I managed to replace the Drengin with the Kilrathi. As proof, you see that Thrakhaths Image is selected
and not the "Custom Race" in upper right corner.
I also changed the Abbilities and the Technologies. I think this selection fits pretty good to the Kilrathi.
Some funny things that yoou may don't know, if you don't play this game:
EVERY Leader has Federalists as Politcal Party as default. So I THINK the AI is changing it itself, as you
can do it ingame during race selection.
Cedits to the Wing Commander Ecyclopedia on wcnes fot the Race description. I have selected the sentences
from there. I think they bring it to the point.
So there might be the question why I have replced the Drengisn and not another race? Well, In GalCiv2
every race has theor own AI. So if I would have replaced the Terran Alliance with the Kilrathi they
would react a bit "strange". So they would their goals in Economy and Science and even diplomacy.
and not in war.So we woul get REAL STRANGE Kilrathi.
Well, I also liked to Introduce the Terran Confederation-Race Modd to you. But for some unknown reason
some changes didn't work. As for example the colors (appearence), the Abbilities, Technology and
Race descripton. Well, you can edit colors and Abbilities in the game and the AI will also take if theyp lay as that race,
but you can't change Race description or the starting technologies ingame.
Well, a reason could be that the "Terran Alliance" is the only Race you cna play in the cmapaign mode.
But at least you should be able to edit the Race description.
As "Workarround" I may change the "Altarian Republic" to Terran Confederation.
This one is a truely a highlight. Firts contact with the Kilrathi Empire. It's sad that you can't hear
the Kilrathi-Theme. So I recommand I listen to it at the msuic-section of wcnews while watching this Image.
That what Thrakhath says is kind of "default alien language". So every Race says this if you meet them
before you have discovered the universaltranslator. I also tried to edit this sentence, but no clue where to find it.
Doesn't seem that it is in one of the *.xml-files.
So this is a picture what he says if you meet them with the universaltranslator-technology.
It's funny, but I edit this to one of Thrakahths known "Quotes". There are other Sentences in order to
randomize it. Means, in the next game he may say somethingh different during the "first contact".
But the other sentences fit to the Drengin as well as for the Drengin. Galatic Civilizations and Wing Commander
are 2 different games, but the Drengins and Kilrathi a such alike, that they almost could be cousins.
So this one is my "Kilrathi Homeworld Modd". My Map of the Galaxy of Wing Commander Prophecy
was source of Information. Unfortunatly there is no texture in the game that fits to Kilrah.
So this comes "closest". For mys personal taste I selected a wood/jungle Planet. This idea is very old and
has it's roots from a that story Shotglass tells you in Wing Commaner 1. About the Kilrathi hunting their prisoniers with
their own claws. So with the word "hunting" a picture of a forest/jungle like planet poped up when
I thought of Kilrah. I thought of a vegetation, like we know it from the moon "Endor" of the "Star Wars"-universe.
And a jungle/forest fits more to cats then such a "aste planet" like Kilrah is in Wing Commander 3.
And who of us knew how Kilrah looks like before playing Wing Commander 3?
Some of you who know GalCiv2 may have noticed that I removed the Moon arround Kilrah (formerly known
as Drengi). A fortunatly easy part of Editing Plantes and Systems.
You may also have noticed, that I have integrated the Planet "T'Mog".
Some of you may ask: "Why isn' there Mog and why are they not cycling arround each others?"
Well, this is not a Scientific- Galaxy- Simulation, this is still a game!
So planets and suns/stars are "only" rotating arround their own axes. Ony Moons are surrounding planets.
I maybe plan to create a custom Wing Commander map. So If anyone knows more about the plants in
Wing Commander he could help me. I need informations like: Is the planet inhabitable? How is the vegetation
(water-planet, desert-planet, "earth-like-planet",...) Also about it's sice. For example:
In Galciv2 Earth is 0.50 of the Star Sice. So this is a example how you measure planet-sices in this game.
You may now wonder how "big" this is. But as I sayed this is NOT a Scientific- Galaxy- Simulation.
So if you would take planets and Suns/stars with their correct sizes, It would make it impossible to play the game. I
So now what I have "done" from my modding goals:
1. "Kilrathi"- Race Modd (by replacing Drengins with Kilrathis) 100% done (for my taste)
2. "Terran Confederation" -Race Modd would say 80-90% done, but as I told you it has flaws.
I may reach 100? by taking another race then the "Terran Alliance" to be replaced.
3. "Kilrathi Homeworld" -Modd for my taste it's 100% done.
4. Replacing sound files. Well you can't hear them here
and it's my onw taste (of course). Would say 100% done.
Still to do:
1. Ship Modding (OMG!!!)
2. Videofile Modding (JESUS!!!)
"Maybe" to do:
Well guys, it's pretty weird. When I started to make an "Ingame Soundcheck" I strated a game with my Kilrathis vs. my "not 100%done" Terran Confederation. Afert first Conatact I checked up the stats. and here is wht it showed:
That's EXACTLY the description I wrote in, so why didn't it appear at the Race- Selection-Screen?