Wing Commander 3- Mystery ships


Rear Admiral
This one has bugged me for quite a while. In the very first FMV of WC3, when Thrakhath's huge dreadnought flies towards Kilrah, it is accompanied by at least two smaller vessels on either side. If you watch very carefully, a small Kilrathi transport flies alongside the dreadnought with white engine glow, while another small vessel zooms by with red engine glow on the other side. I know the first of the two ships I mentioned is a class of transport, but what is the other ship?

This goes for a vessel I see in the opening cutscene for the Locanda missions. A strange-looking ship flies along the dreadnought's left side. It may very well be the same ship I mention from the intro, as these small ships seem to follow the dreadnought everywhere. Does anyone have a good image or know what I am talking about?
This one has bugged me for quite a while. In the very first FMV of WC3, when Thrakhath's huge dreadnought flies towards Kilrah, it is accompanied by at least two smaller vessels on either side. If you watch very carefully, a small Kilrathi transport flies alongside the dreadnought with white engine glow, while another small vessel zooms by with red engine glow on the other side. I know the first of the two ships I mentioned is a class of transport, but what is the other ship?

This goes for a vessel I see in the opening cutscene for the Locanda missions. A strange-looking ship flies along the dreadnought's left side. It may very well be the same ship I mention from the intro, as these small ships seem to follow the dreadnought everywhere. Does anyone have a good image or know what I am talking about?

The intro is definitely a transport (the triangle shaped version) on the right side; it looks like a light destroyer on the left side.

I'm pretty sure the ship in Locanda is the triangular transport again (from an odd angle); check out the Delius/Caliban establishing shot to see it more clearly.
There probably aren't any secret 3D models hidden in those scenes, if that helps - it's going to be ships we've seen before.
That does help. I always believed the second of the two ships was a light destroyer, but it was almost impossible to be certain.

Another question; What about the scenes of the Kilrathi fleet being assembled above Kilrah? There are a bunch of space stations we can't seem to get a clearer view of. Do we know anything about them?