Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this issue :). I still say a dll hook would be the way to fix this.

For those that may have forgot. The joystick z axis defaults to reverse of what it should be on every joystick i have ever tried. If I go to the options and click "reverse joystick" it will work correctly until I hit the shift key or pull the second joystick button, then it goes back to being reversed. I think most of us just disable rudder on the joystick and use the keyboard for rudder. But still it would be nice to fix
Yes that's exactly what I experience, I use the keyboard for rudder, but it sucks, I'm so used to the stick in the other games so my flying skills are limited in WCP.
They look different for me since I played the game a few years ago but I could be wrong, thanks for the headsup, did I miss an installer?, I've only installed one of the opengl setups after updating the high res patch, I also extracted the panther model update.
They look different for me since I played the game a few years ago but I could be wrong, thanks for the headsup, did I miss an installer?, I've only installed one of the opengl setups after updating the high res patch, I also extracted the panther model update.
When you installed the open/gl patch, did you check the "use fan made models" option?
I did try that one on SOP but it did not work for me, I have an older file, much smaller installer, it only gives 3 option to tick in the setup,

I can try the beta candidate for Prophecy but I already installed an older version? maybe I'll need to re-install completely.
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also, the new cockpits will be selectable options at install time, you can opt not to install them and keep the originals if you want.

Sorry to necro quote. I've not played through Prophecy for years and I decided your update pack would give me a great excuse to go through it again. But I wanted to wait for the cockpits to be done, without seeming lazy by not going back through this thread, did you make any progress on them?

Excellent work BTW, every time I see a news story about this on the front page makes me excited to play Prophecy with the refresh it deserves.
I get that screen yes and this is ver.1.4.1, I had 1.2.2 which works perfect but.

I have the retail cd's updated to high res, is it ok to use this one ?

I get this error.

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AMD RX 580, the game is working perfect with all other older updates / patches, when I install the 1.4.1 beta nothing, SOP also give same error with the Beta. When I'm revert back it works again as you can see on the screenshots both WCP and SOP, come on guys, I'm a wing nut like yours :cool:

is this a new or old model (SOP) ? because I set texture filtering to high the looks is fooling me...

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No that's the original Cerberus. Can you do me a favor? I think the issue is that you are using the retail version. I don't know if wcpunlimited works with that one. Can you uninstall both WCP and SO, then grab the full SO install (its legal) Here off the CIC and try rerunning the beta candidate installer? I tried it last night with my GOG version and it worked as intended for both WCP and SO.
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I've uninstalled both and re-installed SO with the beta openGL installer and the Panther zip files extracted, it works now, very strange, this installer on CIC is the one I have the only difference is I installed it from the SOP (root ) folder
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Interesting when I install the older OpenGL setup visuals update, the ships looks more warm and full, the Cerberus becomes more blue with a glow.