Which movie did you like the most?

Which movie did you like the most?

  • LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • LOTR: The Two Towers

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Star Wars: The Phantom Menance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Spider Man

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Matrix

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Originally posted by Aries
and there are Star Wars fans out there. I'm one of them. it's just you put the two worst SW films against my two favorite films (LOTR) and there was no contest.

I don't see why people were so disheartened toward The Phantom Menace and yet jump for joy over Attack Of The Clones. I'm completely the opposite. Admittedly, they're not up-to-par with the originals, but anyone expecting that is a goose-stepper.
i wasn't expecting E1 and E2 to be better than the originals. they were great movies, but i just tell them as what they are...the 2 worst SW movies out there. and as for E1 and E2, i thought E1 was better than E2.
Originally posted by LeHah
I don't see why people were so disheartened toward The Phantom Menace and yet jump for joy over Attack Of The Clones. I'm completely the opposite. Admittedly, they're not up-to-par with the originals, but anyone expecting that is a goose-stepper.

Indeed. Ep1 was ok. Felt a bit strange and never came to the great originals, but I kinda like it. Darth Maul was awesome IMHO.
Ep2 is crap for me. Certainly worse then the WC movie. It could maybe survive on its own, but besides that it has the figures and names from StarWars it feels so unSWish.
EP2 is very good. It lacks a little on dialogue, but the rest is fine. GL is more worried with special effects than acting, but it's still a good movie.
Originally posted by Delance
EP2 is very good. It lacks a little on dialogue, but the rest is fine. GL is more worried with special effects than acting, but it's still a good movie.

No, thats not it (for me at least). TO name a few probs:
* For one the Jedi aren't portrayed as they used to be. Even under the deperate circumstances they should act more in control.
* The inevitable lasersword duel was very poor.
* The whole movie seemed like a lovestory and a warmovie glued together by force.
* Yoda was displayed strangely
* The scene where Yoda flies in with the "Battle Helicopter" only missed a soundtrack from Good Mornign Vietnam or similar movies. I mean that screamed "Hi, I am a cheap copy of an American war helicopter"
* Lots of smaller inconsistencies like the robotic arm Anakin got.
Originally posted by Aries
actually, if you want all the special features, buy both editions. i heard that the normal dvd had stuff that the special edition didn't

Yep, the Normal Fellowship DVD had all the trailers, and a number of Making of Feautres, one of which is the "Quest for the Ring"

I myself have both versions, and will do so again this year
Hm... Well, it was almost a tough choice between Fellowship and Phantom menace. And then I Remembered. *Hammers Fellowship-button*

I'm with cff about Clones, so I won't add anything just now.
Originally posted by cff
No, thats not it (for me at least). TO name a few probs:
* For one the Jedi aren't portrayed as they used to be. Even under the deperate circumstances they should act more in control.
* The inevitable lasersword duel was very poor.
* The whole movie seemed like a lovestory and a warmovie glued together by force.
* Yoda was displayed strangely
* The scene where Yoda flies in with the "Battle Helicopter" only missed a soundtrack from Good Mornign Vietnam or similar movies. I mean that screamed "Hi, I am a cheap copy of an American war helicopter"
* Lots of smaller inconsistencies like the robotic arm Anakin got.

Your totally missing the point here. These aren't the problems, the problem is you can't give two shits about characters without godd characterization.

Your mention of Yoda on the Republic Lander is also unfair. Screw "Good Morning Vietnam" since that stole it from "Apocalypse Now" which took it from countless hours of war footage from Nam. That kinda stuff will be recycled till the end of time since its effective.

There is no inconsistency with Anakin's arm. Luke hacks off the same robotic arm in ROTJ.
Originally posted by LeHah
There is no inconsistency with Anakin's arm. Luke hacks off the same robotic arm in ROTJ.

actually, there is an inconsistency. in AOTC, his arm gets hacked off. in ROTJ, just his hand, and when he pickes up the emperor and you can see his bones, you can clearly see that his arm is normal until just above the wrist, where his mechanical hand starts.
Incorrect. The close-up of Vader's severed hand shows nothing but circuitry and a few blood valves.
i'm not talking about the close up of his hand, i'm talking about when Vader lifts the Emperor up above his head and takes him over to the edge of the catwalk and then throws him over the side. when the electricity is going through him, you can clearly see that his arm is normal up to around his wrist. that is where his robotic hand starts. go watch it again if you don't believe me.
Originally posted by Aries
i'm not talking about the close up of his hand, i'm talking about when Vader lifts the Emperor up above his head and takes him over to the edge of the catwalk and then throws him over the side.

And I'm talking about the severed hand shot. Not only does mine show evidence in greater detail, one could also explain the 'bone' as that Vader's robotic arm was made to be as real as possible, not unlike Luke's.
ok, i'll go back and explain it again. in ATOC, he gets his arm cut off. in ROTJ, he gets his hand cut off. now, in ROTJ, when vader pickes up the emperor, he starts getting electricuted. when he throws the emperor over the side, the electricity is still passsing through him (showing his bones) so you can clearly see that his arm in a normal human arm, not robotic, up until about a couple inches above his wrist. then there is a big block (which indicates the starting point of his robotic hand), which stops when it gets to the point where luke chopped off his hand. now that says that vader only got his hand chopped off before, not his whole arm. all the close up proves is that he had a robotic hand.
Fair enough. However, I think it was more ill planning for details. The fact is that Anakin lost an apendage against Dooku and this was reflected, even incorrectly, in ROTJ. We didn't know if it was from Anakin's/Vader's subsequent (and only rumored) defeat over a lava pit.
I thought this was finished.

Anyway, who's to say the bones are not mechanical as well?
Originally posted by LeHah
Your totally missing the point here. These aren't the problems, the problem is you can't give two shits about characters without godd characterization.

You know I cannot miss the point. That is the beauty. I did never say these are widely accepted faults, but rather this was my personal list. You don't want to tell my you know me better then I do, do you? ;)
Sides SW isn't exactly a caracter driven series, even Lucas admits that.

Originally posted by LeHah
Your mention of Yoda on the Republic Lander is also unfair. Screw "Good Morning Vietnam" since that stole it from "Apocalypse Now" which took it from countless hours of war footage from Nam.

Whatever. I don't like that Vietnam movies all that much. Still that one was about as badly done as the submarines in space in the WC Movie.

Originally posted by LeHah

There is no inconsistency with Anakin's arm. Luke hacks off the same robotic arm in ROTJ.

Besides the stuff already mentione (arm vs hand) why did he get a robotic one? Luke at least got a flesh looking one. Plus there is all that cloning tech - why not grow an arm?!
Vader's Robotic Arm could have a Exo-Skelleton simular to a real arm and then have artifical skin crafted to it.