike or escort mission, arrive with no afterburner fuel and have to tank up before continuing. But, that's a bit less satisfying than those marathon "Battle of Endor" missions everyone loves.
Should this get to prophecy you'll be graced with the sight of this ship a little more than once. Three come to mind:
  1. Trying to save the two transports who the Aliens are 'toying with'
  2. Just after Blair is kidnapped and 'the midway is on the run'
  3. Mission to destroy the wormhole just after the 'last tower' cutscene
Again fantastic work. Cap ships will be ace if they show the same level of detail as these. Keep going and I promise you'll get the collision utility soon.
I think the way Freespace handles rearming is the same one as in the X-Wing games.
Yes. And both are built around a radically different gameplay concept and mission structure than Wing Commander (and, for that matter, most other games). Even so, I don't know if their approach really worked particularly well - but to discuss it would be to diverge much too far from the main topic.
Again fantastic work. Cap ships will be ace if they show the same level of detail as these. Keep going and I promise you'll get the collision utility soon.

Thank you sir. I still have some small craft to keep me occupied. I have to do the Herc, and a few Nephilim ships after I attempt to master @Dark Sentinel 's bug texturing skills. The man is a wizard.
Speaking of assets that make cameos: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dralthi...

Dralthi_Fin2.jpg Dralthi_Fin1.jpg Dralthi_Fin3.jpg Dralthi_Fin4.jpg

And let's not forget the long-lost Ace paint job. Certainly it will never appear in the stock games, but I've created a separate mesh and IFF set for it called "DralthiAce" which can be used in other mods or video projects. Also, the ace is substantially faster and better than the standard Dralthi.

Dralthi-ace_Fin3.jpg Dralthi-ace_Fin1.jpg Dralthi-ace_Fin2.jpg Dralthi-ace_Fin4.jpg


Conversions completed. The Dralthi Ace is roughly 25% better than the standard Dralthi, it has better shields, gun power, recharge rates, and missile loadout. It maintained the standard armor of the original Dralthi, though it's maneuverability is again 25% better in Y/P/R rates, it's speed is about 50% better, though it has the same amount of afterburner fuel. It also carries slightly different guns. The lasers were moved to the proper outer wing housing (added these, the original WCP Dralthi ignores them and has lasers in the nose), the nose guns are now Ion guns, and the big gun in the pod is still the traditional WCP tachyon. It's still a far cry from the Devil Ray, but it should present a challenge to any player who wants to go have some fun with it.

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well if you want to manage the annoying factor on said work load you could focus efforts on the assets that are used in the first 2 missions of WCP and I'll be less likely to annoy you. Just a thought.
The operative words here appear to be "less likely" :D All kidding aside, once we get the collision trees figured out it shouldn't take too long. I have a Midway model around here somewhere that will probably need some refining, The Hercules is in the hopper now, and IIRC all the bug assets are already done (Moray, Manta); leaving only the destroyed Fralthi.

Though, in looking at the Piranha, I think I need to do some tweaking to the mesh and texture, it was made when I was trying to shoehorn everything into 1200 triangle chunks, and now that I don't have to do that anymore, I can probably model in the thruster and refueling ports on the mesh.
So I used my lunch hour today to tweak the Piranha model for the MUP. I corrected the nose scaling (the original was a bit stubby), modeled in the RCS thrusters and the larger exhaust vents, reshaped low-poly missile launchers, and tweaked the texture some (added better definition to the hull plates and gave them a sharper 3D effect, added extra exhaust burns around the RCS ports as well as weapons pods), and fixed the shine map so the fighter isn't blinding in direct lighting. Look for it in the next installment...

hey Defiance bit of an off the wall question. Let's say I wanted to have 2 versions of the Piranha. One has the purple Diamonds on the back, and the other does not but rather has Green scales in a V pattern on the back of the... erm... wings? Whatever you want to call them. The paint job on them is different. How difficult/time consuming is it to effect the change? And then once the change is completed, could the new version be added using WCPEdit and just switched like with other ships?
well, right now WCP doesn't support the ability to swap textures so it's basically a "new" mesh. You'd create a new piranha with the new MAT and then the easiest way to swap them in and out is to replace the piranha.iff in the mesh folder. That assumes you don't need both versions in the same shot. If you did, you could simply rename the "scaled" piranha.iff unused existing fighter (there are about five flavors of Panther for example) and replace the associated.iff in the SHIPS directory ( so for example SO never uses the Kilrathi, so you could back up dralthi.iff and rename the piranha to dralthi.iff in the MESH folder, you'd also have to replace the dralthi.iff in SHIPS with a renamed version of the piranha ship file as well). you have to do it manually as the new models break WCPedit.
I don't really mind, since you do the Fed stuff anyway, and probably it would be better for you to texture it anyway, to avoid style differences.