I poked through the XML files and noticed those, though I know better than to play with things like that since they're not one of my many talents . On a side note, I deleted my original upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0, then did a fresh install. The same bugs I noticed before are still present, I was kinda hoping it was something I didnt overwrite correctly the first time . That being said, you and the other modders that are making or have made quality projects deserve more praise for keeping this genre alive until someone creates another retail product worth playing.
Hmmmm, interesting idea and one I'll definately look into at some point.
Good lord, I remember in Homeworld when I played multiplayer, nothing pissed my oponents off more then the fact that I only had a small escort fleet and all the nebulas were filled with salvage corvettes. I built my fleet by stealing from my enemies and they HATED IT!
Conquest Frontier Wars was another little gaming nugget of goodness where you could capture enemy ships with marines. Nothing like stealing someones thunder by capturing all their heavy hitters and throwing them back at them or parade them in front of them till they do something stupid .
As commented earlier the ships broadsiding by choice is wierd, as it often stops carriers fighting at all.