Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

i haven't tested WC3 with the patch yet since i am neck deep into Fallout 4 again and Also i am back to playing Battlezone mods.
but i will download and test and see how it goes here since i use the joystick command lines for the KS patch
So here is something, create a shortcut and put -DEAD_ZONE=1 this is one of KS command lines for windows to set dead zones for joysticks
my t16000m FCS had no issues

Command-Line Parameters for Wing Commander 3 for Windows 95.
If you are experiencing performance problems or other technical difficulties with Wing Commander 3 for Windows 95, you may want to try using one or more of the available "Command-line" parameters for running the game. Since the game normally runs like any Windows 95 program, you will have to open an MS-DOS Prompt within Windows 95 to execute the command-line parameters. Click on START, on PROGRAMS and then on MS-DOS PROMPT. Change to the Wing Commander 3 directory on your hard drive (by typing CD\PROGRA~1\KILRAT~1\WC3). Type "WC3W " followed by one of the following switches:
Command-Line parameters:
-D This forces the hardware "double-buffering" to turn off. Can be helpful with video-related problems.
-NO_INTERLACE This disables the scanline "skipping" in the Wing Commander 3 movies.
-NO_SOUND Use this to disable Wing Commander 3's use of DirectSound.
-DEAD_ZONE= When you put a number between 0 and 3 after this switch, the joystick "dead zone" will be affected. Use "WC3W -DEAD_ZONE=1" to set up the joystick sensitivity to 'precise.' Use "WC3W -DEAD_ZONE=3" to widen the dead zone.

Also here is some screenshots since the patch uses reshade dxgi/dx10+ support out of box off a fallout 1 preset i had, and the effects removes the artifacts the videos has, though it is a bit dark due to autohdr config

WC3W 2024-05-14 23-49-44 original.jpgWC3W 2024-05-14 23-49-44.jpg
WC3W 2024-05-14 23-51-15 original.jpgWC3W 2024-05-14 23-51-15.jpg
WC3W 2024-05-14 23-53-29 original.jpgWC3W 2024-05-14 23-53-29.jpg
They're not confined to the joystick, the mouse has the same issue. I'm convinced it's simply a precision issue as rotation will step as you pass certain thresholds - and I did do some testing back in the day that showed it was better with low framerates (because the lower the framerate the larger the requested rotation per frame). Happy to be proved wrong ofcourse but I'm not optimistic.
I agree with you. It's just my process, trying to track stick position down to ship movement and understanding whats happening along the way.
In the mean time, if you want to drop the frame-rate: Open the "wc3w_en.ini" and under "[SPACE]" add the line "SPACE_REFRESH_RATE_HZ=24". Changing "24" to the frame-rate you want to try.
I was using this setting to increase the fps but you could easily go the other way. I actually thought I'd disabled this in code or I would have mentioned it earlier.

That said if you're playing around in there - the roll axis is too sensitive for me and needs a deadzone. Slightest touch of the stick and I start rolling.
Will do.

This all sounds amazing. I probably won't be able to give it a try myself immediately - does anyone have some screenshots of the high res gameplay handy for a news post? Thanks,
Thanks Chris, here are a few I put together, the first one is a comparison to show the difference.

Edit: You can probably ignore my shots, other people have done a better job :)


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Thanks. I tried the framerate adjust and it feels better.. but rotation speeds feel about 3 times as fast as in the DOS version. Takes about 4 seconds to do a full 360 in the DOS version
Hi Everyone

This does look beautiful, though I'm having a slight issue.

Has anyone else had a minced HUD?


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One thing that i noticed is that the ingame targeting UI is small now.
Wondered when someone would notice that. Unlike other HUD elements, the targeting rects and way point markers(white cross) are drawn in relation to the 3d space view. I do intend to fix that at some point, just be a bit of mucking about figuring out there position in relation to the scaled HUD.

This does look beautiful, though I'm having a slight issue.
That's unexpected... Couple of questions.
Any trouble elsewhere, or is this just happening in flight mode?
Have you installed any other mods or patches?
There is a log file "wc3w_en.log". Open that and look for any "Memory Mismatch" errors at the beginning of the file. If not look for any lines with the word "Failed" in it.
Wondered when someone would notice that. Unlike other HUD elements, the targeting rects and way point markers(white cross) are drawn in relation to the 3d space view. I do intend to fix that at some point, just be a bit of mucking about figuring out there position in relation to the scaled HUD.

That's unexpected... Couple of questions.
Any trouble elsewhere, or is this just happening in flight mode?
Have you installed any other mods or patches?
There is a log file "wc3w_en.log". Open that and look for any "Memory Mismatch" errors at the beginning of the file. If not look for any lines with the word "Failed" in it.
Hi Mash

It only seems to be happening in flight mode, everything else looks absolutely fine. I think the only mod would be WCW95.exe and it's associated files. I tried with a fresh install just to be on the safe side and it's the same.

I took a look at the log and the only fails I got were to do with Movie Branch Paths, no mention of a memory mismatch.

I will say I have an AMD graphics card which has often proven problematic for many a Wing Commander game.
Wondered when someone would notice that. Unlike other HUD elements, the targeting rects and way point markers(white cross) are drawn in relation to the 3d space view. I do intend to fix that at some point, just be a bit of mucking about figuring out there position in relation to the scaled HUD.

That's unexpected... Couple of questions.
Any trouble elsewhere, or is this just happening in flight mode?
Have you installed any other mods or patches?
There is a log file "wc3w_en.log". Open that and look for any "Memory Mismatch" errors at the beginning of the file. If not look for any lines with the word "Failed" in it.
making a external loader for mods wouldn't be bad, since movies pretty much works now.
high res reticles that are still on the game's parameters would do nicely if there is a path for it
Updated the patch: wc3w_en_v0.2.0

Added the ability to patch the game by loading separate game data files in place of files located in .tre archives. These should be placed in the "data" folder in your game directory. And have the same folder structure as the paths in "globals.iff".

@The Crank : Let me know if this fixes your minced HUD issue.

Still trying to get to the bottom of the controller movement issues. It's a tough nut to crack.
Hello, thank you for this great work. Just an indication in the installation procedure: I bought the GOG version yesterday and installed the patch + as recommended WC3 DOS to Windows Update Preps for Future Enhancement Pack. However, in the description it says "Optional: Install the DirectDraw Hack for smoother videos". What I did: So it overwrites the ddraw.dll file from the Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch. It took me a while to figure out why it wasn't working! It would be good to edit the message in this link:
Hello, I have another problem: I have to launch the game from WC3W.exe because it does not work from the launcher, so I do not have access to the options (essentially to adjust the difficulty which is by default far too easy, does anyone know where the file is to edit to tell the game to launch this in veteran mode?).
Hello, I have another problem: I have to launch the game from WC3W.exe because it does not work from the launcher, so I do not have access to the options (essentially to adjust the difficulty which is by default far too easy, does anyone know where the file is to edit to tell the game to launch this in veteran mode?).
You can use the "ALT"+"o" key combo when in flight mode to change various settings, including difficulty.
Also I made a note on the patches GitHub page to reduce confusion around DirectDraw_Hack. I have the Kilrathi Saga version and I haven't tested the "GOG"dos to win patch route yet. You should also check out the Wing Loader project, if you haven't already.
Great work! @Mash

I would add a third option to the cockpit view where there are no black bars on the left and right. this would allow you to add a cockpit-extension overlay with a handmade cockpit design after recording a video or maybe ingame?

I also changed the space framerate, which works fine! e.g. with 30fps 60fps or 120fps ... haven't seen any problems here, which problems do you mean for example?
The only thing that bothers me is the mouse speed, but that doesn't have much effect on the framerate. I tried the windows settings for mouse speed and it helped a bit or the gamepad is also a bit better than the mouse.
I have only installed your patch, or is there another patch that I should add on top for better controles?

Btw, I could made in the future also a videopack like ODVS , but like ODVS I'm also waiting for better AI tools and my time is limited at the moment.
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About time for a progress update.
I haven't been moving along with this as quickly as I would have liked. Apart from life in general getting in the way, there have been a few hurdles and setbacks.

I wanted to fix the strange behaviour when making small movements, where the ship would turn in the opposite direction and or get stuck completely. These issues are exacerbated at higher frame rates which is a pity as the game looks much better at a higher frame rate. I spent a fair amount of time finding where controller movement is processed into ship movement. And eventually discovered the function where most of this takes place. Unfortunately I didn't get much further on this. Movement is multiplied by the turn-rate of the ship and then by the time since the last draw, which gets smaller the higher the frame rate. It's then scaled down to some really small values before being manipulated in ways I don't really understand. The end result being that small movements get lost or turned into garbage. Anyway I've left this for now as to get on with other things, but do intend to come back to it at some point.

I'm currently working on overhauling controller/joystick configuration. I have a couple of motives here. First is to make it easy to set up axis and button actions and the second is to set things up to add force feedback support which I hope to add at a later date.
There are several ways to add joystick input, WC3 uses Windows Multimedia input as is. I played about with directinput, rawinput and xinput and had a mixture of all three going at one point which got complicated. I eventually settled on Windows Gaming Input, It was a bit of a pain to get working but once I figured it out things have been progressing.

Here's a pic of the external configure program as it currently is at the moment.

I still have a fair bit of work to do but it's coming along.

I would add a third option to the cockpit view where there are no black bars on the left and right.
OK , that should be easy enough to do.

I also changed the space framerate, which works fine! e.g. with 30fps 60fps or 120fps ... haven't seen any problems here, which problems do you mean for example?
The main problem are the issues with movement I mentioned above. Mouse control in the windows version of wc3 seems a bit wacky, it seem to let you turn faster than you should. Which may be why your not seeing these problems. Other things I've noticed are that the ship explosion/break up animations run to fast. Also AI ships seem to make less erratic movements at a higher frame rate. For example in the first mission, watch Hobs take off at 15fps than exit and do the same thing at 30fps or above and you will see what I mean.
This is awesome, thanks so much! I have these all applied with the HD movies also for my first playthrough ever of the game here so this is great!