Thx Q.
Still waiting for your tutorial
Well, about the size, it could always be enlarged, if you notice, WCP nebulas are just 256x256 pixels bitmaps. And they are nebulas in Tachyon.
Tough using material from other games might not be a good idea, i've been thinking that the creators of Tachyon, Novalogic (is that right?) may not be to happy about it...
Those textures do look good in tachyon, and as i sayd, im not sure how they would look in SO. And if thats used it might be a good idea to ask Novalogic permission.
But thats a decision you, Pedro, Thomas and the others should make, its not my position to make a decision like this.
Btw, sent an e-mail about the dauntless turrets.
And using that test mission you made, i noticed the bomber AI managed to take them out without problems, so i think its a case not to worry to much about the tree. But again, i'm happy the dauntless is on my side...none the panthers survived the attack.
An idea for a mission, if you would have to destroy one of those capships in UE:
First send just the fighters, then when turrets are about 70% or wathever destroyed, send in the bombers. Or make the bombers hold back at a safe distance, until its safer to go in...that would add some more strategy.
[Edited by KillerWave on 07-10-2001 at 04:24]