Who would you cast in a WC movie


Who would you like to see in a new WC movie, if there was one, other than the actors in the games? Also what would the plot be?

The One, The Only,
Well, Crazypants, I'd like to see an amalgamation of the plots of SM2: Crusade and WC2, but with Jazz as a Pilgrim instead of a Mandarin (for continuity with the real WC movie). I don't know who'd I want to be in the movie, so long as they fit their character.

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[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited June 14, 2000).]
First off, No Freddie prinze junior!!! He ruined the movie. Second, I think the First Wing Commander plot (including sm1 and 2), since the movie didn't really touch them. Clint Eastwood would have to be Iceman. Maniac could stay the same (he did ok). Angel would have to be french!!! Paladin would have to be Scottish too. I think Adrian Paul would make a good Paladin. Hunter would have to be that guy offa 10 things I hate about you (the aussie). The rest could be anyone (EXCEPT FREDDIE RINZE!!!)
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Adrian Paul as a good Scotsman?! Are you forgetting about Gabriel Byrne? And if he doesn't suit your needs...what's wrong with John Ryse-Davies himself?

[This message has been edited by Nohbody (edited June 14, 2000).]
Johh Rhys-Davies is too fat to fit in the cockpit of a fighter
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Give him a Galaxy to fly then.

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What`s the name of that guy from JAG? The one who plays Commander Rav, I think he`d make one hell of a WC2 Blair, don`t you think?
As for the others, let me think... Well, Denzel Washington as Knight
, and Iceman? yeah, I agree Clint would make a good Iceman, but I think he`s a wee bit too old to fly, no?
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....Angel would have to be french!!!...

[Hercule Poirot voice] No, she most definitely would have to be Belgian! [/Hercule Poirot voice]

Yolanda Gilot (Angel in WC3) would fit perfectly since she is from Belgium.

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<Amused> Well, if you want a WC2 Blair, Mad Hatter, you can hardly ask for Knight or Iceman, actually
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Mad Hatter said:
Denzel Washington as Knight
, and Iceman? yeah, I agree Clint would make a good Iceman, but I think he`s a wee bit too old to fly, no?

uhm... a while back I made the same treath called "WCM RECAST" and you all say the same things i said in here....

anyway (here's another thing i mentioned in my old tread)
HELLOOOO!!! paladin - Sean Connery! anyone?

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[This message has been edited by Twister (edited June 15, 2000).]
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Nighthawk said:
[Hercule Poirot voice] No, she most definitely would have to be Belgian! [/Hercule Poirot voice]

Ah, Hercules Poirot, portrayed by Wing Commander's David Suchet. It all ties together...

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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Quarto said:
<Amused> Well, if you want a WC2 Blair, Mad Hatter, you can hardly ask for Knight or Iceman, actually

Yeah, but that guy, whatever his name is, is a bit too old to play a pilot fresh out of the acadamy.
What`s wrong, btw, with the current Angel? where`s she from?
Also, I think Sean Connery also falls in the category of "too old to fly". I`m still thinking of someone who`d fit... maybe Sean Bean (played in Patriot Games as the Irish Terrorist, and in the Televised version of Bravo 2-0 as sgt. Andy McNab). He`s a bit young but you can always fix that.
Who`d play Spirit? suggestions anyone?
Oh, and Shotglass, I think Danny Glover would make a good one. lol.
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Hey, I think Danny Glover would make a good Shotglass!

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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The angel in the movie is a limey aka from britain. Kinda interesting actually, the accent is nothing like the french one, and yet she has a french name. Same with paladin in the movie. He has a french accent, and he's supposed to be scottish :P
It's not because someone's French (Belgian) that that person has to have an accent. Besides, how would we know if French wiil still be spoken in that part of my country in 600 years? Languages evolve. It may be French, but it could just as well be some sort of weird franglais.

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Yes, I suppose they did screw up the whole nationality concept in the movie. Wonder why...
So, how `bout the actress who played Nikita in the original movie for Angel?
Who`d be Halcyon?
Adrian Paul's the Highlander. Duncan McCleod from the highlander tv series. Dammit, I wish they'd continued that.

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Lord Hhallas said:
The angel in the movie is a limey aka from britain. Kinda interesting actually, the accent is nothing like the french one, and yet she has a french name. Same with paladin in the movie. He has a french accent, and he's supposed to be scottish :P

Yeah, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard, supposely French, is played by Patrick Stweart, who have a strong british accent. IIRC the only french words he ever said in ST:TNG is "merde!" (shit), once in each of the two first episodes
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