Wing Commander: Hostile Frontier (Landreich campaign previews)

Looks nice. I'd recommend thumbnails for your next update. Just makes it easier to see everything.
The Landreich campaign will feature some new backgrounds made from pre-rendered skyboxes. I am trying to re-create the backgrounds as seen in some fan-made renderings.

This screenie tries to re-create the background as seen in this fan-made rendering.


  • screen0074.png
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I like the changes - the hornet looks great. I can't believe how dumb I was on the cat issue...:(
I can only see the Hornet. I like the colorstyle in more or less black&white/grey.
You might want to edit the specmap a little bit because it looks very shine at the moment.
Still a nice one.
I can barely see the other two images. Its loading them for a bit..then stop. I can't see whats one them. One is black and the other has something red on it but I see only a very small part of the image.
The Landreich roundels remind me of the emblems used on the aircraft of the fascist forces in the Spanish Civil War before WWII.
I can barely see the other two images. Its loading them for a bit..then stop. I can't see whats one them. One is black and the other has something red on it but I see only a very small part of the image.

The second image is a Scimitar with a landreich paint job.

The other one is a screenshot with the new starfield.

If you can't load them, try loading the images one by one in your browser. If it stops, just keep refreshing.
Mh today they where loading normaly...strange.
Anyway I like the Hornets painting. Maybe you could do the Scimitar in the same way?
Something I forgot to tell you about the storyline... The campaign will be split into three acts. Act 1 will take place before Project Goliath, Act 2 will take place during Project Goliath, Act 3 will take place after Project Goliath.

Next update will show off Andrew Carnegie.

Sorry about the long wait; I was banned, but quite a few things have been going on with the project.

1. I've begun work on the Andrew Carnegie model (attached)
2. I finally have some missions done
3. I finally have a working campaign plan, but it might change in the future.
4. I've been trying to wax Volition content, replacing it with stuff in the mediavps (User-made content.)
5. And some other things as well, including a new name for this project - Wing Commander: Hostile Frontier


  • Carnegie-new.png
    87 KB · Views: 202
I always got the impression the "Carnage" was just a giant block with engines attached.

I think you've got a good start just make sure to make it look like the thing is a giant factory and not just a giant transport.
I would suggest going in the exact opposite direction. A factory ship, it seems to me, should be like a factory - lots of elements joined together, with bits being added over time, some modules that get attached or detached as needed, and so on.
TCS Port Broughton-style? I can agree with that. However, I'd think the core would still be a massive block with engines on it. With lots of docking ports for the mining vehicles and shuttles, construction arms for moving plates coming out of the furnace, etc.

Either way it should look like a space factory...smoke stacks would be a plus as well :D
Building on the chassis I had earlier, the ship now has more dock ports, some attachments, and engines. It should look a lot more like a flying factory now.

- Added more details to the factory ship.
- Finally figured out how to make new shield icons. (This update is actually long overdue)
- Updates to the Hornet: Squadron logos now appear below the cockpit, and I added debris to the model. Thanks to a new COLLADA importer in PCS2, the conversion process is much quicker and much less buggy.

It does literally look like a regular 21st century factory is floating in space. I would try to take some creative liberties to make it looks more like something that would belong in space.
A factory in space isn't a terrible idea for a space factory, but yeah, it'd look a lot better with engine intakes, maybe a pelican-style bridge, that sort of thing... maybe a couple of sensor dishes.