Bandit LOAF
Long Live the Confederation!
The war in Iraq went against the United Nations charter. The United States signed that charter, and although it cannot be enforced, by breaking a rule in that charter, countries can effectively break the law. It's not the law of the states, it's the law of the global community.
The UN charter doesn't prevent countries from going to war - you're confusing the preamble (lots of flowery stuff about how we should all lieve in peace) and the actual legal document. It has very specific requirements for how a war like the recent conflict in Iraq needs to be reported to the Security Council - but it absolutely does not say that signatories cannot wage war (no country in the world would agree to such a requirement).
As yes, according to the law of the nation, Clinton did commit and offense. But I know I would sleep better at night knowing my president was "working late" as opposed to.....well name any transgression the Bush administration has been involved with since their false election.
Again, I don't think you understand - the legal issue is not that he recieved a blowjob, it's that he lied to a grand jury. It's the same distinction you've failed to make with regards to Iraq - the president is within his legal right to have sex with whoever he wants... but he's not allowed to lie about it under oath.
Suspending the investigation on Enron
I'm not sure what this means - the investigation would be judicial in nature.
The patronizing and fear-inducing Patriot Act
All caps -- it's an acronym. I'm not personally familiar with anyone who's been patronized or fear-induced by it (off of college campuses, at least)... but that's how the US system of government works. Congress can pass any stupid law it wants - if it violates the constitution, the supreme court will negate it. If the USA PATRIOT act is two percent as insane as the internet would like us to think, the court will rule against it when it's challenged.
The mired-down bloodbath we call Gulf War 2
I don't especially like the idea of having to fight a war (I don't even think we need to be fighting a war), but the whole "ahh, this is so horrible!" crap is pretty stupid too - we have an all volunteer army, no one is forcing young men to go do their deaths.
Repartriating Saudi nationals after Sept. 11
The alienation of Muslims world-wide
Quoted together for irony.
Are you seriously claiming that George Bush is responsible for conflict with the middle east? He's the guy who happens to be president right now - the United States has been in conflict with Muslim nations for more than two hundred years (Tripoli!)
Oh, and I'm 24, so you can lay off the thought that anyone who is dissatisfied with the current state of affairs must be some easily-impressionable youth, as opposed to a informed pragmatic.
Age and capacity for reasonable thought do not go hand in hand.