Is scene index 65 supposed to play regardless of whether you win or lose or for one or the other?
IIRC, scene 65 is the losing endgame. The winning endgame should be 64. Thanks for your email, btw.
There are no cut scenes referenced in the CAMP file for SM1.5, except for the last scene played at the end
That's unfortunate. Because when watching HCl's extracted videos, there were lots of scenes that seem to support the storyline. I guess I'll have to watch the Let's Plays that are available for SWC to learn how they fit the gameflow... Or could anyone clarify?
It would be great to be able to add or modify cut scenes, but that means understanding the animation block; probably not a small undertaking.
HCl succeeded in encoding a cutscene already. It was for Academy, but IIRC it should be quite similar to WC1 and WC2, except for some palette issues. (here's the thread
I shot him an email yesterday in the evening whether he'd agree to sharing his tools.
Concerning the SNES intro:
I found out that by using ZSNES each single background-layer and the sprite layer can be enabled and disabled separately. (finding out means: I googled whether it is possible and found a Youtube video explaining it)
So even if we're not able to directly extract assets, we should be able to screen-capture each layer individually.
There's one bg-layer for the non-animated parts (eg bodies), another one for the animated (hands, mouths, ...), one for just displaying text and another one for displaying the background artwork. The sprite-layer is used for displaying the audience, (which I wouldn't include in a "converted" intro, imho)