Which PC game are you most looking forward to?

::nodnod:: Halo for the PC. Viper, I hate the big controllers, too, but there's the smaller ones (initially used in Japan, but now you can get 'em in the US at stores like Best Buy) that are much easier to handle.
Duke Nukem Forever, cause you look forward to it forever.:D
Actually, Sam N Max 2 and Half Life 2 are the big ones for me, other than Standoff of course.
Originally posted by Speradon
::nodnod:: Halo for the PC. Viper, I hate the big controllers, too, but there's the smaller ones (initially used in Japan, but now you can get 'em in the US at stores like Best Buy) that are much easier to handle.

At every store. They haven't even made the Large Controllers since last year.
I am looking forward for Doom III, I looked forward for Return to Castle Wolfenstein for so long, and it turned out awesome, i know ID won't let me down with the newest.
Bloodmoon, for Morrowind, and The Frozen Throne for Warcraft III.

Other than that, there's not much that's caught my attention lately.
Originally posted by Lynx
Yeah, Homeworld 2 looks really good. I remember the first part, which was really cool, especially the unearthly music tracks.

Ooh yeah. I liked it though. I never played Catalysm...how is it?
Cataclysm is like The Wrath of Khan to Homeworld's The Motion Picture, assuming that The Motion Picture is actually good in this case.
And the nice thing is that you can get Cataclysm for about ten bucks now. After discovering the pure joy that is Homeworld I had to get Cataclysm and convieniently found it at a local Gamestop.
The point about controller size should be irrelevant unless you're in the habbit of buying consoles with a number of exclusive quality titles that can be represented in binary using only a single bit. Its odd I was actually dumb enough to sell my PS2 for this, however having said that it was back when I thought I couldn't afford to upgrade and really wanted Doom 3.

My votes go on Doom 3, Half-Life 2 and Elite Force 2. Ok I really usually don't like FPS much at all but thats what the high profile titles are *shrugs*
I liked Cataclysm better than Homeworld, but, the silly man that I am, I had bought Cataclysm first, then managed to find Homeworld for $9.99 a number of months later.

So I was used to all the features in Cataclysm and it was weird with Homeworld being different and all... especially in regards to the tactical radar.

A few friends and I have been looking forward to Homeworld 2 for a very long time now.
Originally posted by Valor NR
Tried the demo yet?

Tryed it last night, it played so well!! can't wait to play the whole game!! For the Brits among us, you can pick it up with this month's PC Gamer!!

Also, saw the vidoes for SWG, JK3, Fire Warrior and of course Half-Life 2!! can't wait to get my hands on the full games!!
Originally posted by PilotWings01
I am looking forward for Doom III, I looked forward for Return to Castle Wolfenstein for so long, and it turned out awesome, i know ID won't let me down with the newest.

Same here, I loved Return to Castle Wolfenstein and im a big fan of the origonal and all those older 2D and 3D games (yes I still play them :) ). I've wanted to play a new Doom game for such a LONG tme. It would be nice if they did make a new one expanding the plots on both games.

I think it would of been a good idea thow if they sold the origonal versions of the remakes with them but thats just my idea.
Star Trek Elite Force II is one I have in mind...

as well Homeworld II.

But the one game I'm most anticipating of all is Deus Ex 2: The Invisible War.

The last game I anticipated so much (and was quite let down) was Freelancer. But what's done is done. In fact, compared to my expectations for Conquest: Frontier Wars, I wasn't so disappointed by CFW.

I'm going to pre-order DX2 after I buy all the WCs. I loved the first Deus Ex. I just loved how anything can happen in that game, although the sound effects were TERRIBLE.

Long live Warren Spector...........................and Chris Roberts!